Complete Works. Hamilton Alexander

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Complete Works - Hamilton Alexander

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these we find entered in his books—as well as records of how the family lived, and what they did for a number of years. Among other items charged to Mrs. Church, it appears that he paid "Cash for passages of yourself and servants on Dolls. 370.66," and at an earlier date he "paid acct. of your last landlady for rooms, & some damage done by your servants in removing, £23.9.3."

      His own accounts are all neatly and carefully kept up to 1799, but show, after that time, some carelessness and brevity which is in contrast with earlier years. This was probably owing to his multifarious occupations, and possibly to his anxiety about the affairs of his own political party, which then was in the midst of its troubles. A list of excerpts is, I think, worthy of reproduction.

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G. Washington expense to Mess, to Morton $16.
1796. Nov. 11. Contribution for erecting R. C. Church at Albany 5.
July 11. For this sum paid to W. McDonald towards Presbyterian Church at Albany 15.
1795. Oct. 25. Household expenses for this sum paid Henry Seaman for Mourning for Mrs. Hamilton. 43.25
Philip Schuyler paid for Mrs. Schuyler 22.42
Dec. 6. Account of Expenses, for this sum paid tax on carriage 10.
for this sum paid Mr. Beekman for half a years rent of stable 50.
Dec. 21. George Washington, President for this sum paid for an express to Messrs. Troffer & Matin 16.
May 6. For this sum paid in full for Tuition of my Children in the French language say dollars Eighteen five shillings & 4d ( L. Maillet) £18.6.5
May 18. Household Furniture for a Dining Table & Bed Stead Doll. 108.74.
1793. Ju. 10. Account of Donation for the sum given away 30.
ditto July 4 10.
To Stock Account for price of Horse & Chaise Sold 250.
1796. For this sum paid M. Ten Eyck ¼ house rent 218.75
1796. Sept. 7. Account of Donation for this sum paid on account of rent for Isaac Sherman 37.50
Sept. 12. For this sum deposited for payment of duties on a pipe of wine 60.
Oct. 11. For this sum paid Archibald Drummond for stationery 21.20
For Sundry books & account 50.
Paid Doctors Bard & Hosack
1795 & 1796 110.
1798 100.
1802 246.50
1804 pd. Dr. Hosack July 3 120.
1797 Apothecaries bill 14.
1795. Sum for Bendon's note given to Mrs. Hamilton to take out in groceries £13. 5.
for a guinea in addition paid for Mrs. Hamilton £1.17.4
1795. For two guineas given to a poor French .9.33
family given in private character £1.
Account of expenses. Dr. to Cash. for this sum paid Judy Perkins Negro woman for her wages several years ago, which she alleges was detained from her in consequence of a claim by Major Turner who demands her wages as his servant (p Rect on Receipt Book Dr. 12.50
1795. for this sum paid for keeping of horses & Carriage 8.
1795. Aug. 28. for this sum paid for Cabinet Wares 67.13
Sept. 22. Account of donations Dr. in Cash for this sum paid to Henry King for Board of Mrs. De Grove a French refugee 19.
1796. Oct. this sum del'd Mrs. Hamilton on going to Albany 100.
this sum on my return November 1 20.
my expences to and from Albany 40.
Oct. 4. for Subscription to Dancing Assembly 20.
Nov. 11. for this sum paid Hallet & Browne for 2 Chaldrons of Coal 30.
for fruits 3.
24. J. Lyon & Co. for 2 ½ Chaldrons of Coal 37.50
Dec 6 this sum paid Doctor Jones for two firkins of butter 50.55
Dec. 23. paid Berry & Rogers for Books 10.
1796. Dec. for this sum in Charity 17.
" 5.
" 5.
" 5.