The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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court affords.

      Sarolta. I have small wish to see them. A spring morning

       With its wild gladsome minstrelsy of birds

       And its bright jewelry of flowers and dewdrops

       (Each orbéd drop an orb of glory in it) 35

       Would put them all in eclipse. This sweet retirement

       Lord Casimir’s wish alone would have made sacred:

       But, in good truth, his loving jealousy

       Did but command, what I had else entreated.

      Glycine. And yet had I been born Lady Sarolta, 40

       Been wedded to the noblest of the realm,

       So beautiful besides, and yet so stately ——

      Sarolta. Hush! Innocent flatterer!

      Glycine. Nay! to my poor fancy

       The royal court would seem an earthly heaven,

       Made for such stars to shine in, and be gracious. 45

      Sarolta. So doth the ignorant distance still delude us!

       Thy fancied heaven, dear girl, like that above thee,

       In its mere self cold, drear, colourless void,

       Seen from below and in the large, becomes

       The bright blue ether, and the seat of gods! 50

       Well! but this broil that scared you from the dance?

       And was not Laska there: he, your betrothed?

      Glycine. Yes, madam! he was there. So was the maypole,

       For we danced round it.

      Sarolta. Ah, Glycine! why,

       Why did you then betroth yourself?

      Glycine. Because 55

       My own dear lady wished it! ‘twas you asked me!

      Sarolta. Yes, at my lord’s request, but never wished,

       My poor affectionate girl, to see thee wretched.

       Thou knowest not yet the duties of a wife.

      Glycine. Oh, yes! It is a wife’s chief duty, madam! 60

       To stand in awe of her husband, and obey him,

       And, I am sure, I never shall see Laska

       But I shall tremble.

      Sarolta. Not with fear, I think,

       For you still mock him. Bring a seat from the cottage.

      [Exit GLYCINE into the cottage, SAROLTA continues her

       speech looking after her.

      Something above thy rank there hangs about thee, 65

       And in thy countenance, thy voice, and motion,

       Yea, e’en in thy simplicity, Glycine,

       A fine and feminine grace, that makes me feel

       More as a mother than a mistress to thee!

       Thou art a soldier’s orphan! that — the courage, 70

       Which rising in thine eye, seems oft to give

       A new soul to its gentleness, doth prove thee!

       Thou art sprung too of no ignoble blood,

       Or there’s no faith in instinct!

      [Angry voices and clamour within.

      Re-enter GLYCINE.

      Glycine. Oh, madam! there’s a party of your servants, 75

       And my lord’s steward, Laska, at their head,

       Have come to search for old Bathory’s son,

       Bethlen, that brave young man! ‘twas he, my lady,

       That took our parts, and beat off the intruders,

       And in mere spite and malice, now they charge him 80

       With bad words of Lord Casimir and the king.

       Pray don’t believe them, madam! This way! This way!

       Lady Sarolta’s here. — [Calling without.

      Sarolta. Be calm, Glycine.

      Enter LASKA and Servants with OLD BATHORY.

      Laska (to Bathory). We have no concern with you! What needs your


      Old Bathory. What! Do you think I’ll suffer my brave boy 85

       To be slandered by a set of coward-ruffians,

       And leave it to their malice, — yes, mere malice! —

       To tell its own tale?

      [LASKA and Servants bow to Lady SAROLTA.

      Sarolta. Laska! What may this mean?

      Laska. Madam! and may it please your ladyship!

       This old man’s son, by name Bethlen Bathory, 90

       Stands charged, on weighty evidence, that he,

       On yester-eve, being his lordship’s birthday,

       Did traitorously defame Lord Casimir:

       The lord high steward of the realm, moreover ——

      Sarolta. Be brief! We know his titles!

      Laska. And moreover 95

       Raved like a traitor at our liege King Emerick.

       And furthermore, said witnesses make oath,

       Led on the assault upon his lordship’s servants;

       Yea, insolently tore, from this, your huntsman,

       His badge of livery of your noble house, 100

       And trampled it in scorn.

      Sarolta (to the Servants who offer to speak). You have had your


       Where is the young man thus accused?

      Old Bathory. I know not:

       But if no ill betide him on the mountains,

       He will not long be absent!

      Sarolta. Thou art his father? 105

      Old Bathory. None ever with more reason prized a son;

       Yet I hate falsehood more than I love him.

       But more than one, now in my lady’s presence,

       Witnessed the affray, besides these men of malice;

       And if I swerve from truth ——

      Glycine. Yes! good old man! 110

       My lady! pray believe him!

      Sarolta. Hush, Glycine

       Be silent, I command you. [Then to BATHORY.

       Speak! we hear you!

      Old Bathory. My tale is brief. During our festive dance,

       Your servants, the accusers of my son,

       Offered gross insults, in unmanly sort, 115

       To our village maidens. He (could he do less?)

       Rose in defence of outraged modesty,

       And so persuasive did his cudgel prove,

       (Your hectoring sparks so over-brave to women

       Are always cowards) that they soon took flight, 120

       And now in mere revenge, like baffled boasters,

       Have framed this tale, out of some hasty words

       Which their own threats provoked.

      Sarolta. Old man! you talk


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