Anton Chekhov: Plays, Short Stories, Diary & Letters (Collected Edition). Anton Chekhov

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Anton Chekhov: Plays, Short Stories, Diary & Letters (Collected Edition) - Anton Chekhov

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[After a pause] What did she come here for? What did she come here for, I ask you?

      IVANOFF. Don’t ask me, Annie. [A pause] I am terribly guilty. Think of any punishment you want to inflict on me; I can stand anything, but don’t, oh, don’t ask questions!

      ANNA. [Angrily] So that is the sort of man you are? Now I understand you, and can see how degraded, how dishonourable you are! Do you remember that you came to me once and lied to me about your love? I believed you, and left my mother, my father, and my faith to follow you. Yes, you lied to me of goodness and honour, of your noble aspirations and I believed every word ——

      IVANOFF. I have never lied to you, Annie.

      ANNA. I have lived with you five years now, and I am tired and ill, but I have always loved you and have never left you for a moment. You have been my idol, and what have you done? All this time you have been deceiving me in the most dastardly way ——

      IVANOFF. Annie, don’t say what isn’t so. I have made mistakes, but I have never told a lie in my life. You dare not accuse me of that!

      ANNA. It is all clear to me now. You married me because you expected my mother and father to forgive me and give you my money; that is what you expected.

      IVANOFF. Good Lord, Annie! If I must suffer like this, I must have the patience to bear it. [He begins to weep.]

      ANNA. Be quiet! When you found that I wasn’t bringing you any money, you tried another game. Now I remember and understand everything. [She begins to cry] You have never loved me or been faithful to me — never!

      IVANOFF. Sarah! That is a lie! Say what you want, but don’t insult me with a lie!

      ANNA. You dishonest, degraded man! You owe money to Lebedieff, and now, to escape paying your debts, you are trying to turn the head of his daughter and betray her as you have betrayed me. Can you deny it?

      IVANOFF. [Stifled with rage] For heaven’s sake, be quiet! I can’t answer for what I may do! I am choking with rage and I — I might insult you!

      ANNA. I am not the only one whom you have basely deceived. You have always blamed Borkin for all your dishonest tricks, but now I know whose they are.

      IVANOFF. Sarah, stop at once and go away, or else I shall say something terrible. I long to say a dreadful, cruel thing [He shrieks] Hold your tongue, Jewess!

      ANNA. I won’t hold my tongue! You have deceived me too long for me to be silent now.

      IVANOFF. So you won’t be quiet? [He struggles with himself] Go, for heaven’s sake!

      ANNA. Go now, and betray Sasha!

      IVANOFF. Know then that you — are dying! The doctor told me that you are dying.

      ANNA. [Sits down and speaks in a low voice] When did he

      IVANOFF. [Clutches his head with both hands] Oh, how guilty I am — how guilty! [He sobs.]


      About a year passes between the third and fourth acts.

      ACT IV

       Table of Contents

      A sitting-room in LEBEDIEFF’S house. In the middle of the wall at the back of the room is an arch dividing the sitting-room from the ballroom. To the right and left are doors. Some old bronzes are placed about the room; family portraits are hanging on the walls. Everything is arranged as if for some festivity. On the piano lies a violin; near it stands a violoncello. During the entire act guests, dressed as for a ball, are seen walking about in the ballroom.

      Enter LVOFF, looking at his watch.

      LVOFF. It is five o’clock. The ceremony must have begun. First the priest will bless them, and then they will be led to the church to be married. Is this how virtue and justice triumph? Not being able to rob Sarah, he has tortured her to death; and now he has found another victim whom he will deceive until he has robbed her, and then he will get rid of her as he got rid of poor Sarah. It is the same old sordid story. [A pause] He will live to a fine old age in the seventh heaven of happiness, and will die with a clear conscience. No, Ivanoff, it shall not be! I shall drag your villainy to light! And when I tear off that accursed mask of yours and show you to the world as the blackguard you are, you shall come plunging down headfirst from your seventh heaven, into a pit so deep that the devil himself will not be able to drag you out of it! I am a man of honour; it is my duty to interfere in such cases as yours, and to open the eyes of the blind. I shall fulfil my mission, and tomorrow will find me far away from this accursed place. [Thoughtfully] But what shall I do? To have an explanation with Lebedieff would be a hopeless task. Shall I make a scandal, and challenge Ivanoff to a duel? I am as excited as a child, and have entirely lost the power of planning anything. What shall I do? Shall I fight a duel?

      Enter KOSICH. He goes gaily up to LVOFF.

      KOSICH. I declared a little slam in clubs yesterday, and made a grand slam! Only that man Barabanoff spoilt the whole game for me again. We were playing — well, I said “No trumps” and he said “Pass.” “Two in clubs,” he passed again. I made it two in hearts. He said “Three in clubs,” and just imagine, can you, what happened? I declared a little slam and he never showed his ace! If he had showed his ace, the villain, I should have declared a grand slam in no trumps!

      LVOFF. Excuse me, I don’t play cards, and so it is impossible for me to share your enthusiasm. When does the ceremony begin?

      KOSICH. At once, I think. They are now bringing Zuzu to herself again. She is bellowing like a bull; she can’t bear to see the money go.

      LVOFF. And what about the daughter?

      KOSICH. No, it is the money. She doesn’t like this affair anyway. He is marrying her daughter, and that means he won’t pay his debts for a long time. One can’t sue one’s son-in-law.

      MARTHA, very much dressed up, struts across the stage past LVOFF and KOSICH. The latter bursts out laughing behind his hand. MARTHA looks around.

      MARTHA. Idiot!

      KOSICH digs her in the ribs and laughs loudly.

      MARTHA. Boor!

      KOSICH. [Laughing] The woman’s head has been turned. Before she fixed her eye on a title she was like any other woman, but there is no coming near her now! [Angrily] A boor, indeed!

      LVOFF. [Excitedly] Listen to me; tell me honestly, what do you think of Ivanoff?

      KOSICH. He’s no good at all. He plays cards like a lunatic. This is what happened last year during Lent: I, the Count, Borkin and he, sat down to a game of cards. I led a ——

      LVOFF [Interrupting him] Is he a good man?

      KOSICH. He? Yes, he’s a good one! He and the Count are a pair of trumps. They have keen noses for a good game. First, Ivanoff set his heart on the Jewess, then, when his schemes failed in that quarter, he turned his thoughts toward Zuzu’s money-bags. I’ll wager you he’ll ruin Zuzu in a year. He will ruin Zuzu, and the Count will ruin Martha. They will gather up all the money they can lay hands on, and live happily ever after! But, doctor, why are you so pale to-day? You look like a ghost.

      LVOFF. Oh, it’s nothing. I drank a little too much yesterday.

      Enter LEBEDIEFF with SASHA.

      LEBEDIEFF. We can have our talk here. [To LVOFF and KOSICH] Go into the ballroom, you two old fogies, and talk to the girls. Sasha and I want to talk alone here.

      KOSICH. [Snapping his fingers enthusiastically as he goes by SASHA] What a picture! A queen of trumps!

      LEBEDIEFF. Go along, you old cave-dweller; go along.

      KOSICH and LVOFF go out.

      LEBEDIEFF. Sit down, Sasha, there — [He sits down and looks about him] Listen

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