The Collected Novellas & Short Stories of Anton Chekhov (200+ Titles in Multiple Translations). Anton Chekhov

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The Collected Novellas & Short Stories of Anton Chekhov (200+ Titles in Multiple Translations) - Anton Chekhov

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I only… I fancied… .”

      The tall, broad-shouldered gentleman in the top hat jumped out of the chaise, lifted the boy down, and with a skip and a hop ran gaily in at the glass door. The door opened noisily and he vanished into the darkness of the villa apartments.

      Two smart footmen ran up to the horse in the chaise, and most respectfully led it to the gate. Soon the villa opposite was lighted up, and the clatter of plates, knives, and forks was audible. The gentleman in the top hat was having his supper, and judging by the duration of the clatter of crockery, his supper lasted long. Liza fancied she could smell chicken soup and roast duck. After supper discordant sounds of the piano floated across from the villa. In all probability the gentleman in the top hat was trying to amuse the child in some way, and allowing it to strum on it.

      Groholsky went up to Liza and put his arm round her waist.

      “What wonderful weather!” he said. “What air! Do you feel it? I am very happy, Liza, very happy indeed. My happiness is so great that I am really afraid of its destruction. The greatest things are usually destroyed, and do you know, Liza, in spite of all my happiness, I am not absolutely… at peace…. One haunting thought torments me… it torments me horribly. It gives me no peace by day or by night… .”

      “What thought?”

      “An awful thought, my love. I am tortured by the thought of your husband. I have been silent hitherto. I have feared to trouble your inner peace, but I cannot go on being silent. Where is he? What has happened to him? What has become of him with his money? It is awful! Every night I see his face, exhausted, suffering, imploring…. Why, only think, my angel — can the money he so generously accepted make up to him for you? He loved you very much, didn’t he?”

      “Very much!”

      “There you see! He has either taken to drink now, or… I am anxious about him! Ah, how anxious I am! Should we write to him, do you think? We ought to comfort him… a kind word, you know.”

      Groholsky heaved a deep sigh, shook his head, and sank into an easy chair exhausted by painful reflection. Leaning his head on his fists he fell to musing. Judging from his face, his musings were painful.

      “I am going to bed,” said Liza; “it’s time.”

      Liza went to her own room, undressed, and dived under the bedclothes. She used to go to bed at ten o’clock and get up at ten. She was fond of her comfort.

      She was soon in the arms of Morpheus. Throughout the whole night she had the most fascinating dreams…. She dreamed whole romances, novels, Arabian Nights…. The hero of all these dreams was the gentleman in the top hat, who had caused her to utter a shriek that evening.

      The gentleman in the top hat was carrying her off from Groholsky, was singing, was beating Groholsky and her, was flogging the boy under the window, was declaring his love, and driving her off in the chaise…. Oh, dreams! In one night, lying with one’s eyes shut, one may sometimes live through more than ten years of happiness…. That night Liza lived through a great variety of experiences, and very happy ones, even in spite of the beating.

      Waking up between six and seven, she flung on her clothes, hurriedly did her hair, and without even putting on her Tatar slippers with pointed toes, ran impulsively on to the verandah. Shading her eyes from the sun with one hand, and with the other holding up her slipping clothes, she gazed at the villa opposite. Her face beamed…. There could be no further doubt it was he.

      On the verandah in the villa opposite there was a table in front of the glass door. A tea service was shining and glistening on the table with a silver samovar at the head. Ivan Petrovitch was sitting at the table. He had in his hand a glass in a silver holder, and was drinking tea. He was drinking it with great relish. That fact could be deduced from the smacking of his lips, the sound of which reached Liza’s ears. He was wearing a brown dressing-gown with black flowers on it. Massive tassels fell down to the ground. It was the first time in her life Liza had seen her husband in a dressing-gown, and such an expensive-looking one.

      Mishutka was sitting on one of his knees, and hindering him from drinking his tea. The child jumped up and down and tried to clutch his papa’s shining lip. After every three or four sips the father bent down to his son and kissed him on the head. A grey cat with its tail in the air was rubbing itself against one of the table legs, and with a plaintive mew proclaiming its desire for food. Liza hid behind the verandah curtain, and fastened her eyes upon the members of her former family; her face was radiant with joy.

      “Misha!” she murmured, “Misha! Are you really here, Misha? The darling! And how he loves Vanya! Heavens!”

      And Liza went off into a giggle when Mishutka stirred his father’s tea with a spoon. “And how Vanya loves Misha! My darlings!”

      Liza’s heart throbbed, and her head went round with joy and happiness. She sank into an armchair and went on observing them, sitting down.

      “How did they come here?” she wondered as she sent airy kisses to Mishutka. “Who gave them the idea of coming here? Heavens! Can all that wealth belong to them? Can those swan-like horses that were led in at the gate belong to Ivan Petrovitch? Ah!”

      When he had finished his tea, Ivan Petrovitch went into the house. Ten minutes later, he appeared on the steps and Liza was astounded…. He, who in his youth only seven years ago had been called Vanushka and Vanka and had been ready to punch a man in the face and turn the house upside down over twenty kopecks, was dressed devilishly well. He had on a broad-brimmed straw hat, exquisite brilliant boots, a piqué waistcoat…. Thousands of suns, big and little, glistened on his watch-chain. With much chic he held in his right hand his gloves and cane.

      And what swagger, what style there was in his heavy figure when, with a graceful motion of his hand, he bade the footman bring the horse round.

      He got into the chaise with dignity, and told the footmen standing round the chaise to give him Mishutka and the fishing tackle they had brought. Setting Mishutka beside him, and putting his left arm round him, he held the reins and drove off.

      “Ge-ee up!” shouted Mishutka.

      Liza, unaware of what she was doing, waved her handkerchief after them. If she had looked in the glass she would have been surprised at her flushed, laughing, and, at the same time, tear-stained face. She was vexed that she was not beside her gleeful boy, and that she could not for some reason shower kisses on him at once.

      For some reason!… Away with all your petty delicacies!

      “Grisha! Grisha!” Liza ran into Groholsky’s bedroom and set to work to wake him. “Get up, they have come! The darling!”

      “Who has come?” asked Groholsky, waking up.

      “Our people… Vanya and Misha, they have come, they are in the villa opposite…. I looked out, and there they were drinking tea…. And Misha too…. What a little angel our Misha has grown! If only you had seen him! Mother of God!”

      “Seen whom? Why, you are…. Who has come? Come where?”

      “Vanya and Misha…. I have been looking at the villa opposite, while they were sitting drinking tea. Misha can drink his tea by himself now…. Didn’t you see them moving in yesterday, it was they who arrived!”

      Groholsky rubbed his forehead and turned pale.

      “Arrived? Your husband?” he asked.

      “Why, yes.”

      “What for?”

      “Most likely he is going to live here. They don’t know we are here. If they did, they would have looked at our villa, but they drank their tea and took no notice.”

      “Where is he now? But for God’s sake do talk sense! Oh, where is he?”

      “He has gone fishing with Misha in the chaise. Did you see the horses yesterday? Those are their horses… Vanya’s… Vanya drives with them. Do

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