The Fine Pearl. Julie Teariki-Tautea

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The Fine Pearl - Julie Teariki-Tautea

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still did not believe that he was the messiah, many other believers have already expected the messiah to come and when they had found out about Jesus and his teachings they knew that he was the messiah, they were excited and telling others about the messiah Christ who was with them. Daniel also prophesied that they will cut off his ministry here on earth. According to God’s plan and purpose and how it meant to be as how GOD intended it to be. God's plans and purpose started from the time of the first Adam mistake. God had it in his mind on what to do, and how he foretold his plans through his prophets, from different times and locations through the bible writers for his purpose and his will to be as accurately falling into his plans.

      The Promised Messiah - Jesus Christ is the Son of God: With this point, if we truly read the New Testament we will understand that Jesus never said he was God. He would refer to God as his father in heaven, he did not mention that he was God, but he was followed and look up to as the lord and master or teacher of the law, even in those days people would ask him where ever he goes, but then again; Jesus would ask them again who do they think I' am?. By asking them this question again because he wanted to make sure that they know and understood who he was. Jesus wanted us to know he is and what is yet to come that he is “Christ the Messiah” the “Son of God”. The bible tells us that there is only “One God” and God alone the everlasting God. Can we see clearly’ who Jesus is and why he came to this earth? This is truly important for us to know the truth about Jesus Christ and his role as the King of righteousness. We all know that GOD is Spirit and powerful and he will do what he will do, GOD sent his son to come down to earth to die for the world once and for all, to buy us back to God. Now understand that God never dies, and his Spirit and power will always exist from before the creation of the world and now and forever and ever and evermore. Just think if God died on the stake with those two thieves’ than God is dead finish no more God! But GOD existed even before the creation of the world. Jehovah God is alive and living and existing in Spirit and Power. The Almighty God has planed it and so he raised his Son Jesus back to life. According to his plan and purpose through his Son, to do his father's will. When Jesus was hanging on the stake with so much pain he cried out and said “My GOD, My GOD, why have you forsaken me? He cried to his Aba his father and his GOD.

      Does this mean that I am an antichrist no way! This word antichrist is for people who are doing things against what Jesus would have done out of God's love towards others, in compassion, truth, and righteousness. I believe in Jesus Christ the way, the truth, and the life leading us to our everlasting Jehovah God, Jesus Christ is the Son of the highest living God. He was with God even before the creation of the world. The heavenly angels are God’s Sons and they were created before the world was made they were with God, as well as his only begotten son Jesus Christ, who was beside God. God sent him to earth because he knows that he is his obedient Son to fulfill his word spoken throughout the bible. Don’t get me wrong here, but let the Holy Spirit of God teach us and correct us. We are to worship Jehovah LORD our Father in heaven and give him all our praises and thanksgiving. Remember the prayer Jesus thought in Matthew 6: 9, Jesus said this, then, how you should pray, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, yours will be done on earth as it is in heaven, we are not praying to Jesus Christ here but direct our prayers to God our Father in heaven. Jesus also thought us that when we pray we ask his father in heaven for anything in Jesus name the name of “Jesus Christ” at the end of our prayer, petition, or request. He showed us a prayer sample to pray to our father in heaven. Tell me how many of us have been praying to Jesus to help us, and then we end our prayers in Jesus' name? Jesus did not miss a prayer point here he lovingly thought us how to pray to our father in heaven. Matthew 6:9.

      Believing in the Scriptures: The Bible mentions that Jesus lived in heaven before he came to earth, When God created the heavens and the earth, God also created his many heavenly angles, as well as Jesus, was the archangel, who was his very own begotten son. “Then I was beside him as a master worker. I was the one he was especially fond of day by day; I rejoiced before him all the time; I rejoiced over his habitable earth, and I was especially fond of the Sons of men”. Proverbs. 8: 30-31. In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. ‘He’ was with God in the beginning. Meaning ‘Jesus’ was with God in the beginning. John. 1: 1-2. God spoke his word to become human through his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Jesus took upon himself fully human and fully God’s power in him. John wrote this gospel so that we truly believe that he truly was the Son of God, the word becomes flesh. Verse 14, God spoke his word through his messengers and prophets; the angel of God appeared to Joseph in a dream that his word becomes flesh in Christ Jesus. God is Spirit and his Spirit existed even before the creation of heaven and the earth. When God spoke through his Spirit and power everything came into living and existing. Through God’s Spirit and power, he transferred his son Jesus Christ from heaven to earth a fruit of a womb in a woman, through the earthly system to be born as a human through Mary. God Spirit and power works through Jesus the Son of God and all Christians through Jesus Christ to our everlasting life God. The bible teaches us that the Father is greater than the Son. Jesus himself said that the Father is greater than I. John 14: 28. Jesus did not compare himself equal with God, but that God is greater than him. Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3. Micah prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem and said that His origin was “from ancient times, from the days of long ago.” Micah 5:2, that means that Jesus was heavenly spiritual Son of God from the days of long ago. If we read further readings from John 3:13, Says; Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but the one who descended from heaven, the Son of man. For example, God would have said to Jesus my son you will be going down to earth since you are fond of the Sons of men on earth. Jesus was born as a human but return to heaven in a Spiritual being. While here on earth, his ministry of supernatural powers begins after his anointed baptism in the water.

      Jesus came from heaven to earth: Jesus' purpose was to do his father’s plans for the people of earth. Then, God sends Jesus his only son. It did not just happen overnight, but it was already in God’s plan. Jesus said “for I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me. John. 6: 38. Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples were murmuring about this, said to them. Does this stumble you? What, therefore, if you should see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before: John 6:61-62. Jesus was saying that he was in heaven before he came down to earth and he will ascend to heaven. Jesus did not say that he was God’ and he did not come to do his own will, but the will of him who sent him. That means that there is a superior God above him and that God was his father in heaven. Jesus's special role was to save people here on earth to have everlasting life with God; he came from heaven to earth to show the way to Jehovah our heavenly father. Jesus is God's only begotten son. Remember when Jesus had water baptizing? John did not doubt that Jesus was the Son of God. John 1:34, Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John. 14:6. Coming to know God through his son Jesus Christ leads us to everlasting life. This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. See what Jesus said “The only true God. John .17:3.

      A New Commandment: Jesus also showed us the way to treat others, I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this, all will know that you are my disciples if you have love among yourselves. Jesus is the perfect reflection of his Father that is why he said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also. God’s Holy Spirit and the power were at work through his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Jesus said to him: Even after I have been with you men for such a long time, Philip, have you not come to know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also. How is it you say, “Show us the Father? The four Bible books known as the Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell us so much about the life, activity, and personal qualities of Jesus Christ. Jesus was known as “Teacher” You address me as “Teacher” and “Lord,” and you are correct, for I am such. John. 13. 13. During his time of ministry, Jesus was preaching the good news of the Kingdom and healing all sorts of disease and every sort of infirmity among the people. Matthew. 4: 23. Now and then Jesus would bring his disciples focus back to God, Jesus, in turn, answered them and

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