Nutrition For Dummies. Carol Ann Rinzler

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Nutrition For Dummies - Carol Ann Rinzler

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href="#u56f04355-564d-5196-bae1-d01ad1371d39">Chapter 20: Healthful and Delicious Heat Exploring Different Methods of Cooking Understanding How Cooking Alters Food Picking the Right Cooking Materials Protecting the Nutrients in Cooked Foods Keeping Food Safe by Cooking Chapter 21: How Freezing, Canning, Drying, and Zapping Protect Your Food Cold Comfort: Chilling and Freezing Canned Food: Keeping Out Contaminants Dried Food: No Life without Water Irradiation: A Hot Topic Chapter 22: Better Eating through Chemistry Nature’s Beneficial Chemistry Exploring the Natural and Synthetic Nature of Food Additives Determining the Safety of Food Additives Beyond Additives: Foods Nature Never Made

      9  Part 5: Food and Medicine Chapter 23: When Food Fights Back Diagnosing Food Allergies Coping with Food Allergies Recognizing Other Body Reactions to Food Chapter 24: Brain Food Nourishing the Developing Brain Protecting the Adult Brain Altering the Emotional Brain Healing the Injured Brain Eating to Benefit Your Brain and Your Body Chapter 25: Food and Drug Interactions Following Food and Drug Interactions Listing the Reactions of Drugs and Certain Foods Discovering Drug Interactions with Nutrients Using Food to Improve a Drug’s Performance Chapter 26: Using Food as Medicine Defining Food as Medicine Naming Diets with Absolutely, Positively Beneficial Medical Effects Using Food to Prevent Disease Eating for a Better Body (And Brain) The Last Word on Food versus Medicine

      10  Part 6: The Part of Tens Chapter 27: Ten Reliable Food and Nutrition Websites U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Composition Website U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) The American Heart Association (AHA) American Cancer Society (ACS) Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) Mayo Clinic Science Daily WebMD Food Safety News Chapter 28: Ten Northern Nutrition Rules Be Mindful of Your Eating Habits Cook More Often Enjoy Your Food Eat Meals with Others Eat Plenty of Vegetables and Fruits, Whole Grain Foods, and Protein Foods Limit Highly Processed Foods Make Water Your Drink of Choice Use Food Labels Be Aware That Food Marketing Can Influence Your Choices Check the Guidelines for Updates Chapter 29: Ten Superstar Foods Avocado Bananas Beans Celery Cheese Chocolate Nuts Sardines White Tea Whole Grains Chapter 30: Ten Ways Coffee (and Tea) Make Life Better Coffee Lights Up Your Brain Coffee Chases the Blues Coffee Powers Endurance Exercise Скачать книгу