Complete Works. Hamilton Alexander

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Complete Works - Hamilton Alexander

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Paid Sherrard his account £13.7.6. 1797. Feby 13. Library, paid J. Rivington for books 22.37 Febr 24. paid Subscription to ball 5. Mar. 7. William Duer cash lent this day 30. Mar. 10. paid Mrs. Hamilton for subscription to a Bible 5. May 22. R. Troupe for parchment purchased of him 30 skins at 5/10 21.88 May 29. John B. Church paid for a negro woman & child 225. Aug. 29. Tax on house & Stabel 43.40 " " personal tax 9.30 Oct. 16. paid Crier Albany in full 10. Nov. 24. paid Hair dresser's bill 20. 1798. Feby 1. for my expenses to and from Albany 50. Subscription towards Reading Room 1.50 Feby 14. " to Presidents Ball 5. March, Household furniture, Plate presented by M. le Guen 500. Case v. Gouverneur Expended at Philadelphia last Summer 100. April 1. Library Acct for paid towards Encyclopedia 40.20 paid on journey to New Haven 100. May 1. paid Mr. Ten Eyck half year's rent ending yesterday 437.50 Marinus Willet, this sum lent his wife 125. May 9. paid Dr. Belleville bill in full 12.50 May 18. Delvd. E. Hamilton, & paid for pistols 62. June 30. paid Independence Dinner 10. Aug. 23. paid Wyllies house & Chaise hire 30. Dec. 18. paid Mrs. Hamilton some time since 100. 1799. Jan. 12. Expenses for a Demijohn of wine 20. Jan. 19. paid French Taylor 100. Jan. 29. to Military Service compensation for November & December 536.70 Febr. 12. paid for Prints 28. 1799. Mar. 1. Expences for half the rent of a Country place last fall 37.50 paid Isaac Jones Mar. 29. United States Postage paid by Capt. Church 21. postage paid by Mrs. Williams to accountant of War Dept. 215.84 1802. Febr. By Bank N. Y. overdrawn 50. Expense House Rent 110. 1799. Sept. 25. Paid for horse 125. 1802. May 12. Expenses Philip's funeral 266.11 1803. Charity, Alms House 105.

      The accounts of the last few years are even more condensed and less orderly, and are grouped under "Receipts & Expenditures." Many of these refer to the building of the Grange where he lived until his death, and to the payment of household expenses, wages, etc.

      In another part of the book appear several entries, undoubtedly in connection with the election of John Adams, and showing that even in those days a degree of conviviality was indispensable to the exercise of the franchise.

       Disbursements for Elections

1796 Paid Jones printer for printing nominating tickets Drs. 2.
Aprl. 16. paid R. Boyd for tavern expenses " Hobson " " " 15.
pd. Hammond as my share 30.
"Van Orden for Tavern Expenses 9.37
City of N. Y. in acct. with A. H.
1788. McClean Printer at different times paid an execution agst Capt. ----- on acct. of Rockets expended in the procession.

      The cost of living in this city in those days may be approximately reached by this bill for provisions for about ten days:

      No. 45. Reinhard Kahmer bot for Cornal Hamilton at Sundred times

October 19th To" 3 " bushels of potatoes at 2s/9d £0.8.3
To a ½ "peck of pears 0.1.10½
To a ½ "bushel of turnips 0. 1.3
To " 3 "bunches of Carrots & Cabeges
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