Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Physical and Biological Agents. Группа авторов

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Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Physical and Biological Agents - Группа авторов

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only for the radiation energy or for the isotope for which it has been calibrated. Typical full‐scale readings of portable G–M survey meters are about 500–50 000 counts per minute, or (when calibrated with 60Co or 137Cs) 0.1–10 mrad h−1.

      10.2 Scintillation Counters

      The response of dose measuring instruments is proportional to the amount of energy absorbed from the radiation, rather than to the radiation flux. Dose measuring instruments used in the practice of health physics fall into two categories: portable survey instruments and personal monitoring devices.

      11.1 Portable Survey Meters

      The most commonly used survey meter is the ion chamber in which the ionization current is measured. Since a specific amount of energy is expended in creating a single ion (34 eV per ion in air), the ion current generated by the radiation within the ion chamber is proportional to the rate of energy transfer to the gas within the chamber. The same caveats regarding energy dependence and response time that applied to G–M counters also apply to ionization chambers. Generally, survey meters are relatively energy independent over a wide range of energies, from about 50 keV to about 3 MeV. The energy range can be extended downward by incorporating several windows of varying thickness into the instrument. For example, a window thickness of 10 mg cm−2 enables an ionization chamber to measure dose from 10 keV X‐rays. Ordinarily, ionization chambers are sensitive down to about 0.5 mrad h−1. However, the sensitivity can be greatly increased by increasing the gas pressure within the ion chamber. This presents the radiation with more atoms that can be ionized, thereby increasing the ion current from a given radiation field.

      The measurement of dose rates using G–M and scintillation counters should be performed with caution, as these instruments measure individual ionizing events, rather than the number of charges created by the radiation. Both detectors need to be calibrated with a radiation source.

      11.2 Personal Dosimeters

Detector type Application Ability to detect α β γ
G–M Surface scanning, measurement of smear samples Good (>4 MeV) Good (>70 keV) Poor
ZnS(Ag) Surface scanning, measurement of smear samples Good (>4 MeV) Poor Poor
NaI(Tl) Surface scanning, measurement of smear samples Poor Poor Good
Dosimeter Advantages Disadvantages
Film Permanent record, tissue equivalent Requires wet chemical developing
OSL Can be reread, tissue equivalent, low detection threshold, high detection possible Insensitive to neutrons (neutron sensitive OSL dosimeters are in development)
TLD Variety of sensitivities, tissue equivalent Cannot be reread
Electronic dosimeters Can be read at any time by user, self‐contained alarm. Can be used as dosimetry of record Directional, expensive, can be energy dependent, usually sensitive only to gamma rays
Pocket dosimeters Can be read at any time by user Easily fail if dropped, not suitable for dosimetry of record

      11.2.1 Film Badges

      Exposure to penetrating ionizing radiation of a film wrapped in light‐tight paper darkens the film; the degree of darkening is proportional to the radiation dose. After developing the film, the degree of darkening is measured and the dose is read from a calibration curve that relates the degree of darkening to the dose. The lower limit of quantitative dose measurement with film is considered to be 10 mrem. Film badges are worn for periods ranging from one week to

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