What is This?. James Henry Bryant

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What is This? - James Henry Bryant

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snake. The word “He” establishes beyond doubt this to be a fact that This serpent spoken of here was a two legget man. a “HE” as we continue; “HE said unto the woman(eve)” This next word “Yea” meaning Even or Although, either or can be used here, “Although, God has said. You will not eat of every tree of the garden” Eve cut him off and said, you misunderstand. We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but the fruit of THE TREE which is in the MIDST (center or Middle) of the garden, God has said YOU WILL NOT EAT of it, neither will you TOUCH IT Lest YOU DIE (Gen. 3:2–3)

      Here you must come to understand what the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE of Good AND EVIL is, and this tree is a Metaphor not an actual tree in the forest, This Tree produces seeds into the soil of the garden which later produces a life which is sometime good and sometimes evil, it also produces Knowledge as by conceiving this tree hangs between every mans legs, his penis, the sperm therefrom is the fruit from that tree, not to be eaten or swallowed. This is what the serpent is getting at, and act of oral copulation, Notice verse four. “And “He” the serpent said unto the woman (Now I’m ablibing,) God knows if you try and do what I’m asking you to do, you won’t die, you’ll really, really enjoy what I will do for you your eyes will be open to a better way to experience sex, instead of that same old missionary, you will feel like you’re god and you will then Know right from wrong. I can imagine, the man (serpent) exposed himself, having a hard on and Eve saw it, it aroused her it was pleasant to the eyes and desired him and to be wise) under his instruction she gave him a blowjob and he came in her mouth (she took the fruit there of and did eat Genesis 3:6) Don’t get it twisted the serpent had first done Eve Then Eve instructed Adam in the act of oral copulation, as the serpent watched. There was no doubt a threesome that occurred that day.

      Until this act occurred Adam and Eve had no shame, totally unaware of their nudity until this act of oral copulation, then shame entered the world (The eyes of them were both opened and they knew they were Naked: and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons Genesis 3:7) Notice they only was concerns with covering their fronts not their backs covering the tree and gardens that had gave them new sensations that they had never experience before, but oral copulation cannot fulfill the command to (be fruitful and multiply Genesis 1:28) Knowledge of good and evil Kicked in, Adam and Eve, felt shame, felt they had done something not right, a change had occurred, innocence no longer resided with them, they felt vonderable and filthy that, was when God came walking in the garden, already aware of their misconduct called to Adam who was in hiding, because now he feared God, shame brings fear. (Genesis 3:8–9) Adam shaking like a leaf answered, I heard your voice, and for the first time in my life, I was AFRAID, And ASHAME because I was naked I hid myself (verse’10) God said, How did you come in the Knowledge you were naked Adam what did you do? Did you do exactly what I told you not to do? (vrs.11) Adam’s not going to accept responsibility, No! He quickly shifted it to the woman (vrs.12) Eva said: Oh no you don’t, I was cool until this guy come around and got me all discombobulated and sexually aroused and trick me into orally copulating him as he did me and I liked it. Really: (vrs.13)

      Notice Eva didn’t deny it, she confessed (And I did eat vrs.13) Now God looked at the dude, no more will you walk upright as a man, you committed this act on your belly, (upon your belly shall you go) And like you used your tongue to lick Eve vagina and lap up her seed in the midst of her garden of life (And dust will you eat from now on all the days of your life vrs.14) That why a snake’s tongue is lapping in and out, very sensitive antenna and this is why the average woman is scared of having a snake go up her leg and it’s said that a snake will eat the baby out of a pregnant woman, (I will put enmity between you and woman, between your seed and hers, you’ll be step on my them vrs.15) woman could have had babies without the pains and suffering, but because of this act, (Her sorrows in conception was greatly multiplied vrs.16) Adam because you were sweating while committing the act of oral copulation with your wife (In the sweat of your face will you eat bread till you die (vrs.19) because you listened to your wife and disobeyed me, in sorrow will you eat from now on, you’ll have to now work for a living all because of your disobedience.

      Don’t this make more sense, than an apple and there’s no place in the scripture where an apple is given as the fruit they ate, is it? Man gave us the scenario and we accepted it as gospel, but now I give you truth and insight, that was given me after many days of fasting and praying, by the Holy Ghost. “How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him “(Luke 11:13) “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid that shall not be known “(Luke 12:2) “The Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in My name, He will Teach YOU ALL Things, and bring All things to your remembrance, what so ever I have said unto you.”[John 14:26] “Even this Spirit of TRUTH; whom the world CANNOT RECEIVE [vrs.17] I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world [matt.13:15] And they were offended in Him.” [vrs.57]

      What’s Love Got To Do With It

      I’m not certain exactly when Tina Turner made the song, which asked the question of “What’s Love Got To Do With It? But this question merits an answer and in this lesson I will try and set forth an answer, maybe not to your liking, but it’s how I see it. For this is a powerful question, is it not? Tina asked this question after allegedly expecting many years of relationship mental, physical and sexual abuse by her spouse. What the book and film depicted to me was not Love as I understand it to be, as I comprehend it is that Love is not puffed up, Love does not vaunteth itself, Love do not behave itself unseemly, Love is not easily provided, Love thinks no evil [I cor.13:3–5] Love is not violent, Love injures not, Love is not stressful or argumentative; Love does not destroy, or tear down, love is not vindictive, love is not a tail bearer, love is not a liar, or unjustly possessive, love is not jealous, love does not labor, love does not separate family, friends or associates, love is not a abominable If this is the way you envision love then you never really had, or knew what love really is, in my opinion. If you are in a relationship when someone is beating the hell out of you or any little provocation, slapping, cutting, burning, whipping any type of physical abuse to your person, in my opinion that’s not love. If a person demeans, bully, belittles you in any shape form or fashion or mentally, physically or spiritually, that’s not love

      If a person denies you to dress as you wish, to wear the clothes you choose, to command you dress a certain way, act a certain way, talk a certain way, look a certain way, sleep a certain way, walk a certain way, this in my opinion is not love, and if it intends to change the way you are presently. And if a person is calling you out of your name and saying you are nothing, the world would be a better place if you had not been born, you are a dreg of society, you are worthless, no good, cheap, foal, you can’t never seem to do anything right, demeaning, cruelly, this is not love. If a person repeatedly are doing these things and apologizing, bringing gifts but digresses over and over again to commit these acts and actions that is in my opinion not love.

      If you are constantly arguing about each and every little thing this is not love in my opinion, whether it with another or in front of others, your children, friends, family or associates this is not love but the evidence of someone out of control and need immediate help, counselling or otherwise quickly because this is not love but a path to eventual death for one or maybe both. This is in my opinion what Love is not. “They are mad. If all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or unlearned, he is certainly convinced by all, he is judge of all, and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest. “[I cor.14:23–24] “Stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him.” [Eccl.8:3] “Rejoice not in iniquity, but rejoice in truth” [I cor. 13:6] “God is in you of a truth.” [I cor.14:25] Therefore, “Let not your heart be troubled; [John 14:1] First let me say that love has no definitive definition, it cannot really be explain, it escapes categorization, however, “A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.” [John 13:34–35]

      What type of Love is this? In my explanation is a love that is not puff up, a love of language and Knowledge [I cor.13:1] Love is a belief to do the impossible [vs.2] helping the poor and needy [vs.3] Love is being able to endure under stress, pressure and oppression, while being kind and understanding, not being

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