What is This?. James Henry Bryant
Читать онлайн книгу.the Mother of Ishmael, the Mistress of Abraham and the Mother of a great nation, having twelve princes there of [Genesis 17:20] conceiving Ishmael a Wild man, opposition to every man, and every man against him, but living in the presence of all his brethren. [Gen. 16:12]
Sarah, Abraham’s wife, the Mother of Nations; Kings of people was of her. [Gen.17:16]
Rebekah, wife of Isaac, Mother of thousands of millions. [Gen. 24:60] the Mother of Jacob and Esau [gen. 25:20–26]
Miriam, Prophetess, sister of Moses and Aaron [Exodus 15:20]
Rahab, a prostitute in Jericho [Josh 2:1] hid the spies of Joshua from the king of Jericho [vs.4] with the stalks of fax on the roof [vs.6] misdirected the king’s troops away from Joshua’s men which cause her and her whole household to be saved of the downfall of Jericho [Josh 6:25]
Deborha, a prophetess and Judge in Israel, wife of Lapidoth, who prophesied that Israel would be deliver by the hand of woman’s from the infamous Sisera, a captain at the Canaan Army [Judges 4: 2, 4, 9]
Jael, the wife of Heber who took a nail at the tent, and a hammer, snuck up on Sisera, whom she had given shelter, while he slept, hammered the nail through his temple into the ground to deliver the Isralites from the oppression of the Canaanites [Judges 4: 15–24]
Delilah, a woman of the valley of Sorek, dominated by the philistines, [Judges 16:4] was wife of Samson, she betrayed into captivity of her people for money [vs.18–21] a vile money hungry vixen.
Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, the Mother of Samuel, who gave him back to the Lord in honoring her vow [I Samuel 1:11,20]
Michal, the daughter of Israel King Saul, the wife of king David second King of Israel. Michal because of her mockery of David’s dancing before the Lord die childless. [I Sam.19:11 and
Abigal wife of Nabal [I Sam.25:14] who interceded and stopped David from a slaughter of everyone in that household [verses 18–35] after the death of her husband she became one of the wife’s of David [vs.40] Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah a soldier of King David [2 sam.11:3] committed Adultery with David and was in pregnated [vs.5] David had Bathsheba husband Uriah murdered in battle [vs.27] Bathsheba was also the Mother of King Soloman [1 kings 1:11] Tamar, the daughter of David, was raped and discarded by her brother Amnon
[2 samuel.13] Sheba, Queen of Egypt who came unto king Soloman and searched him with hard questions. I King 10: brought him money and gifts. she was taken with him, she wrote the book of Soloman. [Soloman 1:5–6] a black woman. Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal, King of the Zidanians, worshippers of baal, [1 Kings 16:31] Was the wife to king Ahab. Jezebel threaten the life of the prophet Elijah [1 kings 19:2] she had Nabath Killed where her husband could take possession of his land [1 Kings 21:1–16] she was without doubt a conniving evil vexion insomuch she was tossed out the window by three eunuchs, the dogs ate her flesh as the prophet Elijah had said [2 Kings 9:30–37] Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, destroyed all the royal seed where she could become Queen, seven years later she was assassinated and all the people rejoiced [2 Kings 11] Esther, Queen that reigned from India to Ethiopia and a hundred and seven and twenty provinces, she shared the throne with King Ahasuerus [Esther 1:1–3] they were the power of Persia and Media. [vs.3] [Esther 2:17] she was instrumental in the arrest and execution of Bigthan and Teresh who wanted to kill the King also Haman, who wanted to execute all jews from the face of the earth [Esther 3:13] of which Esther was [Esther 4:12–17] Elisabeth, the daughter of Aaron, the wife of Zacharias a priest and the Mother of John the Baptist, Cousin of Mary the Mother of Jesus [Luke 1:1,13,36] Anna, a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher [LK 2:36] 7 widow stayed in the temple served God with prayer and fasting night and day [vs.37] under the influence of the holy ghost worship, testified and gave thank to the child Jesus in the temple [vs.38]
There are many unnamed women in the bible that were commissioned to do great services, offering, sacrifice for the Lord, I have only named a few and not all these were in the employment of God our Father, but yet commissioned to do the works of the God. But now getting to my point of this teaching is that Paul in First Corinthians 14:34 “Let your women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. I can’t agree with this when I read on the day of resurrection that Jesus met only the women that held him by his feet and worshipped him and HE ordained and commissioned them saying unto them “Go tell My brethren that they go into Galilee, and there will they see me and over in Mark 16:6–9 when the Angels ordered the Women in verse seven” Go your way, TELL his disciples and Peter” and in verse nine, it tells us Jesus first appeared to Marry Magdalene. And in Luke 24:10 The women are listed as Mary Magdalene, Joanna, May the Mother of James and other women, which told these things to the apostals after they were ordained by the Angels and Christ, this is confirmed in John 20,17 When Jesus told Mary “Go to my brethren and say unto them.”
