The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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each, 22:7.2 (249.2)waiting list for, of Havona volunteers, 31:1.1 (346.2)see also Corps of the Finalityearly assignments of, 30:4.32 (343.7)eternal career of, 14:6.40 (163.2)the experiential children of the Supreme, 112:7.16 (1239.5)Father-fused mortals, 30:4.31 (343.6), 40:10.11 (453.6), 107:2.7 (1179.1)field of activity of, 55:4.19 (628.7), 56:8.2 (643.5)finding of the Supreme Being by, 56:6.4 (641.5)of the Universal Father by, 56:6.5 (641.6), 56:8.2 (643.5)future, destiny of the, dependent on human volition, 112:5.5 (1233.1)Gravity Messengers under the command of, 31:2.1 (346.7)jurisdiction of, over mortals in light-and-life eras, 55:2.3 (623.3)and midsoniters, teaching enterprises of, during system stage of light and life, 55:8.4 (632.7)midwayers as contact personalities for the, 55:4.10 (627.8)Morontia Companions’ increasing function with the, 48:3.17 (547.2)mortal, Gravity Messengers’ affection for, 31:2.4 (347.3)number of, in a company, 47:0.2 (530.2)oath, by whom taken, 30:4.31 (343.6), 117:7.7 (1292.1)Paradise chief of, 31:10.20 (354.6)and Paradise Citizen, trinitization of a "child of time and eternity" by, 23:4.3 (262.4)Paradise the home, and Havona the workshop and playground of, 14:6.39 (163.1)and Paradise-Havoner, results of trinitization by, 22:8.1 (251.5)personal identity of, 31:0.9 (345.9)possible association of Teacher Sons with, in future universes, 20:9.4 (232.2)return of, to evolutionary worlds, 45:1.2 (509.5)the seven corps of, 31:10.1 (352.8)spheres of Salvington, 45:6.9 (517.2)Spirit-fused mortals not eligible to be, 37:5.3 (411.1)theories regarding eternal future of, 10:8.6 (116.7), 37:10.6 (416.6), 55:4.19 (628.7)trinitized offspring of Paradise Citizens and the, 31:9.13 (352.6)unification of the three spirit expressions in the, 56:3.5 (639.5)Finalitycareer of, seraphim attainment of, 39:8.5 (440.7)corps of, 31:0.0 (345.1–354.7)destiny, a definition, 31:3.2 (347.5), 106:7.3 (1169.2)oath, character and individual administration of, 31:1.3 (346.4)Financesapostolic, Jesus’ abstention from connection with, 163:2.11 (1803.2)FinancierJudas an able, 139:12.5 (1566.4)Finders of knowledgelocation and function of, 27:5.2 (302.1)Finding Godvs. knowing God, 130:8.2 (1440.2), 131:10.3 (1453.5)means of, 2:5.5 (39.4), 5:1.6 (63.4), 102:3.4 (1121.6), 131:10.4 (1454.1), 132:3.4 (1459.4)the supreme human experience, 155:6.7 (1731.5)Fine artsconditions favoring development of, 68:6.5 (770.2)Finesancient, payment of, 70:10.12 (796.2)Fingernail trimmingsfetish of, 88:2.9 (969.7)Finishing schoolfuture, for outer spacers, 14:6.41 (163.3)for pilgrims of time, 4:0.2 (54.2)Finiteappreciation, of infinite qualities, degree of, 3:4.7 (50.5), 169:4.13 (1857.4)attainment of the absonite by the, 0:8.11 (12.2)beings, First Father’s plans and purposes incomprehensible to, 2:1.10 (35.3)cause of the existence of the, 115:1.4 (1260.5)coexistence of Infinite with the, 0:11.13 (15.3)cosmos, importance of the, 94:11.6 (1039.5), 117:3.13 (1283.2), 118:9.1 (1303.2)creation, proof of the potential unity of all, 116:6.4 (1275.4)creature(s), attaining a state of divinity by the, 130:4.3 (1434.2)the highest level of progression of a, 130:4.3 (1434.2)Supreme Being the maximum of Deity comprehensible by, 56:8.1 (643.4)definition, 0:4.8 (7.6), 106:0.3 (1162.3)domain of the, and Seven Master Spirits, 16:1.4 (185.4)evolution, God the Sevenfold’s functional co-ordination of, 106:2.1 (1164.4)experience, the eternal God’s potential for, 108:0.2 (1185.2)lack of, in future outer universes, 31:10.11 (353.7)function, of the Paradise Trinity, 106:8.9 (1171.2)God, the, 112:7.15 (1239.4), 117:1.9 (1279.7), 117:4.0 (1283.3–1285.3)level of reality, characteristics of, 0:1.11 (2.11), 94:3.8 (1031.1)man, revelation of divinity reality to, 0:9.2 (12.5), 56:10.20 (648.3), 146:2.17 (1641.1)mind, limitations of the, 3:3.5 (49.4), 4:4.9 (59.5), 42:10.7 (481.4), 168:4.4 (1848.4)personalities, the lowest, bridging the gulf between the Creator and, 51:6.5 (587.3)personality, self-determination of destiny by, 118:7.5 (1301.2)potentials, the exhaustion of all, 117:6.24 (1291.1)qualifications of the natures of the Absolutes, 115:7.4 (1266.5)reality, promulgation of, 105:5.1 (1158.1)Trinity attitude toward the, 10:5.4 (113.5)beyond the, 10:8.0 (116.2–117.1)Finitenessnot an evil, 111:6.3 (1222.2)FinitudeGod’s passage from infinity to, 4:4.2 (58.7)of personality, and infinity of personality, 2:1.11 (35.4)Finityof all creatures, the Father comprehends, 2:1.10 (35.3)of creature experience, enrichment of divinity by, 0:12.3 (15.9)of status, means of atonement for, 0:8.1 (11.5)tension between infinity and, how equalized, 0:11.13 (15.3)Finnsearly beliefs of, regarding tree spirits, 85:2.4 (945.7)Firstabsolute and infinite thought of Universal Father, 8:3.1 (93.3)bestowal of Michael, 119:0.7 (1309.1), 119:1.0 (1309.2–1310.3), 120:0.4 (1324.1)see also Bestowal(s)-born, former general practice of sacrificing the, 89:6.7 (981.4)son(s), dedication of, 89:7.3 (982.2)Jesus’ early assumption of the responsibilities of a, 124:3.4 (1370.2)Cause, Anaxagoras’s recognition of a, 98:2.6 (1079.3)and cosmic consciousness, 0:2.2 (3.15)demanded in material mind by consistency, 8:1.10 (91.7)God of the scientist, 4:4.7 (59.3), 5:5.3 (68.6), 101:2.3 (1106.2), 102:3.15 (1122.11)identification of the, as personal, 196:3.1 (2093.6)Lao-Tse’s declaration of the Tao to be the, 94:6.3 (1033.6)and positive affirmation that He is the heavenly Father, 196:3.1 (2093.6)cosmic circle, 110:6.1 (1209.1), 110:6.15 (1210.10), 110:6.21 (1211.6), 110:6.22 (1212.1), 113:1.6 (1242.1), 113:1.8 (1242.3)see also Cosmic—Evolution, circle(s); Psychic circlesepochal revelation, 92:4.5 (1007.5)see also Epochal, revelationsgarden, diet eaten by Adam’s family in the, 76:3.7 (850.3)found partially prepared for Adam and Eve, 76:1.4 (847.6)Nodites who served in the, roles of, in second, 76:2.3 (848.3)peoples occupying after Adam, 73:7.1 (826.6), 75:6.2 (844.4), 76:0.1 (847.1)sons of the, names and roles of, among Adamites in Mespotamia, 76:3.3 (849.6)Havona circuit, see Havona, circuitshuman beings, 62:5.0 (707.7–709.1)family, 63:0.0 (711.1–717.6)Isaiah, the, 97:5.0 (1066.5–1067.3)see also Isaiah (the first)John, John Zebedee the author of, 121:8.10 (1342.5)in the kingdom, a prerequisite to becoming, 158:8.1 (1761.2)making the tree good, 140:8.22 (1582.3)mansion world, about, 47:3.0 (532.7–534.4)also known as the first heaven, 15:7.5 (174.5)ascenders mostly human on the, 47:9.5 (539.2)awakening of infants at time of parental arrival on, 47:2.2 (531.6)beings welcoming new arrivals on the, 48:3.8 (546.1)biological deficiencies corrected on the, 47:4.7 (535.3)corps of transition seraphim on the, 48:6.34 (555.2)guardians of destiny awaiting their wards on the, 113:6.2 (1246.6)Michael Memorial in the court of the resurrection halls of the, 188:3.11 (2015.7)Morontia Companions’ headquarters located on, 48:3.3 (545.4)permission given sojourners on, to visit the first transition world, 47:5.2 (535.6)power supervisors’ headquarters located on, 48:2.11 (543.5)requirements of parental commission must be passed on, 47:1.4 (531.2)resurrection hall the center of activity on the, 47:3.2 (532.8)service of Andon and Fonta on the, 63:7.3 (717.4)study of mota on the, 47:4.8 (535.4), 48:7.1 (556.1)translation of surviving children to, time of, 47:2.5 (532.3), 47:2.8 (532.6)Master Spirit, 16:3.2 (186.6)see also Master Spirit(s)mile, in winning souls, a definition, 195:10.5 (2084.5)mind adjutant, 34:4.10 (378.4), 34:4.10 (378.4), 34:4.12 (378.6), 36:5.2 (401.6), 36:5.6 (402.3), 46:7.5 (528.3), 62:6.3 (709.4)see also Adjutant(s); Mind(s)—Adjutantsouter space level, see Outer space, levelspersonal concept, of the Universal Father, 6:0.4 (73.4)preaching tour of Galilee, 146:0.0 (1637.1–1646.4)sermon in the synagogue, Jesus’, 126:4.0 (1391.5–1392.7)stage of light and life, see Light, and life-stage spirit existence, ascenders’ attainment of, 30:4.20 (342.3), 31:3.4 (348.1), 39:1.11 (428.5), 47:10.4 (539.6),
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