The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Was Phocion murder’d. Ere ye dare pronounce 200

       Robespierre is guilty, it befits ye well,

       Consider who accuse him. Tallien,

       Bourdon of Oise — the very men denounced,

       For that their dark intrigues disturb’d the plan

       Of government. Legendre the sworn friend 205

       Of Danton, fall’n apostate. Dubois Crancé,

       He who at Lyons spared the royalists —

       Collot d’Herbois —

      Bourdon l’Oise. What — shall the traitor rear

       His head amid our tribune — and blaspheme

       Each patriot? shall the hireling slave of faction — 210

      St. Just. I am of no one faction. I contend

       Against all factions.

      Tallien. I espouse the cause

       Of truth. Robespierre on yester morn pronounced

       Upon his own authority a report.

       To-day St. Just comes down. St. Just neglects 215

       What the Committee orders, and harangues

       From his own will. O citizens of France

       I weep for you — I weep for my poor country —

       I tremble for the cause of Liberty,

       When individuals shall assume the sway, 220

       And with more insolence than kingly pride

       Rule the Republic.

      Billaud Varennes. Shudder, ye representatives of France,

       Shudder with horror. Henriot commands

       The marshall’d force of Paris. Henriot, 225

       Foul parricide — the sworn ally of Hébert,

       Denounced by all — upheld by Robespierre.

       Who spar’d La Valette? who promoted him,

       Stain’d with the deep dye of nobility?

       Who to an ex-peer gave the high command? 230

       Who screen’d from justice the rapacious thief?

       Who cast in chains the friends of Liberty?

       Robespierre, the self-stil’d patriot Robespierre —

       Robespierre, allied with villain Daubigné —

       Robespierre, the foul arch-tyrant Robespierre. 235

      Bourdon l’Oise. He talks of virtue — of morality —

       Consistent patriot! he Daubigné’s friend!

       Henriot’s supporter virtuous! preach of virtue,

       Yet league with villains, for with Robespierre

       Villains alone ally. Thou art a tyrant! 240

       I stile thee tyrant, Robespierre! [Loud applauses.

      Robespierre. Take back the name. Ye citizens of France —

      [Violent clamour. Cries of — Down with the Tyrant!

      Tallien. Oppression falls. The traitor stands appall’d —

       Guilt’s iron fangs engrasp his shrinking soul —

       He hears assembled France denounce his crimes! 245

       He sees the mask torn from his secret sins —

       He trembles on the precipice of fate.

       Fall’n guilty tyrant! murder’d by thy rage

       How many an innocent victim’s blood has stain’d

       Fair freedom’s altar! Sylla-like thy hand 250

       Mark’d down the virtues, that, thy foes removed,

       Perpetual Dictator thou might’st reign,

       And tyrannize o’er France, and call it freedom!

       Long time in timid guilt the traitor plann’d

       His fearful wiles — success emboldened sin — 255

       And his stretch’d arm had grasp’d the diadem

       Ere now, but that the coward’s heart recoil’d,

       Lest France awak’d should rouse her from her dream,

       And call aloud for vengeance. He, like Caesar,

       With rapid step urged on his bold career, 260

       Even to the summit of ambitious power,

       And deem’d the name of King alone was wanting.

       Was it for this we hurl’d proud Capet down?

       Is it for this we wage eternal war

       Against the tyrant horde of murderers, 265

       The crownéd cockatrices whose foul venom

       Infects all Europe? was it then for this

       We swore to guard our liberty with life,

       That Robespierre should reign? the spirit of freedom

       Is not yet sunk so low. The glowing flame 270

       That animates each honest Frenchman’s heart

       Not yet extinguish’d. I invoke thy shade,

       Immortal Brutus! I too wear a dagger;

       And if the representatives of France,

       Through fear or favour, should delay the sword 275

       Of justice, Tallien emulates thy virtues;

       Tallien, like Brutus, lifts the avenging arm;

       Tallien shall save his country. [Violent applauses.

      Billaud Varennes. I demand

       The arrest of all the traitors. Memorable

       Will be this day for France.

      Robespierre. Yes! Memorable 280

       This day will be for France — for villains triumph.

      Lebas. I will not share in this day’s damning guilt.

       Condemn me too. [Great cry — Down with the Tyrants!

      (The two ROBESPIERRES, COUTHON, ST. JUST, and LEBAS are led off.)

       Table of Contents


      Collot d’Herbois. Caesar is fall’n! The baneful tree of Java,

       Whose death-distilling boughs dropt poisonous dew,

       Is rooted from its base. This worse than Cromwell,

       The austere, the self-denying Robespierre,

       Even in this hall, where once with terror mute 5

       We listen’d to the hypocrite’s harangues,

       Has heard his doom.

      Billaud Varennes. Yet must we not suppose

       The tyrant will fall tamely. His sworn hireling

       Henriot, the daring desperate Henriot,

       Commands the force of Paris. I denounce him. 10

      Freron. I denounce Fleuriot too, the mayor of Paris.

      Enter DUBOIS CRANCÉ.

      Dubois Crancé. Robespierre is rescued. Henriot at the head

       Of the arm’d force has rescued the fierce tyrant.

      Collot d’Herbois. Ring the tocsin — call all the citizens


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