The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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by the Universal Father to the, 8:3.2 (93.4)equality of, with the Father, 7:7.1 (88.7), 8:5.2 (95.5), 10:1.3 (109.1), 10:2.7 (110.5), 56:2.2 (638.6)with Father and Spirit, 10:3.4 (111.2)with the Infinite Spirit, 8:6.2 (96.4)equality of communication of, with the Father in Paradise, and the Infinite Spirit, 161:1.6 (1784.3)existential associate of Universal Father and Infinite Spirit, 33:1.2 (366.3)Deity, 0:1.14 (3.1), 0:7.5 (10.10), 56:7.3 (642.3)father-brother attitude of the, 6:2.8 (75.5)Father’s creature ascension plan executed by, 7:4.1 (85.2)love in action in person of the, 6:3.5 (75.10)fragmentation of his nature not possible, 6:5.5 (78.1)functions of the, 6:7.3 (79.3), 7:0.0 (81.1–89.6), 10:3.18 (112.2), 12:6.2 (135.12), 42:0.2 (467.2)general belief that Jesus was the, 104:1.11 (1144.8), 161:1.6 (1784.3)God the Son the, see God(s)—;the Son and the SpiritHavona’s contributions to the needs and satisfactions of the, 14:6.12–16 (160.13–161.3)identity of the, 6:1.0 (73.5–74.5)independence of, of time and space, 34:3.5 (377.1)indispensability of, to the fatherhood of God, 10:2.3 (110.1)the infinite personalization of the Father’s love and mercy, 6:3.1 (75.6)Infinite Spirit the only means of attaining the, 8:3.7 (93.9)Infinite Spirit’s relation to seven appearances of, on Havona, 8:4.3 (94.5)intercommunion circuit of the, with his Paradise Sons, 15:9.7 (177.6)limitations of, 6:5.0 (77.4–78.3)mechanism of Paradise correlated with personality of, 118:9.7 (1303.8)mercy manifestation of the, 6:3.2 (75.7), 7:4.5 (85.6), 7:6.2 (87.7), 8:2.6 (92.7), 8:4.2 (94.4), 9:0.3 (98.3), 20:10.3 (232.6), 105:3.5 (1156.2), 113:3.3 (1244.4)Michael Creators’ embodiment of the divinity of, 104:1.13 (1145.1)Michael of Nebadon the 611,121st bestowal of the, 119:0.7 (1309.1)Michael and the personification of, in the local universe, 5:3.6 (66.2), 33:1.2 (366.3)Michael’s subordination to the will of the, on his sixth bestowal, 120:0.4 (1324.1)mind of the, 6:6.0 (78.4–7)in the ministry of the Father’s love, 6:3.0 (75.6–10)nature of the, 6:2.0 (74.6–75.5)and non-Father personality bestowal, 9:8.10 (106.8)omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience of the, 6:4.0 (76.1–77.3)one of the seven Absolutes, 104:3.7 (1146.9)oneness of Universal Father and the, 6:8.1 (79.4), 7:7.1 (88.7), 105:2.7 (1154.6)origin of, 0:3.22 (6.2), 6:0.0 (73.1–4), 13:1.4 (144.4), 56:2.1 (638.5), 56:5.1 (640.5), 105:2.5 (1154.4)and Original Mother Son, control of creature designs by, 21:2.5 (236.3)and Original Son, appellations of the Second Source and Center, 6:1.6 (74.5)the Original Son, see Original, Sonother names for the, 6:1.5 (74.4)Paradise the abode of the, 6:0.1 (73.1), 11:1.1 (118.3)personal presence of the, 56:3.1 (639.1)the pattern personality, 0:6.13 (10.5), 6:8.5 (80.2), 115:3.14 (1263.1)Paul’s confusion of the Creator Son with the, 104:1.11 (1144.8)a person, 7:7.5 (89.4), 10:2.6 (110.4), 10:8.5 (116.6), 56:9.5 (644.7)personality of, 0:3.22 (6.2), 2:7.7 (42.8), 6:7.0 (79.1–3), 7:7.2 (89.1), 8:1.3 (90.7), 10:8.3 (116.4)revelations of, 116:3.3 (1271.1)personalization of Creator Sons by Universal Father and, 17:6.3 (203.6), 33:1.1 (366.2), 34:0.1 (374.1)and personalization of Infinite Spirit, 9:2.2 (100.4), 10:2.7 (110.5)personally represented by Creator Son, 7:3.1 (84.1)plan of, for man’s eternal survival, 7:4.0 (85.2–86.1), 40:1.2 (443.13)prayer to be directed to the, 5:3.2 (65.4)presence circuit of the, 3:1.6 (45.4)realization of, 6:8.0 (79.4–80.5)relation of, to bestowal of Thought Adjusters, 6:5.7 (78.3)to Deity Absolute, 3:1.9 (46.1), 6:5.2 (77.5), 7:1.9 (83.1), 104:3.13 (1147.5)to God the Sevenfold, 0:2.16 (4.10), 106:1.3 (1164.2), 116:2.10 (1270.7)to the I AM, 0:3.23 (6.3), 56:3.5 (639.5), 105:2.7 (1154.6)to the individual, 7:3.0 (84.1–85.1)to Infinite Spirit, 8:3.7 (93.9)to Seven Master Spirits, 16:0.10 (184.10)to the universe, 7:0.0 (81.1–89.6)revelation of the Father by the, 1:2.10 (24.8), 