What is This?. James Henry Bryant

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What is This? - James Henry Bryant

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      I thought we were supposed to forgive and forget, and move on past those graves and tombstones, but that not the way gravediggers work, they have a job to do, we might say its nagging, or harping on the same issue or taking out old garbage, the Constance reoccurrence of these suppose forgotten issues, mistakes, acts of negligence, the missing of some important date or engagement, forgetting to pick up so and so, or the grocery, drop off so and so, do so and so, go to so-and-so. If it isn’t one thing its another being brought up by the gravediggers in our lives, I thought the word said if it was dead or a dead issue, like we claim it is, as Psalms 6:5 reads “for in death,”

      ‘That mean put away, it’s done with, over, caput, we are finished with it, it’s dead, a dead issue: “there is no remembrance”,

      But this don’t seem to be the case for gravedigger, they excellent if not selective memory in excavation, and expect us to be grateful for their total and absolute recall. “in the grave who will give you thanks”.? The dead who no longer exist to praise? The way these grave diggers throw these accusations back at us is as the graves were opened and many bodies arose [Matthew 27:52] “and the graves were opened”. And came out of the graves”. [vs.53 in port]

      By the gravedigger seal it seems as a great verbal earth quake occurs, and rocks are split open into stone of pebbles, “the earth did quake and the rocks rent:” [vs.51]

      The gravedigger once in action are so forceful in their destructive zeal to berate, castrate, belittle, instigate, revive the dead and bring back those things that are supposed to be left buried by their own word, it is dead and: “the dead know not anything, neither have they anymore reward; the memory of them is forgotten. [Eccl. 9:5] for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave”.

      So why can’t the gravediggers let sleeping dog lie, nothing exists if we say its forgotten, then why do we keep digging it up, every difference of opinion every argument, every chance to vex or hurt, belittle, connive, chartist, banner, beat, twist and arm, get our way, total selfishness, you’re out of control. Gravedigger.

      I know we don’t have any Christians like that. Do we? Yeah, right, all have sinned. [Romans 3:23] we need to take the victory back from the gravedigger and return it to the grave under these circumstances “o grave, where is your victory?” [I Cor.15:55]

      You can have the victory over being a gravedigger, if this is you or you know someone who you consider to be a gravedigger and you’re tired of slinging filth around, tired of hurting others, tired of being the whip that lashes out on people, now is your time for change. Now is the time of your deliverance, at this very moment God can take the stinger away from you that you are using on others and change you into a true love magnet, for to be a gravedigger is to be outside the love of God. Who said: “Judge not” “condemn not” love your neighbor as yourself would you want your neighbor doing what you do others, now is the time to jump out of the employment of grave digging, come out of the cemetery, come out from among the tombstones, come to Jesus who truly loves you, right now he want to give you true change. Will you pray with me: Father, I no longer want to be a digger of graves, I want complete change of how I handle my fellow people, I want to be used by you in a way that honors you and not me, Lord, I thank you for this, make me in your love, life as your servant, forgive me for anyone my gravediggering has hurt in anyway shape form or fashion, I give myself total to you and your care from this day forth, in Jesus name, I Pray. Amen.

      He did it for me

      In the state of California, a drug user was watching his girlfriend’s sixteen-month old baby she was out and about. The child wouldn’t stop crying, the user pick the child up and shook it, it was alleged by the state later violently, in as much, the child died. The user was arrested, on first degree murder and aggravated assault on an infant. The user testified it was an accident with tears in his eyes full of remorse, the jury found the charges to be true, and convicted him to the death penalty by lethal injection. The court read him the death warrant and sentenced him to die on a certain date at a certain time by lethal injection. He was sent to prisons at San Quentin death row.

      During the course of the user’s automatic appeals he turned his life over to the Lord and accepted Christ as his Lord and savior, and even the prison correctional officers testified to his change, but six years later, he was moved to the death cell to await execution, as the warden awaited a call from the Governor.

      In the state of Nevada, a married man lost his wife to another woman, and was put out of the home he and her had financed. His three children was denied him by the lovers. This man got several weapons and drove back to his home several weeks later, the children were in school and the lovers had step out to the corner store, on their return the man shot the wife and her girlfriend numerous of times, putting them in critical condition in the hospital, neither was expected to live, this man who had been in the throws of passion, could not remember anything that had occurred, due to temporally insanity. Heat of passion.

      The man was taken into custody, placed under psychiatric care and supervision, but when he came to the realization of what he had done, began to pray for the recovery of his wife and her lover who was not expected to live. He was charged with thirty-two counts including first degree murder, two counts.

      But prayer changes things the shooting happen in the middle of July, the man’s wife recovered and was out of the hospital in September, her girlfriend left the hospital in October after being shot eighteen times the wife had been shoot twice once in the head and chest, God answered the shooter’s prayers for their recovery.

      Nevertheless, the jury convicted him of attempted first degree murder on two counts and on all the other weapons charges of thirty-four counts, he was sentenced to Death Row in Nevada High Dessert State Prison to die by lethal injection at a time prescribed by law on 2 certain date, he was moved to the death cell to await his execution, the Warden awaits the call.

      In the state of Utah, two men began to argue at the gas station, one man gets in his car and drives off to his apartment, the other two follow him, when they got there the man has secured himself in his apartment, the larger of the two takes his pistol and breaks the window to get inside the door, and begin to shoot around inside the apartment, the guy inside was killed, the two assailants were arrested, went to jury trial, convicted and sentenced to die by lethal injection on a date and time prescribed by law. Both men eventually came to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. The went to Utah’s prisons death row to await their pending execution on separate days and time. The Warden awaited a call.

      In California the reformed users was taken in the death chamber on the stated date and time, before he was strapped down a man appeared and the call came to the warden that this stranger was to die in the place of the ex-user and the ex-user would to be allowed to go free. He was totally exonerated of his crimes. The stranger died instead

      In Nevada on the date the husband was supposed to be executed, a call came to the warden, saying that a substitute had came and would die in the husband place. By lethal injection, and the husband had been totally exonerated and set free of his crimes

      In Utah, on the date the first man was to die a phone call came through to the warden, that a substitute would take the murders place and die by lethal injection and the murder was to be freed

      On the date that the second accomplice were supposed to die again the Warden gets the call that a stranger was to be a substitute on behalf of this murder and would die by lethal injection in his place. The murder was free to go.

      At the time when the substitute entered the death chambers, each man witness such a wonderful peace come into the run, no fear was present or anxiety the substitute laid down willing on the gunny and they put the IV’s in his arm, each man that was supposed to be dying ask him why was he sacrificing his life for theirs, he simply stated, cause you are my friend and I love you: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” [John 15:13] each of the exonerated criminally asked him his name, he said: Jesus.

      Women Commissioned

      Adam called his wife’s name

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