The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, concerning his future life, 130:3.2 (1432.2), 131:10.5 (1454.2)proposal of, to Jesus, about making a new religion, 132:7.6 (1467.2)questions of, as to how to make friends, 130:7.2 (1438.5)reaction of, to Buddhism, 131:3.1 (1446.3)to chance meeting with the two public women, 133:3.6 (1472.5)to encounter with the bully at Tarentum, 133:1.1 (1468.4)to the episode of the lost child in Rome, 132:6.1 (1465.5)Garden(s)Adam and Eve leave the, 75:6.0 (844.3–6)area, under cultivation, percentage of, 73:5.6 (825.3)assembly, address of Adam and Eve to the, 74:3.5 (831.2)civilization, overthrow of, 74:8.14 (838.6)covenant, transgression of, by the Edenic pair, 75:4.2 (842.4)culture, spread of the, to Asia, Africa, and Europe, 78:8.12 (877.2)dwellers, banquet to, 74:3.4 (831.1)mass meeting of, at the Father’s temple, 74:4.1 (832.1)Nodites’ contact with, 75:2.5 (840.7)Sumerian attitude toward the, 77:4.9 (860.4)of Eden, about, 73:0.0 (821.1–827.4)location and characteristics of, 51:3.2 (583.1), 51:6.2 (586.6)name often given in Norlatiadek to beautiful places on inhabited worlds, 43:6.2 (492.2)and the selection of planetary natives as parents of the blended race, 51:5.3 (585.7)significance of the tradition of the, 89:2.3 (975.7)the usual name of the planetary headquarters of an Adam and Eve, 39:5.3 (437.2)Edentia, grandeur of, 43:1.7 (486.6), 43:6.0 (492.1–493.1), 73:4.1 (823.7)first, see also First, gardenheadquarters of the Adamic regime, 50:4.2 (575.3), 73:2.0 (822.5–9), 73:5.0 (824.5–825.5)homes of Material Sons, selection of sites of, and preliminary work on, 51:3.1 (582.5)inhabitants, reaction of, to Eve’s default, 75:5.3 (843.5)Nazareth family’s cultivation of a, 126:5.10 (1393.7)Nodite expedition against the, 75:5.9 (844.2)peninsula, submergence of, and accompanying upheavals, 73:6.7 (826.4), 73:7.1 (826.6)topography of, 73:3.4 (823.4)the second, 75:5.9 (844.2), 76:0.0 (847.1–854.2), 77:4.5 (859.8)site, the chosen, 73:3.6 (823.6)temple, planting of the tree of life in the, 73:6.1 (825.6)watering the, 73:3.4 (823.4)workers, volunteer support of, 73:4.4 (824.3)Gardeningan advanced culture in Adam’s time, 68:5.9 (769.1)a pursuit of the Andites’ ancestors in the second garden, 81:1.6 (901.1)Garlica cause of defilement, according to early Greeks, 84:4.8 (936.1)Gas(es)carbon, 57:7.8 (659.7)condensation, in origin of solar system worlds, 57:5.10 (656.6)-contraction spheres, definition, 41:10.4 (466.3), 57:5.11 (656.7)deposit of, during brachiopod age, 59:3.4 (677.1)elasticity, interior, of the suns, 41:9.4 (465.4)-escapement stage of Andronover, 57:3.3 (653.3)hot, suns’ envelopment by blanket of, 41:7.11 (463.11)presence of, in coal layers, 59:5.16 (681.8)pressure, internal sun, effect of, on distant planets, 41:5.1 (460.5)source of, 41:4.2 (459.6), 59:3.4 (677.1)Gastropodsbivalve, modern types of, 59:2.12 (676.3)increase of, in early brachiopod age, 59:3.7 (677.4)of late invertebrate-animal age, varieties of, 59:2.12 (676.3)Gatesof the Garden, the twelve, 73:4.3 (824.2)pearly, of the promenade walls of the circles of the Sons, on Jerusem, 46:5.11 (524.2)Gautamaalleged and true ancestry of, 94:7.1 (1035.1)Buddha, an alleged incarnation of Vishnu, 94:4.9 (1032.1)gospel of, the four noble truths of the, 94:8.3 (1036.5)identity of, 92:5.12 (1009.6), 94:7.0 (1035.1–1036.2), 94:11.9 (1039.8)life of, vs. his teachings, 94:8.0 (1036.3–1037.3)the originator of Buddhism, 94:8.2 (1036.4)Siddhartha, the conversion experience of, 100:5.3 (1099.1)trinitarian doctrine of, 104:1.6 (1144.3)son of, a successor to his father in the cult, 94:7.6 (1035.6)the wife of, the founder of an order of nuns, 94:7.6 (1035.6)worship of, as a god, 94:9.2 (1037.5)Gavaliaidentification, 37:2.6 (407.6)presenter of Paper 119, 119:0.1 (1308.1)GazaJesus’ visit to, 134:7.4 (1492.4)on the route of the early Christian missionaries, 194:4.13 (2068.3)GebaJesus’ visit to, 134:7.5 (1492.5)Gehennabodies of the thieves taken to, 188:1.5 (2013.4)Jewish rulers’ desire to have Jesus’ body cast into, 188:0.2 (2012.2)Gem(s)of beauty in diadems of glory, 44:4.8 (503.8)of botanic beauty, even unfinished the Garden as a, 73:5.8 (825.5)crystal, in walls and buildings of Jerusem, 46:5.11 (524.2), 46:5.31 (526.6)of mentation treasured on the morontia worlds, 44:4.2 (503.2)thought, human, included by midwayer