What is This?. James Henry Bryant

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What is This? - James Henry Bryant

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      What is This?

      James Bryant

      Copyright © 2020 James Bryant

      All rights reserved

      First Edition


      320 Broad Street

      Red Bank, NJ 07701

      First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2020

      ISBN 978-1-64531-941-2 (Paperback)

      ISBN 978-1-64531-942-9 (Digital)

      Printed in the United States of America

      Table of Contents

       A Father’s Love

       The Real Reason for the Destruction of Sodom


       Love is for Real

       First Sin

       What’s Love Got To Do With It

       Grave Digger

       He did it for me

       Women Commissioned

       Slaying Giants

       Will we live again

       Interview with Murders

       How Will You Measure Up?


       Never lost my faith



       Off The Handle

       Clean up on isle seven

       The Yoke of Bondage

       Leper Unclean


       There is a Spirit in the water

       Miracle Highway

       A Change of Clothes

       Wrestling for Freedom

       Trouble in the way

       Showers of Blessing

       Taking It To The Streets

       Taking it to the Streets

       Without Permission

       When we Pray

       The Lord Is

       Jesus’s Biblical Description

       Real Thing

       The Abraham/Isaac Factor


      I dedicate this book first to GOD, Arlivia Potter, Carrie Mae, Joseph Jr., Willie James, Carolyn, Liddiah, Timothy, Spain, and Seconds and my daughter, Mellica Magdelina (Black and Philapino) Also to my Best Friends, LaQuan Parker, Tony Estrella, Neil Sharp, and prisoners all over the world and especially those who read my book and criticize my book and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for without you and your honest opinions this book would not exists.

      A Father’s Love

      There are many lessons, poems, teachings, songs eccettra about a Mother’s love, but not so many of a father’s Love. In today’s lesson we turn to Luke, chapter Fifteen, verses eleven through thirty-two, King James revised version translated out of the original tounge around 1611 by permission of King James of England. In this lesson Christ tells the story of a young man who wanted to venture out on his own, You ‘Know how us Kids are or even how we were when we thought we were grown and couldn’t wait to leave the nest.

      In verse eleven it reads “And Jesus said, A certain man (Notice no Name is given) had two sons, (again no name is given) so since no woman is mentioned, it is assumed that this man with no name is a single Father, who is doing his best to raise two boys, so being a single dad is nothing new as Ecclesiastes three, fifteen states, “That which has been is now; and that which is to be has already been; and God requires that which is past. “so nothing new.

      Verse twelve reads, And the younger of the two boys said to his father, Dad give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. In other words, that trust account you set aside for me when I reach a certain age, or that Social Security allotment or Government allotment, you been putting in year after year, month after month, I want that. Apparently the Father didn’t question or haggle the boy because the verse continues by saying and the Father divided unto them (I’m assuming both boys by the word them, only giving the younger his portion and letting the older sons stay put.

      Verse thirteen tell us, “And not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country. It seems after the father had given the boy his portion or trust that it was burning a hole in his pockets, he couldn’t wait to spend it, do you know what I’m talking about? You good folks don’t

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