The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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number onethought, God’s, reason for use of term, 6:0.2 (73.2), 8:0.1 (90.1)Triunity, see Triunity(ies)First Personof Deity, an appellation of the Universal Father, 0:2.12 (4.6), 104:4.1 (1147.11)equality of, with the Second and Third, (90.6) 8:1.2, 8:1.2 (115.3), 8:1.2 (90.6)one of the Seven Absolutes, 105:3.2 (1155.6)synonymous with the I AM, 105:1.2 (1152.5)personality of the, how ascenders attain, 56:6.5 (641.6)see also Universal FatherFirst Source and CenterSee 0:3.0 (4.13–6.5), 1:3.8 (26.2)character of plans of the, 2:2.1 (35.5)co-ordinated attributes of infinite and divine reality of the, 3:0.3 (44.3)eternal Father of the Original Son, 10:3.5 (111.3)fifteen triune associations of the, 104:4.45 (1150.12)finality unity of energy-spirit in the, 103:7.12 (1139.4)fragmentations of the prepersonal reality of the, 30:1.100 (333.8)functioning as physical controller, 1:2.10 (24.8)geographic location of, 0:3.13 (5.12)material-gravity control of, and Paradise the, 0:4.12 (7.10)much more than a personality, 7:7.2 (89.1)omniscience of the, 6:4.7 (76.7)one of the seven Absolutes of Infinity, 105:3.2 (1155.6)the only uncaused cause, 118:6.2 (1299.5)the origin of law, 10:6.1 (114.2)Paradise the universe position of the, 104:4.26 (1149.11)Pattern to the Paradise Isle, 104:3.13 (1147.5)personality of the, actuality of, 1:3.8 (26.2)a definition, 10:2.5 (110.3)denial of, dilemmas resulting from, 1:5.11 (29.1)a function of, regarding the Seven Absolutes of Infinity, 56:4.2 (640.1)the Universal Father the, 0:3.10 (5.9)prerequisites to a better understanding of the, 106:3.5 (1166.3), 111:6.6 (1222.5)relation of Eternal Son to the, 6:7.3 (79.3)self-existent free will of the, 105:5.4 (1158.4)self-liberation of, technique of, 11:2.10 (120.2)universe mechanisms exist in response to absolute will of the, 118:9.6 (1303.7)the Volitional Absolute, 6:1.2 (74.1)voyage of discovery into absoluteness of, 106:9.11 (1174.7)see also Universal FatherFiscal agent of the apostolic corpsMatthew the, 138:10.6 (1547.6), 139:7.2 (1559.6)Fish(es)adaptation of, to both fresh and salt waters, 59:4.11 (679.4)the age of, 59:4.0 (678.2–680.2)David’s huge draught of, 145:1.0 (1628.4–1629.1)the last phylum to appear on Urantia, 65:2.11 (733.1)teeth-bearing, of Devonian era, 59:4.11 (679.4)with a shekel in its mouth, origin of the "miracle" of the, 157:1.4 (1744.2)FishermanJesus’ early experience as a, 124:2.7 (1369.3), 129:1.5 (1420.2), 138:7.5 (1544.4), 145:1.3 (1629.1)Fishingthe apostles’ choice of temporary occupation, 138:7.5 (1544.4), 148:0.2 (1657.2)David’s employment at, 149:0.4 (1668.4)Five thousandJesus’ feeding of the, 152:2.0 (1700.2–1702.1), 152:6.6 (1706.1)see also Feeding the five thousandFive-adjutant mindspornagia’s, equivalation of, to sixth reality level, 46:7.5 (528.3)Flag(s)a form of totem, 88:3.4 (970.5)never allowed to touch the ground, 88:3.3 (970.4)Flashthe initial test, of the universe circuit signals on the day Urantia became an inhabited world, 62:7.1 (709.8)the life, energies manifested in the fusion of a material mortal, 55:2.4 (623.4)presence of the Infinite Spirit, one of the superuniverse circuits, 15:9.8 (177.7)stations, the seven, on the periphery of Paradise, 11:4.2 (121.3)of transport departure, 39:5.14 (438.7)Flatteryand insincerity Andrew’s abhorrence of, 139:1.10 (1550.1)Jesus’ nonuse of, 161:2.3 (1785.3)Flaviusand Greek culture, 142:4.0 (1600.2–5)home of, Jesus’ appearance at the, 190:4.1 (2033.4)identity of, 142:0.1 (1596.1), 142:4.1 (1600.2)reaction of, to Jesus’ teaching, 142:4.4 (1600.5)Flavorof divinity, the Adjuster exudes a, 103:1.6 (1130.5)spiritual, divine truth best known by its, 2:7.6 (42.7)Fleshand blood, Jesus a partaker of, 128:1.2 (1407.7)spirit beings not, 1:3.1 (25.1)definition, 34:7.1 (382.1)eating by dawn mammals, 62:2.1 (703.5)first generation of Adamic children’s abstinence from, 76:4.4 (851.2)faith the victory that overcomes the, 34:7.6 (382.6)human, eating of, growth of habit of, 89:5.4 (979.3)vs. the spirit, 34:7.0 (382.1–383.2), 153:5.4 (1715.4)Flightof distant systems, exaggeration of apparent speed of, 