The New Builders. Seth Levine

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The New Builders - Seth Levine

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else, and enforced by a government that, under both Democrats and Republicans, has increasingly shifted the rules of the game to favor size. Society has become obsessed with the ability to order any item at any time on demand, the convenience of everything under the sun being delivered to our front door, and the comfort of knowing that you can get the same coffee, burger, or taco in just about any large city in our country. We have started to devalue people who pick another path, who want to be producers, rather than consumers. Even among technology companies – which most perceive as thriving – fewer people are launching new businesses. Now is the time to focus on these changes and start to do something about them.

      In the coming chapters, we'll explore places like Staunton, Virginia, which is home to a local angel network that has invested more than $1 million and is home to a makerspace that has helped rejuvenate the downtown. The story of the Staunton Makerspace shows what happens when the spirit of New Builders takes root in a community and is nurtured there. About a year after it was opened, a fire destroyed the fledgling operation in downtown Staunton. A 92‐year‐old former machinist, George Saugui, read about the fire in the newspaper. “I thought we lost everything,” Dan Funk, the founder of the Makerspace told us. “But he showed up.” The duo hoisted George's old workbench into a truck and brought it down to the ruined Makerspace. “He sat for four weeks, repairing all of our woodworking equipment,” Dan recalled. The Makerspace was rebuilt with the help of George and others in the community who turned up to rally around this important asset. It is now back in operation and has since expanded to include members working on a variety of hobbies, as well as entrepreneurial ventures in everything from textiles to 3D printing (which quickly became important during Covid‐19).

      Indeed, entrepreneurs, especially those with unexpected success stories, have given the United States much of our identity as a nation of builders and doers, risk‐takers, and innovators, of economic prosperity and deep community identity. The story we tell ourselves about America, although part myth and part reality, is inexorably linked to this entrepreneurial spirit.

      Hers is an almost unbelievable account of the power of the entrepreneurial spirit to change one's life and a testament to the determination required to succeed. It's also a reminder – and something we'll explore over and over as we meet more New Builders – of the power of network and mentorship. It's a story of promise and a beacon to this day for the power of American entrepreneurship. But it's also a reminder that New Builders and their predecessors have been fighting for hundreds of years for recognition and support in our entrepreneurial landscape. One of the reasons we don't value Danaris Mazara is that we haven't valued Elizabeth Keckley. Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice – the first Black woman to hold that position – described this fight for universal dignity and respect that many dominant communities take for granted, but that others are in a constant struggle for, in a commencement address to the College of William & Mary in 2015:

      Rice reminds us that our past is something that we can't, and shouldn't, simply forget or tuck away in some dark corner. At the same time, our history does not need to define us.

      To understand how we got to this place, where we've nearly abandoned the people who are our best hope for building a better future, we need to start with a short trip into the past, on the shoulders of that too long, too complicated, and now seemingly co‐opted word: entrepreneur. We need to understand how, in the late twentieth century, Silicon Valley and the tech world became, first, the gold standard, and then the only standard that mattered for entrepreneurship. And we need to understand that our love affair with size is causing us to forget the power of small. We've also lost sight of one of the most inexorable rules of money: it will flow along the path of least resistance and highest return, which is often to the people who already have it.

      Entrepreneur comes from a French root, entreprendre,

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