authors in this revelation, 121:8.13 (1343.2)of truth in others’ teachings appreciated by Jesus, 100:7.5 (1102.2)Genealogy(ies)Biblical, of Abraham, confusion of time periods in, 77:2.11 (857.8)of Joseph and Mary, unreliability of the, 122:4.4 (1347.6)living, ready-reference, of the seven superuniverses, 28:6.4 (314.3)Generation(s)to come, doing of strange things in Jesus’ name in, 159:2.1 (1764.3)each, attitude of, toward its ancestors’ superstitions, 86:6.5 (956.1)future, grasp of Jesus’ teachings by, 143:7.9 (1616.11)new expressions of truth in each, 79:8.8 (888.1)work of each, in anticipation of the Son of Man’s return, 176:3.3 (1916.3)Generosityof the Father’s love, 5:1.2 (62.4)of Jesus, 100:7.10 (1102.7), 139:5.6 (1556.6)Genesdominant, role of, in hybridization, 82:6.7 (920.5)Geneticbasis for social class, wealth as a, 70:8.6 (792.10)factors in superiority of ancient yellow race, 79:5.6 (883.7), 79:6.7 (885.4)knowledge, easiest approach to, 19:1.5 (215.2)motions of space paths of planet, solar system, and superuniverse, 15:3.15 (168.11)mutations resulting in sudden species appearance, not supernatural, 58:6.4 (669.5)Genghis Khanexpected return of, 92:5.6 (1008.8)Mongol leader, 79:1.9 (879.6)GeniusGreek, decline of, in the first century A.D., 195:1.9 (2072.2)and insanity, early man’s inability to distinguish between, 88:1.9 (968.4)vs. mediocrity, in man’s experience, 111:7.5 (1223.7)the obligations of a, 132:5.20 (1464.4)the political, vs. the religious leadership of Ikhnaton, 95:5.3 (1047.3)Gennesaretapostolic corps’ visit to, 152:5.5 (1704.4), 156:6.3 (1741.3)Gentile(s)of adoption, Jewish belief in salvation for the, 166:3.2 (1828.6)among the, 121:3.0 (1334.7–1335.9)apostolic corps’ first preaching to, 143:1.1 (1607.3)of Archelais and Phasaelis, reaction of, to the gospel, 143:3.8 (1611.6)belief in Jesus, 174:5.9 (1903.6)believers, appreciation of Jesus’ teachings by, 156:2.4 (1736.1)blood, apostles’ heavy strains of, 139:0.2 (1548.2)bondage, Jews’ anticipation of their delivery from, 185:5.6 (1993.6)churches, Paul the leading spirit among the, 139:2.11 (1551.7)contact with the, a great trial to the apostles, 143:3.1 (1610.4)devout, and the new kingdom, 135:5.5 (1500.5)dogs, Jews’ identification of, 164:1.2 (1809.4)drunken, episode of, at the temple discussions, 125:4.3 (1382.1)the Father not the God alone of the, 140:1.2 (1568.5)Greek-speaking, Simon’s derision of Norana as a, 156:1.5 (1735.1)Hebrews’ code of ethics for dealing with, 70:11.2 (796.8)Jesus’ advice to his apostles to go to the, 140:9.3 (1584.2)comment on the faith of the, 156:1.8 (1735.4)declaration that he will receive the, 155:1.2 (1725.3)to Pilate that salvation is for both Jew and, 185:3.3 (1991.3)inclusion of, in the vision of the kingdom brotherhood, 181:2.13 (1957.3)intensive study of, at Sepphoris, 128:2.5 (1410.4)prediction of his delivery into the hands of the, 171:4.2 (1871.4)of Peter’s taking the gospel to Jew and, 181:2.27 (1962.1)question as to his future relationship to the, 126:3.11 (1391.1)training for the understanding of, 124:0.1 (1366.1)and Jew, brotherhood of, Matthew’s difficulty in visualizing a, 181:2.13 (1957.3)and Jewish population of Perea onetime about equal, 165:0.3 (1817.3)as well as Jews, need of preaching the gospel to, 163:4.2 (1804.6)Jews and, as potential messengers of the new gospel, 121:7.0 (1340.6–1341.1)Jews’ decision, while captive in Babylon, to convert the, 97:9.27 (1075.3)moral inferiority of, vs. that of the Jews, 121:4.1 (1335.10)morality, relation of, to philosophy and religion, 121:5.17 (1338.2)Norana’s citing Jesus’ willingness to heal, 156:1.6 (1735.2)overlords, Jews’ quandary as to their subjugation to, 135:5.1 (1500.1)Paul the carrier of the Christian message to the, 195:0.1 (2069.1)of Perea, willingness of, to believe the gospel, 166:2.2 (1827.7)Peter’s defense of Paul’s work among the, 139:2.7 (1551.3)philosophy, 121:4.0 (1335.10–1336.4)religions, 121:5.0 (1336.5–1338.3)rulers, and Jewish concept of the Messiah, 135:4.3 (1499.3)salvation for Jew and, 175:2.3 (1909.3), 185:3.3 (1991.3)of Sidon, reception of the gospel message by, 156:2.3 (1735.7)value to the apostles of work with, 143:3.8 (1611.6)world, onetime domination of, by four philosophies, 121:4.1 (1335.10)onetime Jewish contempt for the, 121:7.1 (1339.6)Gentlenessa
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