Social Justice Isn't What You Think It Is. Paul Adams

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Social Justice Isn't What You Think It Is - Paul Adams

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Church. I. Adams, Paul, 1943– II. Title.

      BX1795.J87N68 2015



      Kelli Steele Adams in love and gratitude

       and to

      Karen Laub Novak (1937–2009)

      for the energy that flows from her still.

      Chapters 1 and 2: “Defining Social Justice,” First Things (December 2000); “Three Precisions: Social Justice,” First Things (December 1, 2010).

      Chapters 3 and 4: “Hayek: Practitioner of Social Justice,” in Three in One: Essays on Democratic Capitalism, 1976–2000, ed. Edward Younkins (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001).

      Chapter 9: “Social Justice Redefined: Pius XI,” in The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (New York: Free Press, 1993).

      Chapter 10: “The Fire of Invention, the Fuel of Interest,” in The Fire of Invention: Civil Society and the Future of the Corporation (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997).

      Chapters 10 and 11: “Capitalism Rightly Understood,” in The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (New York: The Free Press, 1993).

      Chapter 12: “Pope Benedict XVI’s Caritas,” First Things (August 17, 2009).

      Chapter 13: “Agreeing with Pope Francis,” National Review Online (December 7, 2013).

       by Michael Novak


       7 The Six Ss


       8 Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum

       9 Forty Years Later: Pius XI

       10 American Realities and Catholic Social Thought

       11 Centesimus Annus: Capitalism, No and Yes

       12 Benedict XVI and Caritas in Veritate

       13 Pope Francis on Unreformed Capitalism


       14 A New Theological Specialty: The Scout

       15 Needed: A Sharper Sense of Sin

       PART TWO In Practice

       by Paul Adams

       Introduction Getting beyond Dichotomies

       16 Conscience and Social Justice

       17 Marriage as a Social Justice Issue

       18 Practicing Social Justice

       19 From Charity to Justice?

       20 Charity Needs Caritas—So Does Social Justice

       Epilogue Social Justice: In the Vast Social Space between the Person and the State by Paul Adams and Michael Novak



      GuideCoverContentsTitle Page

       i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii 1 2 3

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