What is This?. James Henry Bryant

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What is This? - James Henry Bryant

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they called unto Lot and said unto him. Where

      are the men which came in unto you this night, bring them

      out unto us, that we may kill them.” and Lot went out

      at the door unto them and shut the door after him, and

      said, I pray [beg] you brothers do not so wickedly.

      Remember I told you earlier there were city ordinance that disallowed any strangers from entering the homes of the people of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zebrim, or it would invoke the death penalty on the strangers who entered the residence. These were city vigilantes. Notice in Genesis 19 verse 4

      “Before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men

      of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young

      all the people from every quarter.”

      That’s a hanging mob of men women and children, not just men, what they wanted the women and children to watch them sodomize the men? What kind of sense does that make? That would be just sick.

      Now for you hard ballers who are asking there why did each offer their women? First of all, if these were truly homosexuals, would they have accepted women instead of the men? or when do homosexuals cohabitate with females? a homosexual would not have settled for the female offer. you know that’s right. so why offer the females?

      In cities where outright adultery was the norm and a way of worship of idols, a quick way to get a lynch mob mind off killing is to transfer it on pleasure, in Lot’s case, his daughters were virgins and in the old man’s case, his wife was used to death, no homosexual would have enjoyed a moment of heterosexual sex with a woman like the passage states. These are the facts as you know them, whether you accept them or not is totally up to you.

      You that are so set against homosexuality or such lifestyles, let me ask of you this question: “What era did Jesus live in while on Earth?” Answer: the Roman/Greek era!

      What type of sex was going on then amongst the people in the Roman/Greek era? Answer: Outright homosexuality/lesbianism!

      Can you show me anywhere in the four gospels where Jesus the Son of the living God ever taught against it or spoke on it or confirm what Moses or Paul wrote about it? I haven’t found it, if you have in the original or Old Translation show me. These new translations are liable to have anything therein, like carnality/sexual immorality. show me in the original or old text that I’m wrong.

      Thus concludes this teaching of Why God Really Destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zebrim, God bless you with new understanding and enlightenment.


      There was and old dog, not really that old who lived on a farm, it could be any farm, anywhere, the dog name was “Determination” he was given this name because he wasn’t the kind of dog that would give up or give out, even from the first day he was dropped into this world. Whatever he got into, that old dog was determine to finish it or get it.

      On that same farm was and old fox that would cause Determination to light out after him each time he saw him, he’d give chase, almost close but never able to catch, that old fox even after that fox had escaped the old hen house, usually when Determination heard them Birds, he knew that old fox was in or near or around that house and take off running over there and that old fox come out of that hen house like lightning being chased by Determination. It was Determinations goal to get that fox if it was the last thing he did.

      One day while Determination was slumpering in the sun he saw that old fox running from the hen house, and took out after it, that fox cut this way, that way and old determinations running right on his heel, Determination knew without a doubt he’d have that old fox this day, he could feel it, and became excited about the prospect of finally getting that old fox out of his hair and away from the chickens at last.

      That fox cut this way and that way and finally leap over a hidden hole, which Determination didn’t see because of the single mindness of the chase, he ran right in the hole and fell some six feet deep, knocking the wind from his lungs and dizzy. By and by he came to himself and began to assess his situation, which didn’t look all that good.

      Determination jumped up at the top of the hole trying to get out but didn’t have enough momentum to accomplish the task. He did this several times before he noticed that every time he jumped and try to get his claws into the edge for support to cling and pull out he’d fall back down, but dirt would also come from the side back down in the hole, so he reasoned that if he continued to jump and pull dirt down in the hole, he could eventually pack it under him and cause him to slowly rise to a point of advantage for escape. This he did, he’d jump for the opening, and pull dirt down in the hole, he’d then turn around packing the loose dirt under his feet, Determination wasn’t aware how long it took him or just when it occurred but after a while the dirt under him begun to rise higher and higher until at last, he was able to escape his imprisonment, but the fox was gone.

      Using this illustration are you as determine to achieve those things you strive for in life, or are you one of those who fall down at the sound of the bell?

      I’ve always been a person that when I set my mind to something, I want completion, success, closure, the finished product, I don’t like to start something and not finish it. Where there is a will, there is always a way.

      You see we getting to chasing an idea, situation or circumstance and just as soon as the slightest problem arise, we’re done with it. It’s to much too handle, too big of a problem, we can’t get out of that hole. If that’s your mindset then you won’t get out of that hole, situation, circumstance or place. You’ll rot there, giving up without a fight. Is this you?

      Yet when we get problems that seem to throw us in a hole, captivity, or whatever, do we stop to analyse, access, study the situation problem, circumstance seeking solutions, methods for ways out? Do we even pray and ask the Father who knows you have need of all those things [Matt.6:32] shut down, enter your secret closet, pray to your Father who hears and sees in secret will reward you openly [vrs.6] by seeking the answer from God first for a solution to your problem, situation, circumstances and his righteousness, allows all these things to be given to you [Matt.6:33] concentrate, meditate, invision, wrap your mind around the problem and a solution is always forth coming.

      Whatever hole you’re in, there’s always a way out, it may seem otherwise when we are in the midst of the problem, situation, circumstance, it may seem like we’ve hit rock bottom and get the breath knocked out of us, or dizzy unable to stand or support our selves, it may seem like all is bad, but stop look around there a way out of your mess, problem, situation, circumstance. You must jump up over the mess, jump up over the problem, jump up over the situation, jump up over the circumstance, bring the mess down under your feet, bring the problem down under your feet, bring the circumstance down under your feet and stomp on them, stomp on them, as you begin to pack your problems under you feet, you begin to rise higher and higher over the situation, circumstance, problem, difficulties, imprisonment. All of a sudden you are able to jump out of your mess, problem situation, circumstance, imprisonment, because your all has sent help to your rescue.

      You must pull down those problems, pull down these messes, pull down those situations, pull down those circumstance and get total control over them, walk on them, no stomp on them, stomp them out of existence. Be an overcomer. Be an achiever.

      You can overcome any trap, you can overcome any mess, you can overcome any situation, you can overcome any circumstance, you can overcome any drug use, you can overcome any addiction, you can overcome any life defeats by seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all those things will be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for romorrow: for the morrow will take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil there of. [Matthew.6:33–34]

      Ask and it will be given you, search and you’ll find, knock, and it will come clear, for everyone that ask, receives, searches, finds, knock, understands [Matthew.7:7–8] be and overcomer, jump out of your hole, jump out of your problem, jump out of your

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