What is This?. James Henry Bryant

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What is This? - James Henry Bryant

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on top of them as the victor you are. You won’t lose with the stuff you use. Rise above anything that may come against you and declare yourself a victor over the mess you were in your Father in heaven gives good things to them that ask him. Be determine

      There’s no failure in God, only in us, who do not believe. Whatever mess you are in right now yell out I’m determine to win I’m determine to win, I’m determine to win. Praise God!!! I’m not a loser.

      Love is for Real

      Approximately 2:15 a.m. a Mother in a Philadelphia hospital in the throes of delivering a child in the delivery room on the maternity ward.

      After the doctor had successfully extracted the baby and cut the umbilical cord, the doctor exclaim it was a boy child. Upon examining the child, the doctor saw that the child was missing his right hand and part of his forearm, also he was missing his left foot and his left leg up to his knee cap, he also was missing his right ear but had one ear canal, other than that, it was healthy.

      The mother asked to see the baby, but the doctor stated that maybe that wasn’t such a good idea, and maybe the Mother would rather put it to sleep, meaning? The nurse even tried to persuade the Mother this might be the best option. The Mother again demanded to see her baby. The Doctor relented and the baby was given to the Mother, after receiving, examining, the baby, the Mother yelled out oh what a beautiful baby, you’re something beautiful, I’ll call you “Emmanuel”.

      A residential nurse inquired if this was the Mother’s first child, the Mother answered: no! this is my eighth, I have seven other beautiful children and this one is the best of all.

      Couple days later that Mother carried Emmanuel home, to his family, the Mother didn’t allow anyone to cater to Emmanuel or give him special consideration, he was told he could do anything any other could do, if not better.

      On Emmanuel first day of preschool, another kid around Emmanuel age asked him what happened to his right hand, arm and left leg and ear. Emmanuel replied, God didn’t think I needed them.

      Emmanuel excelled in school, scoring A’s grade’s with a couple of B’s, he became and exceptional cook, and cleaner as he grew he become the class president in Junior and high school. He graduated and went on to Temple University to major in Theology and music. At the age of 10 Emmanuel had taken up playing, the saxophone with precision, he could make it talk, that when you heard him you’d stop what you were doing to listen to the beauty of the music.

      Emmanuel despite his missing parts was a very handsome Youngman, and even though many young women chase after him he only gave his heart to Arlivia, who he had befriended in second grade she played saxophone also together they made beautiful music as well as a beautiful couple, they were eventually married, after college, she became a nurse practitioner, he became a minister, but also open several business of culinary eatery’s, was very successful

      One day when Emmanuel and Arlivia were about 35 years of age they receive a call to come home, his Mother was in the hospital after having a heart attack requesting to see him and all of her children. When he arrives at the hospital, his Mother was propped up with pillows in the bed. As Arlivia and he entered his Mother said, Emmanuel, my most beautiful baby and Arlivia his love. The Mother died that night and arrangements were made for the awake and funeral, of many family members, friend, and associates were in attendance, in the open door mission Fire Baptized Holiness Church.

      Emmanuel was asked to officiate the service. He began by thanking all in attendance, and continued by saying many of you looking at me today, don’t know that I only have part of a leg and foot, or part of a hand and a arm, even though you can see an ear missing, these are artificial supplements that able me to appear normal and whole before you, but I was born without a right hand or forearm, or a left leg and foot the doctors wanted to abort me, but this special woman, this child of God, saw me as normal as beautiful as someone special, she yelled out oh my beautiful baby, I’ll name you Emmanuel “,meaning God with us. Is that something? She didn’t cut me no brakes wouldn’t hear anything about cripple or handicap, her words always encouraging me that I could do it, she whips me just like the others, she believed in me, she wanted me, she loved me, she fed, clothed, taught me, she instilled Godly values in me, that led me to Ministorrial school she never let me give up or give out and as I stand before you today let me sing my version of this song on behalf of my Mother so that you might understand where I’m coming from: something beautiful, something good all my confusions, she understood all I had to offer her was misery and strive, but she made something beautiful of my life. She made something beautiful of my life. [the Choir began to sing] Emmanuel concluded by reading from Isaiah 54:13 and all thy children will be taught of the Lord; and great will be the peace of your children. For the mountain’s will depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness will not depart from you, neither will the covenant of my peace be removed, Saith the Lord, that has mercy on you.

      [Choir] all I had to offer you was misery and strive, she made something beautiful of my life, she made something beautiful of my life

      Thank you mother

      No matter who you are today, or what condition, circumstance or situation you maybe in right now, whatever mood you may be in, there’s a woman’s Mother that loves you very much, it may not seem like it but even though she might be an alcoholic, drug user, prisoner, thief, murder, teacher, nurse, police, soldier, congresswoman, doctor, lawyer, she is still your mother, who loved you enough to carry you for the full cycle, she had the option to abort, discard, or put you up for adoption, but she chose to keep you, raise you, feed you, clothed you, as the best Mother she could be many of them, didn’t have a man to help them, but they did the best they could. Even though you may feel negativity towards her and her lifestyle and what she’s become now, you may even feel ashamed of her, but remember you are here because of her choice. This is love for real.

      First Sin

      If you don’t have a Bible, translated from the original tounge, or the King James, old English, and if you don’t possess an open mind then continue on pass this lesson. Remember a lot of the Bible is given to us with hidden agendas, and meanings, that only the Holy Spirit can give us the true interpretation thereof, which happened for me as I Questioned, fussed and prayed to come by what I am about to reveal here in this lesson. My strongest opposition will be those old Christians, or those who think their guided by the Holy Spirit, but: Anyway.

      For years, like you I was taught and I heard and I learned that because Satan got Eve to eat of an apple, and Eve got Adam to eat of the apple, God got angry and separated himself from mankind until Christ came back to put things in order. Is that about how you heard, or was taught you too?

      You see something about that just never set right with me, I could not see or understand a God who said: Look, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face at all the earth, and EVERY TREE, in the which is the Fruit of A TREE yielding seed: TO YOU IT WILL BE FOR MEAT. [Genesis 1:29] And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow Every Tree that is pleasant to the sight, and GOOD FOR FOOD. [Genesis 2:9]

      Then why condemn man for eating an Apple which grows on a tree, that yield seeds for more Apple Trees, classified as herbal Meat, Good Food, as we heard, an Apple a day, keeps the doctor away, because an apple Keeps you regular, stifle constipation, non-Fatting, very nutritious, with lots of vitamins, can you see my chaos with this explanation given to us as the Sin which drove God away from us. Weak. Something just not right about that explanation. It didn’t set right with my simple mind. This wasn’t in the characteristic of the God I worship and adored. I wrestled with this until I was age nineteen, when I did as I was taught by my Grandmother, when in doubt, ask God, believing He will provide an answer. I fasted and prayed for God to give me not only the answer but the interpretation therefor. Early one morning. I believe it was about 2:am, after he had given me the answer, He woke me out of my sleep with praise. Here is how the Holy Spirit taught me and Now I pass that teaching on to you, are you open, are you empty of old teachings do you want this new Knowledge from on high.? Genesis 3:1 says: Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast at the field which the Lord God had made. And” He” (stop)


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