1:3.8 (26.2), 6:0.3 (73.3), 6:5.6 (78.2), 7:7.0 (88.7–89.5), 10:1.4 (109.2), 11:9.3 (127.1)sacred worlds of the, 13:0.4 (143.4), 13:3.0 (149.4–6)the Second Person of Deity, 0:2.13 (4.7), 6:1.1 (73.5), 104:1.11 (1144.8), 105:3.3 (1155.7)Sonarington the receiving world of, 13:1.7 (145.2)the spirit of bestowal of the, 7:5.0 (86.2–87.5)spirit gravity of, adequacy of, even for an unlimited universe of the future, 6:4.1 (76.1)estimate of proportion of, functioning in the grand universe, 12:3.9 (132.3)functioning of, in liaison with mind gravity of the Infinite Spirit, 14:2.8 (155.2)operation of, on the fundamental values of spirit existence, 115:6.1 (1265.2)reality and absoluteness of the, 12:8.4 (139.7)as the spirit gravity of the universe of universes, 194:2.14 (2062.3)universal, centered in his Paradise presence, 56:3.1 (639.1)universal circuit of, not the same as the intersonship circuit, 7:6.7 (88.5)spirit presence of the, 56:3.1 (639.1), 194:2.14 (2062.3)spirit-gravity circuit of, about, 7:1.0 (81.6–83.3)control of the universes by the, Havona as the reality foundation for, 14:6.14 (161.1)operation of, independent of time and space, 34:3.5 (377.1)utilized by Adjusters, 5:3.2 (65.4)spiritual energy of, 0:5.5 (8.5), 44:5.4 (505.1), 105:3.5 (1156.2)spiritual gravity of, instant grasping by, of outflowing spirit energy at its creation, 8:1.5 (91.2)one of the presence circuits of Paradise, 15:9.1 (176.6)traceability of the lines of, back to the Father, 11:1.4 (119.1)the spiritual personalization of the Father’s concept, 6:0.3 (73.3)a spiritualized personalization of the Father, 9:2.2 (100.4)suffering of the, 3:6.6 (53.4)superpersonal representatives of, 15:10.21 (179.8), 30:1.103 (333.11)timeless communication of Michael of Nebadon with, 34:3.5 (377.1)in the Trinity, 0:12.2 (15.8), 10:0.0 (108.1–117.2), 104:1.3 (1143.6)in the triodity of actuality, 104:5.3 (1151.3), 115:3.7 (1262.4), 115:6.1 (1265.2)in the triunities, 104:3.14 (1147.6), 104:4.5 (1148.4)the Universal Mother, 6:8.1 (79.4)universe spirit forces convergent in the, 0:3.15 (5.14)and the Urantia bestowal, 120:2.1 (1327.1)the will of God personalized in the, 117:0.1 (1278.1)the Word, 6:0.1 (73.1), 6:1.3 (74.2), 8:0.1 (90.1), 14:6.15 (161.2), 20:5.1 (227.4)the word of the, 8:4.1 (94.3), 32:3.1 (360.3)see also Second Source and CenterEternaliter naturefoundation for the evolution of an, 116:3.4 (1271.2)Eternalizationand authority to represent the Trinity, 13:1.12 (146.1)of the central universe, 8:1.8 (91.5)different, of the three groups of Paradise worlds, 13:0.2 (143.2)of perfected creature existence, 56:3.5 (639.5)Eternitythe absolute of time, 12:5.2 (135.1)ascender’s achievement of, 26:4.13 (290.3), 26:9.2 (294.6), 47:10.7 (540.3), 143:1.6 (1608.3)circle of, see Circle(s), of eternityconcept of, and the I AM, 105:1.0 (1152.4–1153.5), 118:1.9 (1296.1)cycle of, 8:1.3 (90.7), 32:5.4 (364.6)death the mortal’s technique of passing from time into, 32:5.4 (364.6), 47:10.7 (540.3), 182:3.6 (1969.1)Deities existent from, 8:0.2 (90.2)the everlasting now, 118:1.1 (1295.1)existences, absolute realities, 0:4.8 (7.6)the Father self-conscious of his, 2:1.3 (34.2)the Father’s escape from limitations inherent in, 10:0.1 (108.1)goal of, lies ahead, 32:5.8 (365.4)goals of, Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute, 118:10.23 (1307.4)God inhabits, 1:1.6 (23.3), 2:1.5 (34.4), 3:4.5 (50.3), 131:2.4 (1444.4)incomprehensibility of, to the finite mind, 0:3.23 (6.3), 2:2.2 (35.6), 32:5.2 (364.4), 105:0.3 (1152.3)infinity, 56:9.9 (645.4)liberation from, the Almighty’s achieving, significance, 115:7.1 (1266.2)of life, faith the only passport to, 101:10.6 (1116.7)God’s alliance in man’s struggle to attain, 101:10.9 (1117.3)man’s, possibility, the Adjuster, 107:6.2 (1182.4)not a straightaway drive, 32:5.5 (365.1)Paradise from, 11:0.2 (118.2), 12:8.3 (139.6)of Paradise Father, unaffected by downstepping of his infinity, 2:1.9 (35.2)of the Paradise Trinity, 56:9.4 (644.6)potential
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