The Radical Right During Crisis. Группа авторов

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The Radical Right During Crisis - Группа авторов

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March 23, 2020,

      Bethan Johnson

      Within the first five months of 2020, COVID-19 spread across every populated continent and infected more than two million people, and estimates predict the infections and deaths of millions more. More than just a tragic outbreak of an infectious disease, COVID-19 has proven to be something of a social and political Rorschach Test.

      The narrative is proving troublingly popular. Beyond positive responses to extremists’ content on COVID-19, a basic analysis of the number of views of videos about COVID-19 often have as many if not more views (often in the thousands or tens of thousands) than videos posted on other topics previously, or those posted around the same time that are not about COVID-19.

      The issue of the rapid consumption of extremist content speaks to the other serious threat this pandemic poses to the fabric of our society. Isolation and social distancing not only grant those already radicalised more time to connect with one another, to plan and prepare propaganda or future attacks, they also allow new people to be indoctrinated as they consume easy to access extremist content online, with COVID-19 content as

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