The Collected Works of Anton Chekhov: Plays, Novellas, Short Stories, Diary & Letters. Anton Chekhov

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The Collected Works of Anton Chekhov: Plays, Novellas, Short Stories, Diary & Letters - Anton Chekhov

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[At the window] Bobby, what’s your mother’s name? Dear, dear! And who’s this? That’s Aunt Olga. Say to your aunt, “How do you do, Olga!”

      [Two wandering musicians, a man and a girl, are playing on a violin and a harp. VERSHININ, OLGA, and ANFISA come out of the house and listen for a minute in silence; IRINA comes up to them.]

      OLGA. Our garden might be a public thoroughfare, from the way people walk and ride across it. Nurse, give those musicians something!

      ANFISA. [Gives money to the musicians] Go away with God’s blessing on you. [The musicians bow and go away] A bitter sort of people. You don’t play on a full stomach. [To IRINA] How do you do, Arisha! [Kisses her] Well, little girl, here I am, still alive! Still alive! In the High School, together with little Olga, in her official apartments… so the Lord has appointed for my old age. Sinful woman that I am, I’ve never lived like that in my life before…. A large flat, government property, and I’ve a whole room and bed to myself. All government property. I wake up at nights and, oh God, and Holy Mother, there isn’t a happier person than I!

      VERSHININ. [Looks at his watch] We are going soon, Olga Sergeyevna. It’s time for me to go. [Pause] I wish you every… every…. Where’s Maria Sergeyevna?

      IRINA. She’s somewhere in the garden. I’ll go and look for her.

      VERSHININ. If you’ll be so kind. I haven’t time.

      ANFISA. I’ll go and look, too. [Shouts] Little Masha, co-ee! [Goes out with IRINA down into the garden] Co-ee, co-ee!

      VERSHININ. Everything comes to an end. And so we, too, must part. [Looks at his watch] The town gave us a sort of farewell breakfast, we had champagne to drink and the mayor made a speech, and I ate and listened, but my soul was here all the time…. [Looks round the garden] I’m so used to you now.

      OLGA. Shall we ever meet again?

      VERSHININ. Probably not. [Pause] My wife and both my daughters will stay here another two months. If anything happens, or if anything has to be done…

      OLGA. Yes, yes, of course. You need not worry. [Pause] Tomorrow there won’t be a single soldier left in the town, it will all be a memory, and, of course, for us a new life will begin…. [Pause] None of our plans are coming right. I didn’t want to be a head-mistress, but they made me one, all the same. It means there’s no chance of Moscow….

      VERSHININ. Well… thank you for everything. Forgive me if I’ve… I’ve said such an awful lot — forgive me for that too, don’t think badly of me.

      OLGA. [Wipes her eyes] Why isn’t Masha coming…

      VERSHININ. What else can I say in parting? Can I philosophize about anything? [Laughs] Life is heavy. To many of us it seems dull and hopeless, but still, it must be acknowledged that it is getting lighter and clearer, and it seems that the time is not far off when it will be quite clear. [Looks at his watch] It’s time I went! Mankind used to be absorbed in wars, and all its existence was filled with campaigns, attacks, defeats, now we’ve outlived all that, leaving after us a great waste place, which there is nothing to fill with at present; but mankind is looking for something, and will certainly find it. Oh, if it only happened more quickly. [Pause] If only education could be added to industry, and industry to education. [Looks at his watch] It’s time I went….

      OLGA. Here she comes.

      [Enter MASHA.]

      VERSHININ. I came to say goodbye….

      [OLGA steps aside a little, so as not to be in their way.]

      MASHA. [Looking him in the face] Goodbye. [Prolonged kiss.]

      OLGA. Don’t, don’t. [MASHA is crying bitterly]

      VERSHININ. Write to me…. Don’t forget! Let me go…. It’s time. Take her, Olga Sergeyevna… it’s time… I’m late…

      [He kisses OLGA’S hand in evident emotion, then embraces MASHA once more and goes out quickly.]

      OLGA. Don’t, Masha! Stop, dear…. [KULIGIN enters.]

      KULIGIN. [Confused] Never mind, let her cry, let her…. My dear Masha, my good Masha…. You’re my wife, and I’m happy, whatever happens… I’m not complaining, I don’t reproach you at all…. Olga is a witness to it. Let’s begin to live again as we used to, and not by a single word, or hint…

      MASHA. [Restraining her sobs] “There stands a green oak by the sea,

       And a chain of bright gold is around it….

       And a chain of bright gold is around it….”

       I’m going off my head… “There stands… a green oak… by the sea.”…

      OLGA. Don’t, Masha, don’t… give her some water….

      MASHA. I’m not crying any more….

      KULIGIN. She’s not crying any more… she’s a good… [A shot is heard from a distance.]

      MASHA. “There stands a green oak by the sea,

       And a chain of bright gold is around it…

       An oak of green gold….”

       I’m mixing it up…. [Drinks some water] Life is dull… I don’t want anything more now… I’ll be all right in a moment…. It doesn’t matter…. What do those lines mean? Why do they run in my head? My thoughts are all tangled.

      [IRINA enters.]

      OLGA. Be quiet, Masha. There’s a good girl…. Let’s go in.

      MASHA. [Angrily] I shan’t go in there. [Sobs, but controls herself at once] I’m not going to go into the house, I won’t go….

      IRINA. Let’s sit here together and say nothing. I’m going away tomorrow…. [Pause.]

      KULIGIN. Yesterday I took away these whiskers and this beard from a boy in the third class…. [He puts on the whiskers and beard] Don’t I look like the German master…. [Laughs] Don’t I? The boys are amusing.

      MASHA. You really do look like that German of yours.

      OLGA. [Laughs] Yes. [MASHA weeps.]

      IRINA. Don’t, Masha!

      KULIGIN. It’s a very good likeness….

      [Enter NATASHA.]

      NATASHA. [To the maid] What? Mihail Ivanitch Protopopov will sit with little Sophie, and Andrey Sergeyevitch can take little Bobby out. Children are such a bother…. [To IRINA] Irina, it’s such a pity you’re going away tomorrow. Do stop just another week. [Sees KULIGIN and screams; he laughs and takes off his beard and whiskers] How you frightened me! [To IRINA] I’ve grown used to you and do you think it will be easy for me to part from you? I’m going to have Andrey and his violin put into your room — let him fiddle away in there! — and we’ll put little Sophie into his room. The beautiful, lovely child! What a little girlie! To-day she looked at me with such pretty eyes and said “Mamma!”

      KULIGIN. A beautiful child, it’s quite true.

      NATASHA. That means I shall have the place to myself tomorrow. [Sighs] In the first place I shall have that avenue of fir-trees cut down, then that maple. It’s so ugly at nights…. [To IRINA] That belt doesn’t suit you at all, dear…. It’s an error of taste. And I’ll give orders to have lots and lots of little flowers planted here, and they’ll smell…. [Severely] Why is there a fork lying about here on the seat? [Going towards the house, to the maid] Why is there a fork lying about here on the seat, I say? [Shouts] Don’t you dare to answer me!

      KULIGIN. Temper! temper! [A march is played off; they all listen.]

      OLGA. They’re going.

      [CHEBUTIKIN comes in.]

      MASHA. They’re going. Well, well…. Bon voyage! [To her husband] We must be going home…. Where’s my coat and hat?


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