The Radical Right During Crisis. Группа авторов

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The Radical Right During Crisis - Группа авторов

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“Home,” Greenline Front International Blog,

      Reem Ahmed and Maik Fielitz

      In June 2020, two right-wing extremists faced trial in Frankfurt, Germany, suspected of assassinating the CDU politician Walter Lübcke at his home in June 2019. Lübcke, who openly supported Chancellor Angela Merkel’s liberal border policy at the height of the “refugee crisis” in 2015, has been a symbol of hate within far-right circles and was vilified as a ‘traitor against the people’ (Volksverräter). As the first assassination of a politician at the hands of right-wing extremists in post-war Germany, this case brings together two key elements of transnational far-right narratives; namely, that 1) the state has fallen into the hands of the “enemies” who are facilitating 2) apocalyptic scenarios of the ‘death of the people’ (Volkstod) by welcoming migrants into the country.

       The narratives of right-wing terrorism

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