Data Structure and Algorithms Using C++. Sachi Nandan Mohanty

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Data Structure and Algorithms Using C++ - Sachi Nandan Mohanty

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Conversion of a Tree From Inorder and Preorder 8.7 Types of Binary Tree 8.8 Expression Tree 8.9 Binary Search Tree 8.10 Height Balanced Tree (AVL Tree) 8.11 Threaded Binary Tree 8.12 Heap Tree 8.13 Huffman Tree 8.14 Decision Tree 8.15 B-Tree 8.16 B + Tree 8.17 General Tree 8.18 Red–Black Tree 8.19 Questions

      13  9 Graph 9.1 Graph Terminologies 9.2 Representation of Graph 9.3 Traversal of Graph 9.4 Spanning Tree 9.5 Single Source Shortest Path 9.6 All Pair Shortest Path 9.7 Topological Sorting 9.8 Questions

      14  10 Searching and Sorting 10.1 Linear Search 10.2 Binary Search 10.3 Bubble Sort 10.4 Selection Sort 10.5 Insertion Sort 10.6 Merge Sort 10.7 Quick Sort 10.8 Radix Sort 10.9 Heap Sort 10.10 Questions

      15  11 Hashing 11.1 Hash Functions 11.2 Collisions 11.3 Collision Resolution Methods 11.4 Clustering 11.5 Questions

      16  Index

      17  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title page

      4  Copyright

      5  Preface

      6  Begin Reading

      7  Index

      8  End User License Agreement


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