That was a woman that was heartbroken who loved God, who he told to “Go Tell” He sent her with a message, she was ordained by God, she was commissioned to do His will. Not one man was there, at no time prior to the walk on the road or the couple appearance in the upper room did he shown himself to the men, who he commissioned and ordained secondly, on that resurrection day he didn’t tell those women to be quite, shut up, cause it’s in obedience to the law, no he commissioned them to go tell, and at such a glorious event I’m quite sure they Shouted “HE IS RISEN”” OUR LORD IS RISEN” HE’S ALIVE” FOREVER MORE.
This is the word of God teach, Preach, served as God Has Commissioned, ordain and instructed us, These are Christ Instructions “GO TELL.”
Paul was out of order.
Slaying Giants
In Genesis 6:4 we read: “There were giants in the earth in those day; and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughter of men, and they bared children of them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. ““And there we saw the giants the sons of Anak, which come of the giants; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” [Numbers 13:33] “That also was accounted a land of giants: giants lived therein in old times; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummins;” [Deuteronomy 2:20] “And the coast of Og King of Bashan, which was of the remainder of the giants, that lived at Ashtaroth and at Edrel.” [Joshua 12:4] In these scripture readings we establish that Giants did indeed exist, having children of normal women, who gave birth to these giants, off springs who themselves became mighty men, of renown abilities and height. The children of Israd stated they were as grasshopper compared to the Anak people, and the Ammonites Labelled them as Zam-Zum-mins, whatever that means, I honestly don’t Know, if you do please enlighten me.
Now let me switch, a bit, in this lesson giant or giants is use as any large obstacle, burden, problem, situation, circumstance that seem so insurmountable—your anxiety, fear, depression, worry, such as you may be in a situation at home with your parent or parents, that it seems to you they just don’t get it, causing you to act out rebel act the downright fool, run away, feel contempt, hatred, even that you’re not love. This has become a giant in your life, that’s really stressing you out. Or Maybe on the Job situation with a coworker or your boss may have arised as an insurmountable Giant in your life causing a lot of unnecessary drama within your employment, seems like you’re on the verge of being fired or let go, what are you to do? It may be a situation with your wife or husband that started as a little thing, mistake, or something you did or didn’t do, a word or statement out of place, you might have forgot the time, date or place of something they thought was important, or forgot to pick them up eccettra, causing these or this giant problem, situation or circumstance in your life, dominatingly, over bearing in your relationship. This is a giant.
You may be having problems with the in laws, friends or associates allowing the giants of the land to challenge your very existence, even financially giants come as debts, mortgages, unpaid loans, insufficient credit, short at the check-out counter and having to put items needed back, the unruly toller, or nagging adolescent, the problematical vehicle with a different problem every time you turn around, In and out of lock up, trouble with the law. These are Giants in the land, trying to control your life