The New Builders. Seth Levine

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The New Builders - Seth Levine

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_fb914c19-d5f3-501f-92e4-d2c939c38a4d">6. Gonzalo Huertas and Jacob Funk Kirkegaard (2019), “US Entrepreneurship Rate Is Mostly Driven by Hispanic Population,” PIIE, February 11, 2009,

      7 7. “Attention Millennials: The Average Entrepreneur Is This Old When They Launch Their First Startup,” Inc., 2018,

      8 8. “Older Workers Are the Economy's Most Underrated Natural Resource,” Quartz, 2018,

      9 9. David M. Smick, The Great Equalizer: How Main Street Capitalism Can Create an Economy for Everyone (Perseus Books, 2017)

      10 10. Condoleezza Rice, “College of William and Mary Address – May 16, 2015,” Commencement address, Iowa State University Archives of Women's Political Communications,

      11 11. Christopher Brown and Mark Thornton, “How Entrepreneurship Theory Created Economics,” Mises Institute, 2014,

      12 12. Ibid

      13 13. American Association for the Advancement of Science, “Historical Trends in Federal R&D,”

      14 14. Margaret O'Mara (2019), The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America (New York: Penguin Books, 2019)

      “ Come down to my store,” Steve Murray said, urgently, one day in the mid‐1990s. He'd reached Elizabeth, who at that time was a reporter with the Lancaster Sunday News, handling the cops and business beat on a small news staff.

      Steve's store was about six blocks up Queen Street, one of the two main streets in the small city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, about an hour‐and‐a‐half west of Philadelphia. Once prosperous, by the 1980s and 1990s, this historic city in the middle of tobacco country was struggling, having fallen into the familiar narrative of Main Street decline.

      Steve never seemed to notice that the world around him didn't match his style. He stood in the middle of his vintage shop in a historic storefront, loving the Deep Throat role he'd given himself. Zap & Co. was filled to overflowing with brooches the size of lobster claws, hats like flying saucers, and floor‐length gowns and psychedelic shirts. Inventory that brought to mind Wallis Simpson, Lena Horne, and Cher, all at once.

      And to an enterprising reporter, he was about to hand over the super‐secret plan for the economic revival of Lancaster City, prepared by business owners involved in a group called the Hourglass Foundation.

      He was a renegade business owner who believed deeply – passionately – that Lancaster was a beautiful place. That the fading Victorian buildings could regain their former glory, that people from big cities would flock to the small downtown if there were good restaurants and more shops like his. Twenty‐five years later, and only after Steve's point of view influenced the powers that be, he would prove to be right. Lancaster is in the middle of an economic renaissance.

      Steve Murray, like another entrepreneur we'll meet in this chapter, Fred Sachs, was dynamism in action. Zap & Co. never grew large, but Steve was a key actor in creating the long‐term vision that would power the city's economy. Without him, the revival of an entire city might never have happened. A vibrant economy thrives on a certain amount of turnover, regeneration, and risk‐taking. Old ideas are replaced by new ones, and past ways of thinking and working are overtaken by novel approaches. Dynamism lives in people like Steve: entrepreneurs who run businesses at the smaller end of the business spectrum, but who bring passion and life to new ideas. We have been taking these small businesses – these engines of dynamism – for granted.

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