The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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the truth of God and the fact of God, 102:0.2 (1118.2)admission to the spiritual kingdom by, 26:4.14 (290.4), 170:5.13 (1865.3)-adventure, of establishing the Father’s kingdom, 157:6.14 (1750.8)to Jesus, Judas a, 139:12.7 (1566.6)of the afflicted, reconstructive power of the, 149:1.1 (1668.5)apostles’ possession of eternal life through, 191:5.3 (2043.1)assurance of, evolutionary religion’s provision of the, 101:5.13 (1111.3)assurances of, 102:1.0 (1118.4–1119.5)attitudes, four, 140:5.4 (1573.6)and belief, 101:8.0 (1114.5–1115.1)candidates, for the heavenly kingdom, 149:6.10 (1676.4)certainty, the greatest technique for dealing with contentions about believing in God, 102:7.6 (1126.6)children of the Highest, Urantia mortals the, 40:6.2 (448.1)comrades, for the heavenly kingdom, 195:10.8 (2084.8)the connection between moral consciousness and enduring reality, 101:9.9 (1116.1), 143:2.7 (1610.2)creature, a characteristic of victorious human life, 4:4.9 (59.5)a definition, 101:8.1 (1114.5), 103:7.13 (1139.5), 103:9.11 (1142.2), 131:3.4 (1447.1), 132:3.5 (1459.5), 140:8.8 (1580.3), 140:8.28 (1583.2), 152:6.3 (1705.3)and divine sonship, 34:5.7 (380.1), 40:6.2 (448.1), 110:6.17 (1211.2), 141:2.2 (1588.5), 142:1.3 (1596.5), 144:4.3 (1621.2), 149:5.4 (1674.6), 150:5.2 (1682.4), 155:1.2 (1725.3)-dominated persons, probable experience of, as to healing, 148:2.2 (1658.5), 149:1.5 (1669.4)and doubt, Job’s struggle between, 148:6.9 (1664.1)effect of, on the religionist, 53:8.8 (610.4)an effective armor against sin and iniquity, 53:8.8 (610.4)and entrance to the kingdom, 137:8.17 (1537.4), 140:8.28 (1583.2), 142:1.3 (1596.5), 170:2.20 (1861.2)and eternal life, 139:12.7 (1566.6)evolved religion’s dependence on, 101:5.12 (1111.2)exercise of saving, wisdom of the world not necessary to, 102:8.2 (1127.6)experience, religion the sphere of the, 101:5.2 (1110.5)a factor in Jesus’ teachings, 101:6.8 (1112.4)the Father’s response to the faintest flicker of, 155:6.17 (1733.5)fighting the good fight of, 159:3.8 (1766.4)a fruit of the spirit, 34:6.13 (381.7)the function of, 150:5.3 (1682.5)Gautama’s disregard for the importance of, 94:8.17 (1037.1)genuine ability of, to remove mountains of material difficulty, 144:2.6 (1619.4)the gift of God, 137:8.17 (1537.4)in God, forgiveness of sin through, 138:8.2 (1545.3)John the Baptist’s test of his, 135:11.1 (1506.6)of Havona creatures, vs. saving faith of mortals, 3:5.17 (52.3)hope, and charity of Paul’s religion, 196:3.19 (2095.3)and love of Jesus’ religion, 194:3.2 (2062.11)human, in the Father’s overcare, the foundation of Jesus’ peace, 181:1.8 (1954.5)and Jesus’ creative power, 152:0.3 (1698.3)survival’s dependence upon, 110:3.2 (1205.6)vs. intellect, 147:5.8 (1653.2)of Jesus, 101:6.16 (1113.5), 196:0.0 (2087.1–2097.3)effect of, on spiritual doubts, 196:0.5 (2087.5)fruits of the divine spirit borne by, 196:0.11 (2089.1)in man, effect of, 161:2.5 (1785.5), 196:2.4 (2092.2)triumph of, over fear and doubt, 182:3.11 (1970.1)in Jesus, John the Baptist’s test of, 135:11.1 (1506.6)Jesus’ meeting of mortal life’s hardest blows with, 194:3.3 (2063.1)Job’s triumph of, 148:6.9 (1664.1)the just shall live by, 150:5.2 (1682.4)justification of Abraham by, 150:5.3 (1682.5)kingdom believers’ living of their temporal life by, 170:2.20 (1861.2), 176:3.2 (1916.2)lack of influence of, on the laws of the material universe, 101:8.3 (1114.7), 104:2.3 (1145.4)Lao-tse’s definition of, 94:6.8 (1034.3)the last grand stretch of, 27:1.4 (299.4)liberty, religion’s range from primitive fear slavery to, 101:0.1 (1104.1)living, change to, from an intellectual belief, 155:6.4 (1731.2), 194:3.11 (2064.3)the God-knowing individual’s use of, 102:7.6 (1126.6), 153:2.6 (1710.4), 196:0.9 (2088.4)man’s need of a, 91:9.8 (1002.13), 111:6.8 (1222.7), 150:9.2 (1686.5), 158:6.4 (1758.5)religion’s validation possible only by, 103:9.6 (1141.4)religious, an evaluation of, 101:8.2 (1114.6), 102:6.1 (1124.3)and love, power of, 140:5.6 (1573.8), 177:2.2 (1921.6)manifestations of, in religious living, 101:8.4 (1115.1), 196:0.5 (2087.5)man’s ability to triumph through, 101:10.4 (1116.5), 181:1.5 (1954.2)justification by, 143:2.6 (1610.1), 150:5.3 (1682.5), 196:3.4 (2094.3)the Master’s desire that his followers should share his, 196:0.13 (2089.3)the means to become a God-knowing kingdom son, 192:2.11 (2049.2)as a means of salvation, 93:4.8 (1017.10), 94:5.1 (1032.3), 102:0.3 (1118.3)the Melchizedek followers’ need to recognize the importance of, 93:3.8 (1017.2), 95:1.8 (1043.3)the method of religion, 101:2.2 (1106.1)need of, to be personal, 101:8.2 (1114.6)New Testament definition of, 99:5.8 (1091.7)the only escape from the incompleteness of the intellectual world, 101:10.6 (1116.7)the open door for entering the love of God, 138:8.8 (1545.9)the perfection of Jesus’, 100:7.7 (1102.4), 101:6.16 (1113.5)personality development’s dependence upon, 115:7.2 (1266.3), 196:0.7 (2088.2)power of, 130:6.3 (1437.3), 142:5.3 (1601.3), 149:1.8 (1669.7), 159:3.8 (1766.4)proof of the mind’s attainment to the levels of, 101:8.1 (1114.5)-realization, of the child-father relationship, the gospel’s concern with, 140:10.4 (1585.2), 176:3.2 (1916.2)reason, and wisdom, man’s highest attainments, 103:9.6 (1141.4)release of, by true religion, 155:3.7 (1727.7)a requisite for, 3:5.9 (51.8), 138:8.8 (1545.9)revelation’s instruction of, 101:2.10 (1106.9), 103:7.1 (1137.6)the rightful meaning of, 99:5.8 (1091.7)and salvation, 96:7.7 (1060.7), 140:10.1 (1584.4), 141:7.6 (1593.7), 193:1.2 (2053.4)saving, Jesus’ discernment of, 156:1.8 (1735.4), 171:7.8 (1875.3)of mortals, vs. faith of Havona creatures, 3:5.17 (52.3)sincere, implications of, 168:4.10 (1849.1)son(s), communication of, with God, through worship, 5:3.8 (66.4)of evolutionary worlds, worship of, result, 14:4.13 (157.5)living of, above conflicts, 34:7.7 (383.1)man as, the good news of Jesus’ message, 132:4.2 (1460.6)presentation of man to God as his, the business of gospel teachers, 141:7.4 (1593.5)shall never die, Jesus’ promise to believers, 193:1.2 (2053.4)a spiritual part of the Father is in every, 148:4.10 (1661.1)status of pre-fusion mortals as, 40:6.1 (447.5)son(s) of God, about, 40:6.0 (447.5–448.7)definition, 34:6.4 (380.5)deliverance of, from isolation of self, 184:4.6 (1985.1)from slave-bondage of the flesh, 34:7.6 (382.6)eternal life to be given by the Son to all who will become, 182:1.3 (1963.5)spirit-born, effect of man’s, 178:1.11 (1931.2)strivings of, and sublime peace, 101:8.4 (1115.1)superiority of, over knowledge and reason, 102:1.2 (1119.1)in the survival of supreme values, the core of religion, 111:3.5 (1219.4)theology’s possible ways of dealing with, 196:0.5 (2087.5)transformation of, man’s experience of, 101:10.8 (1117.2), 102:6.4 (1124.6)and true worship, 131:4.5 (1448.4)-trust, religion a, 2:6.1 (40.5), 103:9.5 (1141.3)and truth, 132:3.0 (1459.1–1460.4), 156:5.17 (1740.4)undaunted, in the soul’s survival, 101:3.12 (1108.11)unflinching, Jesus’ possession of, 196:0.5 (2087.5)Faitherscertainty of, proven by fruits of the spirit, 102:6.7 (1125.2)Faithful(s) of Daysabout, 18:7.0 (213.3–7)advice of, to Constellation Fathers regarding Lucifer rebels, 54:5.9 (617.9)assistance of, by Most High Assistants, 37:4.5 (410.3)constellation observers, function of, 15:2.4 (166.3), 15:13.6 (181.6), 33:5.3 (371.1), 43:4.0 (489.4–490.5)first Supreme Trinity-origin Personality ascending mortals will meet, 43:9.1 (495.3)members of the co-ordinate council of the superuniverse, 15:10.17 (179.4)residence of, 43:4.3 (489.6)responsibility of, to Unions of Days, 18:7.3 (213.5)Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 10:6.12 (114.13)Supreme Trinity Personalities, 18:7.0 (213.3–7)Faithfulnessof the Alpheus twins, 139:10.8 (1564.2)a definition, 171:8.11 (1876.8)equality of Father and Son in, 7:4.1 (85.2)of the Father, 4:1.3 (55.1), 97:7.9 (1069.4), 131:2.7 (1445.1)in little, and in much, 169:2.6 (1854.2)Fall of mannot a valid idea, 75:8.0 (845.8–846.6)origin of the theory of the, 74:8.13 (838.5)Fallen worldscircuits cut off on, 53:7.3 (607.4)Satan allowed periodic visits on, 53:9.3 (611.2)no longer able to visit, 54:4.8 (616.7)Falsedoctrines, evil the path of, 131:3.3 (1446.5)religions, an evasion of reality, 195:6.10 (2077.6)Falsehooda definition, 48:6.33 (555.1)role of, in potentiality of error, 54:0.2 (613.2)Family(ies)of Adam and Eve, Edenic and post-Edenic, 74:6.2 (834.4)altar, the "Lord’s Prayer" an evolution of the Nazareth, 126:3.3 (1389.6)ancient, mother domination of the, 69:9.7 (781.1)of Andon and Fonta, 63:3.2 (713.2)apostles’ plans for the care of their, 138:10.5 (1547.5), 139:6.2 (1558.3)association of dawn mammals, character of, 62:2.3 (704.2)basis, relations between God and man on a, 188:5.1 (2017.9)care of his father’s, Jesus’ first obligation, 126:3.5 (1389.8), 138:1.4 (1539.2)Chinese emphasis on the importance of the, 79:8.9 (888.2)civilization’s direct dependence on the, 84:8.6 (943.1)crests, origin of,
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