The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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of Contents

      The inside of a Cottage, around which flowers and plants of various

       kinds are seen. Discovers ALVAR, ZULIMEZ and ALHADRA, as on the point of


      Alhadra (addressing ALVAR). Farewell then! and though many thoughts

       perplex me,

       Aught evil or ignoble never can I

       Suspect of thee! If what thou seem’st thou art,

       The oppressed brethren of thy blood have need

       Of such a leader.

      Alvar. Nobly minded woman!

       Long time against oppression have I fought,

       And for the native liberty of faith

       Have bled and suffered bonds. Of this be certain:

       Time, as he courses onward, still unrolls

       The volume of concealment. In the future,

       As in the optician’s glassy cylinder,

       The indistinguishable blots and colours

       Of the dim past collect and shape themselves,

       Upstarting in their own completed image

       To scare or to reward.

       I sought the guilty,

       And what I sought I found: but ere the spear

       Flew from my hand, there rose an angel form

       Betwixt me and my aim. With baffled purpose

       To the Avenger I leave Vengeance, and depart!

      Whate’er betide, if aught my arm may aid,

       Or power protect, my word is pledged to thee:

       For many are thy wrongs, and thy soul noble.

       Once more, farewell. [Exit ALHADRA.

       Yes, to the Belgic states

       We will return. These robes, this stained complexion,

       Akin to falsehood, weigh upon my spirit.

       Whate’er befall us, the heroic Maurice

       Will grant us an asylum, in remembrance

       Of our past services.

      Zulimez. And all the wealth, power, influence which is yours,

       You let a murderer hold?

      Alvar. O faithful Zulimez!

       That my return involved Ordonio’s death,

       I trust, would give me an unmingled pang,

       Yet bearable: — but when I see my father

       Strewing his scant grey hairs, e’en on the ground,

       Which soon must be his grave, and my Teresa —

       Her husband proved a murderer, and her infants

       His infants — poor Teresa! — all would perish,

       All perish — all; and I (nay bear with me)

       Could not survive the complicated ruin!

      Zulimez. Nay now! I have distress’d you — you well know,

       I ne’er will quit your fortunes. True, ‘tis tiresome:

       You are a painter, one of many fancies!

       You can call up past deeds, and make them live

       On the blank canvass! and each little herb,

       That grows on mountain bleak, or tangled forest,

       You have learnt to name —

       Hark! heard you not some footsteps?

      Alvar. What if it were my brother coming onwards?

       I sent a most mysterious message to him.

      Enter ORDONIO.

      Alvar. It is he!

      Ordonio (to himself as he enters). If I distinguished right her gait

       and stature,

       It was the Moorish woman, Isidore’s wife,

       That passed me as I entered. A lit taper,

       In the night air, doth not more naturally

       Attract the night flies round it, than a conjuror

       Draws round him the whole female neighbourhood. [Addressing ALVAR.

       You know my name, I guess, if not my person.


      [For lines 31-46 of Remorse, Act II, Scene II, vide supra Osorio, Act

      II, Scene II, lines 169-84.]

      Stage-direction preceding 162:

      Albert and an old servant both drest as Morescoes. Corr. in MS. III.

      And all the wealth, power, influence, which is yours

       You let a murderer hold!

      Albert. O faithful Ali

      Corr. in MS. III.

      Albert. Yes to the Netherlands

       We will return, these robes this stained complexion

       Akin to Falsehood, weigh upon my spirit

       What e’er befal us, the heroic Maurice

       Will grant us an asylum, in remembrance

       Of our past service.

      Corr. in MS. III.

      Be quick

       Remove these tablets — quick conceal it —

      Corr. in MS. III.

      Stage-directions (groaning, &c.) before 206, and (Albert, &c.) after

       206 om. Remorse.

      Ord. (returning and aloud).

       Plucked in the moonlight from a ruin’d abbey —

       Those only, which the pale rays visited!

       O the unintelligible power of weeds,


      Ord. With you, then, I am to speak.

      [Haughtily waving his hand to ZULIMEZ.

      And mark you, alone. [Exit ZULIMEZ.


      [Before 226] Ord. (aside). O what a, &c. Remorse.

      Yet still a fool! [Looks round the cottage.

       You are poor!


      The Inquisition, too — You comprehend me?

       You are poor, in peril. I have wealth and power


      Ord. The slave begins to soften. [aside.

       You are my friend


      [After 242] Stage-direction om. Remorse.

      Insolent slave! how dar’dst thou —

      [Turns abruptly from ALVAR, and then to himself.

      Why! What’s this?

       ‘Twas idiocy! I’ll tie myself to an aspen,

       And wear a fool’s cap —

      Alvar. Fare thee well —

       I pity thee, Ordonio, even to anguish. [ALVAR is retiring.

      Ordonio. Ho! [Calling to ALVAR.

      Alvar. Be brief, &c.


       lord MS. III. erased.


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