The Collected Novellas & Short Stories of Anton Chekhov (200+ Titles in Multiple Translations). Anton Chekhov

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The Collected Novellas & Short Stories of Anton Chekhov (200+ Titles in Multiple Translations) - Anton Chekhov

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glanced at the icon once more, and crossed herself. Papa cleared his throat, and began:

      "At 11 p. M., on December 27, a young man by the name of Dimitri Kuldaroff—"

      "See? See? Go on!"

      "A young man by the name of Dimitri Kuldaroff, coming out of a tavern on Little Armourer Street, and being in an intoxicated condition—"

      "That's it, I was with Simion Petrovitch ! Every detail is correct. Go on! Listen!"

      "—being in an intoxicated condition, slipped and fell under the feet of a horse belonging to the cabman Ivan Drotoff, a peasant from the village of Durinka in the province of Yuknofski. The frightened horse jumped across Kuldaroff's prostrate body, pulling the sleigh after him. In the sleigh sat Stepan Lukoff, a merchant of the Second Moscow Guild of Merchants. The horse galloped down the street, but was finally stopped by some house porters. For a few moments Kuldaroff was stunned. He was conveyed to the police station and examined by a doctor. The blow which he had sustained on the back of the neck—"

      "That was from the shaft, papa. Go on! Read the rest!"

      "—the blow which he had sustained on the back of the neck was pronounced to be slight. The victim was given medical assistance."

      "They put cold-water bandages round my neck. Do you believe me now ? What do you think ? Isn't it great ? It has gone all over Russia by now ! Give me the paper!"

      Mitia seized the paper, folded it, and put it into his pocket, exclaiming:

      "I must run to the Makaroffs, and show it to them ! And the Ivanoffs must see it, too, and Natalia, and Anasim—I must run there at once ! Good-bye ! "

      Mitia crammed on his cap and ran blissfully and triumphantly out into the street.


       [trans. by Constance Garnett]

       Table of Contents

      IT was twelve o’clock at night.

      Mitya Kuldarov, with excited face and ruffled hair, flew into his parents’ flat, and hurriedly ran through all the rooms. His parents had already gone to bed. His sister was in bed, finishing the last page of a novel. His schoolboy brothers were asleep.

      “Where have you come from?” cried his parents in amazement. “What is the matter with you?

      “Oh, don’t ask! I never expected it; no, I never expected it! It’s… it’s positively incredible!”

      Mitya laughed and sank into an armchair, so overcome by happiness that he could not stand on his legs.

      “It’s incredible! You can’t imagine! Look!”

      His sister jumped out of bed and, throwing a quilt round her, went in to her brother. The schoolboys woke up.

      “What’s the matter? You don’t look like yourself!”

      “It’s because I am so delighted, Mamma! Do you know, now all Russia knows of me! All Russia! Till now only you knew that there was a registration clerk called Dmitry Kuldarov, and now all Russia knows it! Mamma! Oh, Lord!”

      Mitya jumped up, ran up and down all the rooms, and then sat down again.

      “Why, what has happened? Tell us sensibly!”

      “You live like wild beasts, you don’t read the newspapers and take no notice of what’s published, and there’s so much that is interesting in the papers. If anything happens it’s all known at once, nothing is hidden! How happy I am! Oh, Lord! You know it’s only celebrated people whose names are published in the papers, and now they have gone and published mine!”

      “What do you mean? Where?”

      The papa turned pale. The mamma glanced at the holy image and crossed herself. The schoolboys jumped out of bed and, just as they were, in short nightshirts, went up to their brother.

      “Yes! My name has been published! Now all Russia knows of me! Keep the paper, mamma, in memory of it! We will read it sometimes! Look!”

      Mitya pulled out of his pocket a copy of the paper, gave it to his father, and pointed with his finger to a passage marked with blue pencil.

      “Read it!”

      The father put on his spectacles.

      “Do read it!”

      The mamma glanced at the holy image and crossed herself. The papa cleared his throat and began to read: “At eleven o’clock on the evening of the 29th of December, a registration clerk of the name of Dmitry Kuldarov …”

      “You see, you see! Go on!”

      “… a registration clerk of the name of Dmitry Kuldarov, coming from the beershop in Kozihin’s buildings in Little Bronnaia in an intoxicated condition…”

      “That’s me and Semyon Petrovitch…. It’s all described exactly! Go on! Listen!”

      “… intoxicated condition, slipped and fell under a horse belonging to a sledge-driver, a peasant of the village of Durikino in the Yuhnovsky district, called Ivan Drotov. The frightened horse, stepping over Kuldarov and drawing the sledge over him, together with a Moscow merchant of the second guild called Stepan Lukov, who was in it, dashed along the street and was caught by some house-porters. Kuldarov, at first in an unconscious condition, was taken to the police station and there examined by the doctor. The blow he had received on the back of his head…”

      “It was from the shaft, papa. Go on! Read the rest!”

      “… he had received on the back of his head turned out not to be serious. The incident was duly reported. Medical aid was given to the injured man… .”

      “They told me to foment the back of my head with cold water. You have read it now? Ah! So you see. Now it’s all over Russia! Give it here!”

      Mitya seized the paper, folded it up and put it into his pocket.

      “I’ll run round to the Makarovs and show it to them…. I must show it to the Ivanitskys too, Natasya Ivanovna, and Anisim Vassilyitch…. I’ll run! Goodbye!”

      Mitya put on his cap with its cockade and, joyful and triumphant, ran into the street.


       Table of Contents

      MORNING. It is not yet seven o’clock, but Makar Kuzmitch Blyostken’s shop is already open. The barber himself, an unwashed, greasy, but foppishly dressed youth of three and twenty, is busy clearing up; there is really nothing to be cleared away, but he is perspiring with his exertions. In one place he polishes with a rag, in another he scrapes with his finger or catches a bug and brushes it off the wall.

      The barber’s shop is small, narrow, and unclean. The log walls are hung with paper suggestive of a cabman’s faded shirt. Between the two dingy, perspiring windows there is a thin, creaking, rickety door, above it, green from the damp, a bell which trembles and gives a sickly ring of itself without provocation. Glance into the looking-glass which hangs on one of the walls, and it distorts your countenance in all directions in the most merciless way! The shaving and haircutting is done before this looking-glass. On the little table, as greasy and unwashed as Makar Kuzmitch himself, there is everything: combs, scissors, razors, a ha’porth of wax for the moustache, a ha’porth of powder, a ha’porth of much watered eau de Cologne, and indeed the whole barber’s shop is not worth more than fifteen kopecks.

      There is a squeaking sound from the invalid bell and an elderly man in a tanned sheepskin and high felt overboots walks into the shop. His head and neck are wrapped in a woman’s shawl.


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