Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Physical and Biological Agents. Группа авторов

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Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Physical and Biological Agents - Группа авторов

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a significant hazard to the skin. In addition to these broad hazard categories, three sub‐classes also exist to better cite the very limited hazards of Class 3 lasers on the border of posing a hazard (Class 3R) or to address the increased risk from optically aided viewing: Classes 1M and 2M. The user must employ laser hazard controls for Class 3 and 4 laser products, and safety requirements generally become more stringent for the higher class. Special controls are required in several application areas, such as laser material processing and surgery. Eye protection is required when laser beams are accessible in the open. Class 4 lasers employed in material processing, such as welding and cutting, or in surgery may produce airborne contaminants that will generally require local exhaust ventilation.

      The term “laser” is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Despite the fact that stimulated emission is a process that was theoretically predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916, the first successful laser was not demonstrated until 1960 (1). Lasers have many applications in the research laboratory, in industry, medicine, and surgery, and even in office settings, construction sites and even households. For many applications, such as videodisk players, laser printers, computers, and optical fiber communication systems, the laser's radiant energy output is enclosed; the user faces no safety hazard or health risk. In such applications, the presence of a potentially higher‐class laser embedded in the product may not be obvious to the user. However, in some medical, industrial, or research applications, the laser's emitted radiant energy is accessible and may pose a potential hazard to the eye and skin.

      Because the laser process (sometimes referred to as “lasing”) can produce a highly collimated beam of optical radiation (i.e. UV, visible, or IR radiant energy), a laser can pose a hazard at a considerable distance – quite unlike most hazards encountered in the workplace. Perhaps it is this characteristic more than any other that has led to special concerns expressed by workers and by radiological and occupational health and safety experts. Nevertheless, lasers can be used safely when appropriate hazard controls are applied. Guidelines for safe exposure and safety standards (5, 6) for lasers exist worldwide and are currently quite similar or “harmonized.” All of the safety standards make use of a hazard classification system, which groups laser products into one of four broad hazard classes according to the laser's output power or energy and its ability to ca use harm. Safety measures are then applied commensurate to the hazard classification (5, 7–10).

Hazard class Hazard Control measures Examples
1 Not hazardous (“eye‐safe”) No user control measures; all safety requirements are on the manufacturer Some small infrared diode lasers; totally enclosed laser scribing systems
1M Not hazardous unless viewed with a collecting telescope Warnings to the user not to look into the beam with telescope Free‐space laser telecommunication system
2 Not a realistic hazard because of the eye's aversion response to bright light (visible lasers only) Warning label not to stare into the beam; afterimages will result Low‐power 1‐mW laser pointers; some hand‐held bar‐code scanners
2M Not a realistic hazard because of the eye's aversion response unless viewed with a telescope Warning not to view with telescope and not to stare into the beam Some expanded‐beam laser alignment tools
3R Marginally hazardous – a transitional hazard classification. Hazardous only under worst‐case viewing conditions, but MPE can be exceeded, but a low risk of actual eye injury exists Warning not to look into the direct beam. The MPE will be exceeded at close distances. Limit use to mature users 1–5‐mW laser pointers; alignment lasers used in industry and at construction sites for positioning, leveling, etc.
3B Risk of eye injury upon direct intra‐beam viewing and from some specular reflections; generally not a realistic risk of significant skin injury Stronger warnings, emission indicators and other features and controlled use and eye protection Low‐power medical treatment
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