Data Structure and Algorithms Using C++. Sachi Nandan Mohanty

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Data Structure and Algorithms Using C++ - Sachi Nandan Mohanty

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      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Preface

      5  1 Introduction to Data Structure 1.1 Definition and Use of Data Structure 1.2 Types of Data Structure 1.3 Algorithm 1.4 Complexity of an Algorithm 1.5 Efficiency of an Algorithm 1.6 Asymptotic Notations 1.7 How to Determine Complexities 1.8 Questions

      6  2 Review of Concepts of ‘C++’ 2.1 Array 2.2 Function 2.3 Pointer 2.4 Structure 2.5 Questions

      7  3 Sparse Matrix 3.1 What is Sparse Matrix 3.2 Sparse Matrix Representations 3.3 Algorithm to Represent the Sparse Matrix 3.4 Programs Related to Sparse Matrix 3.5 Why to Use Sparse Matrix Instead of Simple Matrix? 3.6 Drawbacks of Sparse Matrix 3.7 Sparse Matrix and Machine Learning 3.8 Questions

      8  4 Concepts of Class 4.1 Introduction to CLASS 4.2 Access Specifiers in C++ 4.3 Declaration of Class 4.4 Some Manipulator Used In C++ 4.5 Defining the Member Functions Outside of the Class 4.6 Array of Objects 4.7 Pointer to Object 4.8 Inline Member Function 4.9 Friend Function 4.10 Static Data Member and Member Functions 4.11 Constructor and Destructor 4.12 Dynamic Memory Allocation 4.13 This Pointer 4.14 Class Within Class 4.15 Questions

      9  5 Stack 5.1 STACK 5.2 Operations Performed With STACK 5.3 ALGORITHMS 5.4 Applications of STACK 5.5 Programming Implementations of STACK 5.6 Questions

      10  6 Queue 6.1 Queue 6.2 Types of Queue 6.3 Linear Queue 6.4 Circular Queue 6.5 Double Ended Queue 6.6 Priority Queue 6.7 Programs 6.8 Questions

      11  7 Linked List 7.1 Why Use Linked List? 7.2 Types of Link List 7.3 Single Link List 7.4 Programs Related to Single Linked List 7.5 Double Link List 7.6 Programs on Double Linked List 7.7 Header Linked List 7.8 Circular Linked List 7.9 Application of Linked List 7.10 Garbage Collection and Compaction 7.11 Questions

      12  8 TREE 8.1 Tree Terminologies 8.2 Binary Tree 8.3 Representation of Binary Tree 8.4 Operations Performed With the Binary Tree 8.5 Traversing With Tree Скачать книгу