Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2. Группа авторов

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Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2 - Группа авторов

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_40aefda4-1a07-53d8-8aff-90f242fc3b5d">Figure 1.6. First model statistics and confusion matrix

      In terms of tax claim amounts, the model appears to perform quite well, since the selected taxpayers’ average due additional taxes amounts to € 49,094, whereas the average on the entire test set is equal to € 22,339.

Pred Interesting Not Interesting
Procedure 70.12% 32.24%
No procedure 29.88% 67.76%

      Thus, many of the selected taxpayers have a debt payment issue. This jeopardizes the overall selection process efficiency and effectiveness. As pointed out by the Italian Court of Auditors, coercive procedures, on average, are able to collect only about 5% of the overall claimed credits.

Graph depicts the total tax claim and discounted tax claim. Graph depicts the average total tax claim and discounted tax claim.

      A second model may then help us by predicting which taxpayers would not be subject to coercive procedures, by focusing on a set of features concerning their assets.

Chart depicts the second model statistics and confusion matrix.
Pred Procedure No Procedure
Interesting 46.94% 32.73%
Not interesting 53.06% 67.27%

      In fact, this second model’s performance in terms of tax claim appears to have worsened with respect to the first, since the no procedure taxpayers’ average due additional tax, calculated on the first 415 taxpayers (according to the ranking set by this model, which is, obviously, dramatically different from the one set by the first model we have seen), is equal to € 20,388. However, the average collectable tax claim is equal to € 13,493, which is a little bit better than the one we have seen before.

      We point out that throughout this chapter, we have compared sets of selected taxpayers with the same cardinality, for two kinds of considerations: first, tax authorities, reasonably, have a fixed budget of audits to perform, so comparisons between models should be done subject to a given number of audits; second, for comparability reasons, since smaller sets tend to perform more (see Figure 1.8, where the average tax claim decreases while the number of selected taxpayers increases).

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