The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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runs clear, yet at the bottom lies

       The thick black sediment of all the factions —

       It needs no magic hand to stir it up!

      Couthon. O we did wrong to spare them — fatal error! 75

       Why lived Legendre, when that Danton died?

       And Collot d’Herbois dangerous in crimes?

       I’ve fear’d him, since his iron heart endured

       To make of Lyons one vast human shambles,

       Compar’d with which the sun-scorcht wilderness 80

       Of Zara were a smiling paradise.

      St. Just. Rightly thou judgest, Couthon! He is one

       Who flies from silent solitary anguish,

       Seeking forgetful peace amid the jar

       Of elements. The howl of maniac uproar 85

       Lulls to sad sleep the memory of himself.

       A calm is fatal to him — then he feels

       The dire upboilings of the storm within him.

       A tiger mad with inward wounds! — I dread

       The fierce and restless turbulence of guilt. 90

      Robespierre. Is not the Commune ours? The stern tribunal?

       Dumas? and Vivier? Fleuriot? and Louvet?

       And Henriot? We’ll denounce an hundred, nor

       Shall they behold tomorrow’s sun roll westward.

      Robespierre Junior. Nay — I am sick of blood; my aching heart 95

       Reviews the long, long train of hideous horrors

       That still have gloom’d the rise of the Republic.

       I should have died before Toulon, when war

       Became the patriot!

      Robespierre. Most unworthy wish!

       He, whose heart sickens at the blood of traitors, 100

       Would be himself a traitor, were he not

       A coward! ‘Tis congenial souls alone

       Shed tears of sorrow for each other’s fate.

       O thou art brave, my brother! and thine eye

       Full firmly shines amid the groaning battle — 105

       Yet in thine heart the woman-form of pity

       Asserts too large a share, an ill-timed guest!

       There is unsoundness in the state — Tomorrow

       Shall see it cleans’d by wholesome massacre!

      Robespierre Junior. Beware! already do the sections murmur — 110

       ‘O the great glorious patriot, Robespierre —

       The tyrant guardian of the country’s freedom!’

      Couthon. ‘Twere folly sure to work great deeds by halves!

       Much I suspect the darksome fickle heart

       Of cold Barrere!

      Robespierre. I see the villain in him! 115

      Robespierre Junior. If he — if all forsake thee — what remains?

      Robespierre. Myself! the steel-strong Rectitude of soul

       And Poverty sublime ‘mid circling virtues!

       The giant Victories my counsels form’d

       Shall stalk around me with sun-glittering plumes, 120

       Bidding the darts of calumny fall pointless.

      [Exeunt caeteri. Manet COUTHON.

      Couthon (solus). So we deceive ourselves! What goodly virtues

       Bloom on the poisonous branches of ambition!

       Still, Robespierre! thou’lt guard thy country’s freedom

       To despotize in all the patriot’s pomp. 125

       While Conscience, ‘mid the mob’s applauding clamours,

       Sleeps in thine ear, nor whispers — bloodstain’d tyrant!

       Yet what is Conscience? Superstition’s dream,

       Making such deep impression on our sleep —

       That long th’ awakened breast retains its horrors! 130

       But he returns — and with him comes Barrere. [Exit COUTHON.


      Robespierre. There is no danger but in cowardice. —

       Barrere! we make the danger, when we fear it.

       We have such force without, as will suspend

       The cold and trembling treachery of these members. 135

      Barrere. ‘Twill be a pause of terror. —

      Robespierre. But to whom?

       Rather the short-lived slumber of the tempest,

       Gathering its strength anew. The dastard traitors!

       Moles, that would undermine the rooted oak!

       A pause! — a moment’s pause?—’Tis all their life. 140

      Barrere. Yet much they talk — and plausible their speech.

       Couthon’s decree has given such powers, that —

      Robespierre. That what?

      Barrere. The freedom of debate —

      Robespierre. Transparent mask!

       They wish to clog the wheels of government,

       Forcing the hand that guides the vast machine 145

       To bribe them to their duty — English patriots!

       Are not the congregated clouds of war

       Black all around us? In our very vitals

       Works not the king-bred poison of rebellion?

       Say, what shall counteract the selfish plottings 150

       Of wretches, cold of heart, nor awed by fears

       Of him, whose power directs th’ eternal justice?

       Terror? or secret-sapping gold? The first

       Heavy, but transient as the ills that cause it;

       And to the virtuous patriot rendered light 155

       By the necessities that gave it birth:

       The other fouls the fount of the republic,

       Making it flow polluted to all ages:

       Inoculates the state with a slow venom,

       That once imbibed, must be continued ever. 160

       Myself incorruptible I ne’er could bribe them —

       Therefore they hate me.

      Barrere. Are the sections friendly?

      Robespierre. There are who wish my ruin — but I’ll make them

       Blush for the crime in blood!

      Barrere. Nay — but I tell thee,

       Thou art too fond of slaughter — and the right 165

       (If right it be) workest by most foul means!

      Robespierre. Self-centering Fear! how well thou canst ape


       Too fond of slaughter! — matchless hypocrite!

       Thought Barrere so, when Brissot, Danton died?

       Thought Barrere so, when through the streaming streets 170

       Of Paris red-eyed Massacre o’erwearied


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