The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of truth, beauty, and goodness, as progressive achievement of Godlikeness, 44:7.4 (507.5)creations, interdependence of all, regarding destiny, 117:6.20 (1290.6)creatures, as maximum finites, 106:0.4 (1162.4)Deity, see Deity(ies)—;Experientialdepths, lonely isolation of, stars but discerned from, 48:7.15 (556.15)-evolutionary beings, the Supreme as a totality culminator regarding destiny of, 117:3.13 (1283.2)existence, perfect and perfected, embrace of, by finaliters, 31:1.1 (346.2)and existential, correlation of, 0:11.2 (13.7), 7:1.11 (83.3)God the Supreme is, 106:2.7 (1165.4)infinite, identity with the existential infinite, in the Trinity of Trinities, 106:8.1 (1170.4)instruction, in Havona, 30:4.27 (343.2)levels of time-space evolution, divinity on, 0:1.18 (3.5)mind, of the Supreme, source of the, 9:7.4 (105.4)perfection attainment, creatures’ partnership with Creators in, 54:2.2 (614.7)power, vs. existential power, 106:2.3 (1164.6)power of the Almighty Supreme, 0:7.7 (11.1)reality(ies), cosmic, dangers of oversimplification of, 19:1.9 (215.6)God the phase of the Infinite perceived by personalities as an actual, 105:1.6 (1153.3)infinity unification as an, remoteness of, 106:9.1 (1173.2)man’s moral and spiritual consciousness an, difficult of symbolization, 0:2.1 (3.14)relationship to numerous levels of, importance of his comprehension of, 106:0.1 (1162.1)mutual contribution of, by beings engaged in creative adventures of trinitization, 22:10.6 (254.3)origin, history, and destiny, the three, as basis for estimating current status, 19:1.6 (215.3)of the Supreme and the Ultimate, conditioners of the presence of the Eternal Son, 7:2.1 (83.4)realization of absolute divinity, 0:10.1 (13.4)spirit, cycle of, 7:1.11 (83.3)steps, seven, of Creator Son in obtaining sovereignty, 21:3.16–23 (238.10–239.5)supremacy, the three levels of, 105:6.2 (1159.2)Trinities, 0:9.1 (12.4), 0:10.1 (13.4), 0:12.3 (15.9), 0:12.5 (16.2), 31:9.14 (352.7), 56:9.5 (644.7), 106:3.2 (1165.7), 106:5.2 (1167.3), 106:9.9 (1174.5)unification of absolute level not yet attained, 0:1.13 (2.13)of grand universe divinity in God the Supreme, 44:5.5 (505.2)Experimentchoice of Urantia for Life Carriers’ sixtieth Satania, 57:8.9 (661.3)Experimentalplanet, every tenth world an, 40:5.18 (447.3)Urantia an, 49:5.11 (565.12)worlds, 49:5.10–12 (565.11–13), 73:0.3 (821.3)ExperimenterGod not an, 2:1.4 (34.3)Explainers of mysteriesconciliators as, 25:3.12 (278.3)Exploitationof others, for selfish aggrandizement, a tendency of self-admiration, 54:1.6 (614.1)unwillingness of God-knowing mortal to amass wealth by, 132:5.18 (1464.2)of the weak, an economic abuse condemned by Jesus, 163:2.11 (1803.2)Explorationand discovery, commerce a stimulus to, 69:4.8 (775.8)post-Adamic era the golden age of, on an average world, 52:3.6 (593.5)Export and import businessof the Dravidians, 79:3.7 (881.7)Exposureof children at birth, a population restriction, 68:6.8 (770.5)Expressionsee Self, -expressionExtension-school instructors, function of, 30:3.8 (339.5)schools for evolutionary seraphim on the mansion worlds, 113:7.2 (1248.2)Extinctionof personal creatures, powers of Avonals in, 20:3.2 (226.2)probable exemption from, of salvaged personalities of Lucifer rebellion, 53:9.1 (610.6)as a result of self-gratification, 68:2.2 (764.5)sentences of, carried out upon orders of superuniverse rulers, 2:3.3 (37.1), 15:12.2 (180.3), 33:7.4 (372.8)of sin-identified mortal, 2:6.8 (41.6)of will creatures, powers of Ancients of Days in, 15:12.2 (180.3), 18:3.7 (210.1), 36:1.1 (396.2)ExtortionPharisees’ guilt of, 166:1.4 (1826.1)Eye(s)blue, of the violet race, 76:4.1 (850.7)evil, see Evil, eyefor an eye, in early society, 70:10.9 (795.6)of faith, necessity of, for discernment of spiritual values, 195:7.4 (2078.7)of the flesh, vs. the eye of the spirit, 176:2.4 (1915.1)material, windows of the soul, 42:12.12 (483.12), 86:5.15 (955.3)Ezekieland his message, 121:7.5 (1340.3)Jesus’ quotation from, 145:2.7 (1630.3)proclamation by, of deliverance through service, 97:8.3 (1071.1)a spiritual leader, 97:10.3 (1075.8)wisdom of, in regard to the use of ritual, 97:10.7 (1076.4)Ezra, the backslidden Jewfinding of God by, 130:8.2 (1440.2)Ezra, father of Rebeccaabout, 127:5.1 (1402.4)agreement of, to Rebecca’s plan, 127:5.2 (1402.5)remark of, to his wife, about Jesus, 127:5.3 (1403.1)

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