Engineering Solutions for CO2 Conversion. Группа авторов

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Engineering Solutions for CO2 Conversion - Группа авторов

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vacuum swing adsorption (PVSA) cycles have an adsorption step above atmospheric pressures and desorption under vacuum [13].

Graph depicts the comparison of TSA and PSA for the regeneration of solid adsorbents.

      Source: Adapted from Rackley [73].

      In a packed bed configuration, regeneration is accomplished by heating the CO2‐loaded adsorbent to liberate CO2. During this time, the flue gas is diverted to a second packed bed, which continues to adsorb CO2 from the gas. By alternating the flue gas between two packed beds that alternatively undergo absorption and regeneration in a cycle, CO2 can be continually removed from the flue gas. In a fluidized bed, the sorbent is circulated between an absorber vessel where it contacts the flue gas and a regenerator vessel where it is heated to liberate gaseous CO2.

      Usually, the PSA process is preferred to other cyclic operations when the process is carried out at elevated pressures. Otherwise, when the concentration of the adsorbate is low (0–15 vol%), or when the process is at low pressure, other options such as TSA may need to be considered. For a low‐concentration adsorbate, the PSA technology may result in a much longer desorption step, whereas for low‐pressure processes, the installation should also include additional vacuum pumps and compressors, both resulting in a more complicated process, increased capital cost, and reduced efficiency [8]. A potential option that could overcome these issues is vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA).

      TSA can work both for low and elevated pressures; however, it is usually preferred when the adsorption step is carried out at a low temperature. Consequently, the main advantage of TSA over PSA is its ability to separate efficiently strong‐bonded adsorbates onto adsorbents, as for the case of chemisorption. However, a major drawback of TSA is the high energy intensity of the desorption process compared to PSA. Other alternatives to TSA include microwave swing adsorption (MSA) [14] and electric swing adsorption (ESA) [15] that could offer potential energy savings and faster heating rates; however, these technologies are still at low technology readiness level (TRL).

      Generally, TSA is usually preferred for post‐combustion CO2 capture at low temperature and atmospheric pressure, while PSA usually is the right choice for pre‐combustion CO2 capture at elevated temperatures, as in the case for an IGCC plant configuration. As a post‐combustion arrangement, PSA and TSA are assessed as TRL 6.

      Adsorption equilibria, kinetics, and regeneration ability are key factors to evaluate the performance of an adsorbent. Fast adsorption/desorption kinetics, influenced by functional groups present, as well as the pore size and distribution in the support, are essential for an efficient CO2 adsorption process and control of the cycle time and the required amount of adsorbent. Other selection criteria include high CO2 selectivity, mechanical strength after multi‐cycling, chemical stability/tolerance to impurities, high availability, and, lastly, low costs.

Schematic illustration of the calcium looping system as post-combustion configuration.

      Source: Adapted from Abanades [16].

Schematic illustration of the chemical looping combustion. MexOy/MexOy-1 denotes the recirculation oxygen carrier material.

      Source: Adapted from Abanades et al. [17]. © Elsevier. High‐Temperature Solids Looping Technologies

      Because of the high operation temperature, the advantage of this process is the potential recovery of energy for steam production, which can be used for additional power production and reduce the efficiency penalty in the power plant.

      Chemical looping has reached a TRL of 6 as oxyfuel arrangement while a TRL of 3 as pre‐combustion system. The main research areas on chemical looping are focused on the reactor design, oxygen carrier development, and prototype testing. Moreover, more than a thousand materials have been tested at the laboratory scale. At a larger scale (0.3–1 MW), the accumulated operational experience is more than 7000 hours [17]. A detailed review of the main process routes under development within the chemical looping systems is included in Ref. [17]. Membranes

      Membranes are porous structures able to separate different gases at different rates because of their different permeation [8]. These can be used not only in post‐ and pre‐combustion processes but also in oxyfuel for oxygen separation. In post‐combustion, the main interest in these systems is their low energy requirements compared to the traditional chemical absorption process.

Schematic illustration of the scheme of a single-stage membrane system.
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