The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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They shall be mocked with sounds of liberty,

       And liberty shall be proclaimed alone

       To thee, O Fire! O Pestilence! O Sword! 535

       Till Vengeance hath her fill. — And thou, snatched hence,

       Poor friendless fugitive! with mother’s wailing,

       Offspring of Royal Andreas, shalt return,

       With trump and timbrel-clang, and popular shout,

       In triumph to the palace of thy fathers! [Exeunt.

      1828, 1829.

      [Before 30] Raab Kiuprili (his hand to his heart). 1817, 1828, 1829.

      All —— [Then, in a subdued and saddened voice.

      1817, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 103] Raab Kiuprili (looking forwards anxiously). 1817, 1828,


      Bought like themselves! [During this conversation music is heard,

       first solemn and funereal, and then

       changing to spirited and triumphal.

      1817, 1828, 1829.

      … I applaud, Ragozzi! [Musing to himself — then —

      1817, 1828, 1829.

      [After 172] [During the last four lines, enter LORD CASIMIR, with

       expressions of anger and alarm. 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [After 174] [Starts — then approaching with timid respect. 1817, 1828,


      [Before 177] Casimir (with reverence). 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 192] Casimir (struggling with his passion). 1817, 1828, 1829.

      They BOASTED not their baseness. [Starts, and draws his sword.

      1817, 1828, 1829.

      Kiuprili? Ha! —— [With lowered voice, at the same time with one

       hand making, &c.

      1817, 1828, 1829.

      [After 230] [Music … Palace. — During which time EMERICK and

      KIUPRILI regard each other stedfastly. 1817, 1828, 1829.


      [Before 298] Raab Kiuprili (sternly). 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 343] Raab Kiuprili (in a somewhat suppressed voice). 1817,

       1828, 1829.

      [Before 351] Raab Kiuprili (aloud: he and Emerick standing at

       equidistance from the Palace and the Guard-house). 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 375] Raab Kiuprili (aloud). 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [After 426] [Exit CASIMIR in agitation. 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 433] Scene changes to another view, namely the back, &c. 1817,

       1828, 1829.

      [Before 451] [She starts back — and enter, &c. 1817, 1828, 1829.


      [Before 464] Zapolya (coming fearfully forward). 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [After 536] [Again to the infant. 1817, 1828, 1829.

      [After 540] END OF THE PRELUDE. 1817.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      OLD BATHORY, a Mountaineer.

       BETHLEN BATHORY, the young Prince Andreas, supposed son of Old


       LORD RUDOLPH, a Courtier, but friend to the Queen’s party.

       LASKA, Steward to CASIMIR, betrothed to GLYCINE.

       PESTALUTZ, an Assassin, in EMERICK’S employ.


       GLYCINE, Orphan Daughter of CHEF RAGOZZI.

      Between the flight of the Queen, and the civil war which immediately

       followed, and in which EMERICK remained the victor, a space of twenty

       years is supposed to have elapsed.


       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      A Mountainous Country. BATHORY’S Dwelling at the end of the Stage.

       Enter LADY SAROLTA and GLYCINE.

      Glycine. Well then! our round of charity is finished.

       Rest, Madam! You breathe quick.

      Sarolta. What, tired, Glycine?

       No delicate court-dame, but a mountaineer

       By choice no less than birth, I gladly use

       The good strength Nature gave me.

      Glycine. That last cottage 5

       Is built as if an eagle or a raven

       Had chosen it for her nest.

      Sarolta. So many are

       The sufferings which no human aid can reach,

       It needs must be a duty doubly sweet

       To heal the few we can. Well! let us rest. 10

      Glycine. There? [Pointing to BATHORY’S dwelling.

      Sarolta. Here! For on this spot Lord Casimir

       Took his last leave. On yonder mountain-ridge

       I lost the misty image which so long

       Lingered, or seemed at least to linger on it.

      Glycine. And what if even now, on that same ridge, 15

       A speck should rise, and still enlarging, lengthening,

       As it clomb downwards, shape itself at last

       To a numerous cavalcade, and spurring foremost,

       Who but Sarolta’s own dear lord returned

       From his high embassy?

      Sarolta. Thou hast hit my thought! 20

       All the long day, from yestermorn to evening,

       The restless hope fluttered about my heart.

       Oh we are querulous creatures! Little less

       Than all things can suffice to make us happy;

       And little more than nothing is enough 25

       To discontent us. — Were he come, then should I

       Repine he had not arrived just one day earlier

       To keep his birthday here, in his own birthplace.

      Glycine. But our best sports belike, and gay processions

       Would to my lord have seemed but work-day sights 30


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