Social Justice Isn't What You Think It Is. Paul Adams

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Social Justice Isn't What You Think It Is - Paul Adams

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      I have read this book with real delight. Clear, profound, inspiring, and brilliant.—ROCCO BUTTIGLIONE, Italian Chamber of Deputies

      Novak and Adams write with compelling clarity and force. They make a rich contribution to our understanding of social justice and the policy implications that flow from it.—CHARLES J. CHAPUT, O.F.M. CAP., Archbishop of Philadelphia

      A profound treatise on a topic dear to the heart of political progressives and social work professionals. Those who have never given the meaning of social justice a second thought will be greatly rewarded with reflective insights and a new understanding. Those who think they know the meaning of social justice will be challenged to think again—and more deeply.—NEIL GILBERT, Chernin Professor of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley

      Elegantly, winsomely, and with telling examples, Novak and Adams show how Catholic social thought challenges conventional “liberal” and “conservative” approaches to social issues. This is a terrific book for anyone who is prepared to look anew at the dilemmas facing a society that aspires to be both free and compassionate.—MARY ANN GLENDON, Professor of Law, Harvard University

      A distinctively caritas and catholic take on the concept of social justice that is rich in its originality, provocative, thoughtful in exposition, challenging us to transform our approach to social policy.—JOHN BRAITHWAITE, Distinguished Professor, Australian National University

      This book presents an innovative vision of social justice as a preeminent, creative, and outgoing virtue deeply rooted in genuine Catholic social thought. It provides an indispensable guide for advancing the common good in a contemporary landscape plagued by a pervasive secularism and an extreme moral relativism.—WILLIAM C. BRENNAN, Professor, School of Social Work, Saint Louis University

      The challenge of writing about Catholic social thought is that doing so expertly requires prodigious learning in not only the Catholic tradition, but also in so many contiguous fields—such as economics, politics, law, theology, philosophy. Thankfully, our authors are masters of their craft. And they have produced a marvelous restatement, and interpretation, of this important body of Church teaching.—GERARD V. BRADLEY, Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame

      Social Justice Isn’t What You Think It Is by Michael Novak and Paul Adams is a thoughtfully iconoclastic analysis and exposition of social justice as a virtue through the lens of Catholic social teaching—rejecting both individualism and collectivism and emphasizing the role of mediating social structures. Paul Adams, in particular, explores the application of social justice for Christians in professional social work. This book is an important resource for everyone interested in social justice and Christian practice.—DAVID A. SHERWOOD, Editor-in-Chief, Social Work & Christianity

      No concept in ethical and political philosophy is more in need of clarification and critical analysis than that of “social justice.” This term is a relatively late arrival in Catholic vocabulary. Novak and Adams provide a careful, thorough analysis of the term and the ideas and approach that make it useful. They also explain the ease with which the term can be misused. This is a very welcome book, not to be missed by anyone at all concerned with public order and understanding.—JAMES V. SCHALL, S.J., Professor Emeritus, Georgetown University

      Michael Novak and Paul Adams’s new book places the important discussion of social justice squarely within the best scholarship of the Catholic intellectual tradition. By transcending ideological biases, reading and interpreting the pertinent encyclicals impartially, and avoiding all political agendas, this thought-provoking new book should be welcomed by both the left and the right because of its fair, balanced, and reasoned approach.—JOHN G. TRAPANI, JR., Professor of Philosophy, Walsh University

      Novak and Adams take on the hard task of defining social justice, which they identify as a personal virtue of a special modern type. Novak is unusually aware of abuses of the term by statists in former socialist lands like Slovakia, the country of his ancestors. Adams is especially good on the connection between charity and justice, and on the relation of marriage to both. Here in Europe, this book does a great and original service.—JURAJ KOHUTIAR, emeritus Director of International Affairs, Slovak Christian-Democratic Party, former anticommunist dissident and “Underground Church” activist

      I lived half of my life in Argentina, where the overwhelming majority adopted as a guiding policy principle a statist concept of social justice. I lived my other half in the United States, where many have practiced social justice as explained by Adams and Novak, building the institutions of a free and charitable society. Argentina was destroyed; the United States still has a chance. This immensely valuable book provides rich foundations for those who love liberty, justice, and a social environment conducive to human flourishing.—ALEJANDRO CHAFUEN, President, Atlas Network, and 2014 winner of the Walter Judd Freedom Award

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Encounter Books, 900 Broadway, Suite 601, New York, New York, 10003.

      First American edition published in 2015 by Encounter Books, an activity of Encounter for Culture and Education, Inc., a nonprofit, tax exempt corporation.

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      The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48—1992 (R 1997) (Permanence of Paper).



      Novak, Michael.

      Social justice isn’t what you think it is /

      Michael Novak, Paul Adams with Elizabeth Shaw.

      pages cm

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-1-59403-828-0 (ebook)

      1. Social justice—Religious aspects—Catholic

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