12:4.14 (134.3)enseraphimed, taken while sleeping, 39:2.12 (431.1)hasty, of Jesus and his associates, 154:7.0 (1723.4–1724.1)to Havona, fusion with Adjuster as the clearance for eventual, 112:7.5 (1237.7)parting of seraphim with their mortal associates prior to, 26:4.11 (290.1), 113:7.4 (1248.4)powers of transporter seconaphim required for, 39:2.9 (430.5)preparation of pilgrims for, 15:7.10 (175.1), 30:4.26 (343.1)of Moses and the Hebrews from Egypt, circumstances and timing, 96:3.5 (1056.2)nonstop, of passenger birds, over five hundred miles with one or two average-sized men, 52:1.5 (590.1)of transporter seraphim, characteristics of, 39:3.8 (433.2)of the twins Andon and Fonta, from the Primates tribes, 63:2.0 (712.1–7)FlintAndonites’ search for, 63:5.6 (715.6)and the discovery of fire, 63:2.5 (712.5), 81:2.9 (901.12)Neanderthaler development of use of, 64:4.3 (721.1)tools, Andonites’ skill in fashioning, 63:5.6 (715.6)FlintworkingFoxhall people’s knowledge of, 64:2.5 (719.8)Flockshuman, God the Good Shepherd of the, 131:4.4 (1448.3)Flood(s)Babylonian and Mithraic, stories of the, 77:4.12 (860.7), 98:5.3 (1082.4)the greatest in all history, cause, 80:2.4 (890.8)in Mesopotamia, 78:7.0 (874.6–875.4)period of all continents except Asia, 59:2.2 (675.1)stage, recent, 61:2.0 (694.7–696.4)second great, 59:3.0 (676.5–678.1)third major, of invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.6 (675.5)universal, and Mount Ararat, 77:4.12 (860.7)Florachanging, of northern latitudes in early Miocene period, 61:3.1 (696.5)of later reptilian age, 60:2.7 (687.8)Florissantfossil beds, of Colorado, 61:2.4 (695.2)Flowering-plant periodabout, 60:3.0 (688.8–691.3)Focal pointfor the human personality, spirit of the Father the, 133:7.6 (1479.6)Focalizationcosmic, of Universe Father on Paradise, 11:1.2 (118.4)specialized, of Infinite Spirit, 33:3.1 (368.1)Foesman’s sometime, identity of, 154:6.9 (1722.5)Fogcosmic, star dust, 12:1.14 (129.12)Folk talesorigin of many, 67:4.3 (758.1), 77:2.3 (856.6)Folkwaysorigin of, 68:4.1–2 (767.1–2)Fontachildbirth not a painful ordeal to, 63:4.2 (713.8)exploration tours of Andon and, 63:1.3 (711.6)reception of a Thought Adjuster by, 63:6.9 (717.1)see also Andon and FontaFoodanimals, as symbols of sustaining power to Andon, 63:6.3 (716.2)and clothes, early belief regarding the ghost’s need of, 87:2.3 (959.4)competition, among mid-mammals, cause and results of, 62:3.8 (705.7)of man and animal, 69:2.2 (773.3)and drink, vs. the welfare of the soul, 165:5.2 (1823.2)a factor in the development of culture, 50:5.7 (577.2)hunger, of dawn mammals, 62:2.3 (704.2)and early human association, 68:2.4 (765.1), 84:1.2 (931.5)plants, Edenic, subsequent loss of, 73:5.5 (825.2)quest, importance of, to early man, 50:5.4 (576.7)requirements, modification in, during morontia progression, 48:2.23 (544.6)slavery, influence of hunting on, 68:5.4 (768.4)influence of pastoral living on, 68:5.7 (768.7)supply, the savage’s impelling motivation, 82:1.9 (914.5)taboos, early, origin of, 89:1.5 (975.2)FoolhardyJesus’ freedom from ever being, 100:7.15 (1103.3)Foolish questionsPhilip’s habit of asking, 139:5.7 (1557.1)Footdevelopment of, in Primates, 62:4.4 (707.3)washing at Last Supper, 179:3.0 (1938.3–1940.2)Foraminiferschalk-making, the source for name of the Cretaceous period, 60:3.1 (688.8)continued role of importance, 61:2.4 (695.2)Forbearancea characteristic of man’s striving for supermortal ideals, 100:6.4 (1100.6), 140:5.11 (1574.4)Jesus’, Peter’s admiration of, 139:2.5 (1551.1)Force(s)behavior of a primordial unit of, 12:6.6 (136.4)blind, power of God not a, 3:2.6 (47.4)center, of nether Paradise, organization of, 11:5.0 (122.1–123.2)-charge, of pervaded space, 11:8.5 (126.1), 12:8.2 (139.5), 15:4.1 (169.1)circuiting of, in Paradise, 11:5.9 (123.2), 42:1.6 (468.3)cosmic see Cosmic—Energy and Forcedefinition of, 0:6.2 (9.4), 42:1.0 (467.3–468.6)-energy, frandalanks’ concern with, 29:4.37 (328.6)gravity responsiveness of, 12:3.1 (131.4), 36:6.6 (404.4)-energy activities of Paradise, focal point of, 0:3.13 (5.12), 11:5.4 (122.4), 104:4.26 (1149.11)directed by Universe Power Directors, 29:2.14
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