The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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seest; foul missionaries of foul sire.

      Fierce to regain the losses of that hour

      When Love rose glittering, and his gorgeous wings

      Over the abyss fluttered with such glad noise,

      As what time after long and pestful calms, 285

      With slimy shapes and miscreated life

      Poisoning the vast Pacific, the fresh breeze

      Wakens the merchant-sail uprising. Night

      An heavy unimaginable moan

      Sent forth, when she the Protoplast beheld 290

      Stand beauteous on Confusion’s charméd wave.

      Moaning she fled, and entered the Profound

      That leads with downward windings to the Cave

      Of Darkness palpable, Desert of Death

      Sunk deep beneath Gehenna’s massy roots. 295

      There many a dateless age the Beldame lurked

      And trembled; till engendered by fierce Hate,

      Fierce Hate and gloomy Hope, a Dream arose,

      Shaped like a black cloud marked with streaks of fire.

      It roused the Hell-Hag: she the dew-damp wiped 300

      From off her brow, and through the uncouth maze

      Retraced her steps; but ere she reached the mouth

      Of that drear labyrinth, shuddering she paused,

      Nor dared re-enter the diminished Gulph.

      As through the dark vaults of some mouldered Tower 305

      (Which, fearful to approach, the evening hind

      Circles at distance in his homeward way)

      The winds breathe hollow, deemed the plaining groan

      Of prisoned spirits; with such fearful voice

      Night murmured, and the sound through Chaos went. 310

      Leaped at her call her hideous-fronted brood!

      A dark behest they heard, and rushed on earth;

      Since that sad hour, in Camps and Courts adored,

      Rebels from God, and Tyrants o’er Mankind!’

      From his obscure haunt 315

      Shrieked Fear, of Cruelty the ghastly Dam,

      Feverous yet freezing, eager-paced yet slow,

      As she that creeps from forth her swampy reeds.

      Ague, the biform Hag! when early Spring

      Beams on the marsh-bred vapours. 320

      ‘Even so (the exulting Maiden said)

      The sainted Heralds of Good Tidings fell,

      And thus they witnessed God! But now the clouds

      Treading, and storms beneath their feet, they soar

      Higher, and higher soar, and soaring sing 325

      Loud songs of triumph! O ye Spirits of God,

      Hover around my mortal agonies!’

      She spake, and instantly faint melody

      Melts on her ear, soothing and sad, and slow,

      Such measures, as at calmest midnight heard 330

      By agéd Hermit in his holy dream,

      Foretell and solace death; and now they rise

      Louder, as when with harp and mingled voice

      The white-robed multitude of slaughtered saints

      At Heaven’s wide-open’d portals gratulant 335

      Receive some martyred patriot. The harmony

      Entranced the Maid, till each suspended sense

      Brief slumber seized, and confused ecstasy.

      At length awakening slow, she gazed around:

      And through a mist, the relict of that trance 340

      Still thinning as she gazed, an Isle appeared,

      Its high, o’erhanging, white, broad-breasted cliffs,

      Glassed on the subject ocean. A vast plain

      Stretched opposite, where ever and anon

      The ploughman following sad his meagre team 345

      Turned up fresh sculls unstartled, and the bones

      Of fierce hate-breathing combatants, who there

      All mingled lay beneath the common earth,

      Death’s gloomy reconcilement! O’er the fields

      Stept a fair Form, repairing all she might, 350

      Her temples olive-wreathed; and where she trod,

      Fresh flowerets rose, and many a foodful herb.

      But wan her cheek, her footsteps insecure,

      And anxious pleasure beamed in her faint eye,

      As she had newly left a couch of pain, 355

      Pale Convalescent! (Yet some time to rule

      With power exclusive o’er the willing world,

      That blessed prophetic mandate then fulfilled —

      Peace be on Earth!) An happy while, but brief,

      She seemed to wander with assiduous feet, 360

      And healed the recent harm of chill and blight,

      And nursed each plant that fair and virtuous grew.

      But soon a deep precursive sound moaned hollow:

      Black rose the clouds, and now, (as in a dream)

      Their reddening shapes, transformed to Warrior-hosts, 365

      Coursed o’er the sky, and battled in mid-air.

      Nor did not the large blood-drops fall from Heaven

      Portentous! while aloft were seen to float,

      Like hideous features looming on the mist,

      Wan stains of ominous light! Resigned, yet sad, 370

      The fair Form bowed her olive-crownéd brow,

      Then o’er the plain with oft-reverted eye

      Fled till a place of Tombs she reached, and there

      Within a ruined Sepulchre obscure

      Found hiding-place.

      The delegated Maid 375

      Gazed through her tears, then in sad tones exclaimed; —

      Thou mild-eyed Form! wherefore, ah! wherefore fled?

      The Power of Justice like a name all light,

      Shone from thy brow; but all they, who unblamed

      Dwelt in thy dwellings, call thee Happiness. 380

      Ah! why, uninjured and unprofited,

      Should multitudes against their brethren rush?

      Why sow they guilt, still reaping misery?

      Lenient of care, thy songs, O Peace! are sweet,

      As after showers the perfumed gale of eve, 385

      That flings the cool drops on a feverous cheek;

      And gay thy grassy altar piled with fruits.

      But boasts the shrine of Dæmon War one charm,

      Save that with many an orgie strange and foul,

      Dancing around with interwoven arms, 390

      The Maniac Suicide and Giant Murder

      Exult in their fierce union! I am sad,


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