Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms. Caner Ozdemir

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Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms - Caner Ozdemir

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of scattering mechanisms in the joint time–frequency plane...Figure 1.5 JTF image of a backscattered measured data from a dielectric‐coat...Figure 1.6 An ideal and real LP filter characteristics.Figure 1.7 Some common window characteristics.Figure 1.8 Effect of windowing. (a) Rectangular time signal, (b) its Fourier...Figure 1.9 Sampling. (a) continuous time signal, (b) discrete‐time signal af...Figure 1.10 Impulse comb waveform composed of ideal impulses.Figure 1.11 An example of DFT operation: (a) discrete time‐domain signal, (b...Figure 1.12 (a) Monostatic radar configuration, (b) scattered field versus f...Figure 1.13 Simulated range profile of an airplane.Figure 1.14 Simulated 2D ISAR image of an airplane.Figure 1.15 SAR image of the famous “hook” of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA....Figure 1.16 The Nyquist sampling procedure for getting unaliased range image...Figure 1.17 The effect of sampling rate. (a) No aliasing due to oversampling...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Different scattering mechanisms: (a) specular reflection, (b) sca...Figure 2.2 Electromagnetic scattering from a perfectly conducting object.Figure 2.3 The EM energy scatters in all directions when it hits a target.Figure 2.4 RCS values for perfectly conducting simple objects (all objects a...Figure 2.5 Simulated RCS (in dBsm) of an aircraft model at 2 GHz as a functi...Figure 2.6 Geometry for obtaining bistatic radar range equation.Figure 2.7 Geometry for obtaining monostatic radar range equation.Figure 2.8 Minimum receiver power corresponding to maximum range of radar.Figure 2.9 An example of CW radar waveform in (a) time domain, (b) frequency...Figure 2.10 Operation of police radar: (a) returned wave has the same freque...Figure 2.11 A linear frequency‐modulated continuous wave signal.Figure 2.12 Operation of LFMCW radar: (a) time‐frequency display of the tran...Figure 2.13 LFMCW radar block diagram.Figure 2.14 SFCW signal in time‐frequency plane.Figure 2.15 Range profile of a point target is obtained with the help of SFC...Figure 2.16 A short‐duration rectangular pulse in (a) time domain, (b) frequ...Figure 2.17 A short‐duration single‐frequency pulse in (a) time domain, (b) ...Figure 2.18 A short‐duration Mexican‐hat pulse in (a) time domain, (b) frequ...Figure 2.19 Comparison of the time‐domain pulse waveforms: (a) single‐tone p...Figure 2.20 Comparison of the spectrum of (a) single‐tone pulse and (b) LFM ...Figure 2.21 Pulsed radar systems use a sequence of modulated pulses.Figure 2.22 Illustration of Doppler shift phenomenon: (a) the leading edge o...Figure 2.23 Doppler shift is caused by the target's radial velocity, vr.

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Modes of SAR operation. (a) strip‐map SAR, (b) spotlight SAR, (c)...Figure 3.2 General block‐diagram of a SAR system.Figure 3.3 A real aperture single antenna that provides an azimuth resolutio...Figure 3.4 Basic SAR operation: Radar platform is moving to synthesize the e...Figure 3.5 SAR image is formed by applying range compression and azimuth com...Figure 3.6 The matched filter receiver.Figure 3.7 The matched filter realization via FFT processing.Figure 3.8 The matched filter example. (a) transmitted rectangular pulse, (b...Figure 3.9 Ideal ambiguity function represented by the radar ambiguity diagr...Figure 3.10 Normalized rectangular pulse ambiguity function (a) in the radar...Figure 3.11 Normalized LFM pulse ambiguity function (a) in the radar ambigui...Figure 3.12 Time‐frequency plot for an (a) upchirp signal, (b) downchirp sig...Figure 3.13 Output signal after the pulse compression process.Figure 3.14 The matched filter example: (a) transmitted chirp‐type signal, (...Figure 3.15 Geometry for synthetic aperture radar (SAR).Figure 3.16 (a) Actual radial distance (drawn as solid line) and estimated r...Figure 3.17 Spotlight SAR with a circular flight path.Figure 3.18 Flowchart of RDA.Figure 3.19 (a) A typical chirp signal waveform, (b) time‐frequency display ...Figure 3.20 Hanning windowed range‐compressed signal.Figure 3.21 SAR image generation example. (a) a scene with tank models, (b) ...Figure 3.22 SIR‐C/X‐SAR image of San Francisco, California.Figure 3.23 A simplified MOCOMP geometry for SAR.Figure 3.24 Geometry for InSAR.Figure 3.25 (SIR‐C/X‐SAR) Interferometric image of Mount Etna, Italy.htt...Figure 3.26 Polarimetric SAR image of Southeast Oahu, HI.(For the whole ...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) geometry.Figure 4.2 Spotlight SAR geometry with circular flight path is analogous to ...Figure 4.3 SAR‐to‐ISAR transition: (a) spotlight SAR with circular flight pa...Figure 4.4 Spotlight SAR with straight flight path.Figure 4.5 Range profile of a target.Figure 4.6 Range profile of a model airplane.Figure 4.7 Collecting radar returns at different look angles to form the cro...Figure 4.8 Cross‐range profile of a model airplane.Figure 4.9 (a) Collection of ISAR raw data in Fourier space for the monostat...Figure 4.10 Geometry for monostatic ISAR imaging (2D case).Figure 4.11 Geometry for imaging multibounce mechanisms in ISAR.Figure 4.12 (a) Single‐bounce mechanisms are correctly mapped in ISAR. (b) M...Figure 4.13 All double bounces from a 90° corner reflector have the same tra...Figure 4.14 ISAR image of a 1 m × 1 m corner reflector at 10 GHz. The images...Figure 4.15 ISAR image of a plane model from 45° from

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