The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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deliverance, 123:3.5 (1359.6)Eternal(s)achievement, awaiting ascending mortals, 40:7.5 (449.3)action, Infinite Spirit an, 8:6.1 (96.3)adventure, see Adventure, the eternalages, divine panorama of the, 8:1.1 (90.5)assignment of finaliters, 30:4.31 (343.6), 31:1.3 (346.4), 31:3.4 (348.1), 31:7.2 (349.7), 31:10.10 (353.6), 37:10.6 (416.6), 46:5.32 (527.1), 100:2.6 (1096.3), 103:7.2 (1137.7), 107:0.2 (1176.2), 107:6.3 (1182.5), 112:5.5 (1233.1), 117:7.7 (1292.1)attainment, the infinite goal of, 56:10.16 (647.7)brotherhood, the Paradise Corps of the Finality the, 102:3.8 (1122.4)career, ascender’s, fusion’s termination of danger to the, 112:7.4 (1237.6)following the earthly adventure, 176:3.2 (1916.2)core, of time and space creations, 14:0.2 (152.2)of Days, administration of each Havona planet vested in an, 14:3.3 (155.6), 15:2.9 (166.8)as co-ordinate council members, 15:10.19 (179.6)development of Havona spheres by, 14:5.6 (159.2), 15:2.9 (166.8), 18:2.1 (208.6)functions of, 14:3.3 (155.6), 17:5.2 (202.5), 18:2.0 (208.6–209.2)Havona natives’ loyalty to, 14:2.9 (155.3)an order of Supreme Trinity Personalities, 18:2.1 (208.6)origin and number of, 18:2.1 (208.6)relation of Universal Censors to, 19:4.2 (217.8)Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits as related to, 17:5.2 (202.5)as Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 10:6.7 (114.8)universe administrators’ apprenticeship under, 18:4.6 (211.2)visibility of, 18:2.2 (208.7)and divine purpose, 32:5.0 (364.3–365.4)Father’s satisfaction in the Havona creation, 14:6.11 (160.12)fellowship, Jesus’ proffer of, to Jewish leaders, 175:1.22 (1908.6)future, the actualizing Deities, 0:7.1 (10.6), 0:9.5 (13.3)the Adjuster’s divine activity concerning, 110:1.4 (1204.2)God, the changeless purpose of, the presence of, despite outward variations, 2:2.3 (36.1)consciousness of the reality of the, the culmination of the evolution of human religious experience, 91:3.4 (997.2)of sonship with the, one end of the range of human religious experience, 101:0.1 (1104.1)discernment of the, by evolving mortals, a philosophic miracle, 1:4.7 (27.2)the eternal purpose of the, 32:5.2 (364.4)Word of the, one later appellation of Jesus, 128:1.10 (1408.7)everlasting sons of the, experience of those who by faith become, 193:2.2 (2054.3)exercise by the, of cosmic overcontrol, 1:2.10 (24.8)to find the, the transcendent goal of the children of time, 1:0.3 (21.3)the fraternal circuit of the, a manifestation of the kinship of personality, 5:6.9 (71.4)friendliness of the universe to every child of the, 133:5.8 (1477.3)a fuller revelation of the, the supreme interest of Jesus as a youth and as a man, 125:5.8 (1383.1)the ideal of an, a prerequisite for a genuine spiritual religion, 160:5.5 (1781.1)incapable of wrath and anger, 4:3.2 (57.7)indwelling by a fragment of the spirit of the, consequences of, 5:6.5 (70.6)the indwelling spirit of the, association of the mind of man with, some temporal consequences of, 178:1.13 (1931.4)dedication of the keeping of one’s soul to, results, 100:2.7 (1096.4)infinitely more than reality idealized, 1:2.2 (23.5)the infinity of the, inclusion of potential for finite experience in, 108:0.2 (1185.2)is my strength, 131:2.10 (1445.4)(y)our refuge, 4:1.4 (55.2), 96:4.6 (1057.2), 148:5.5 (1662.2)living fellowship with the, assurance of, how conferred, 178:1.11 (1931.2)majestic energy circuits of the, endless procession of, 3:2.4 (47.2)a more truthful picture of the, revealed progressively by the prophets of Israel, 155:6.10 (1732.3)mortal man as a son of the, a Paradise-potential fact-value, 110:6.18 (1211.3)the mortal son standing face to face with the, a Thought Adjuster’s completed mission, 40:10.2 (452.2)Paradise the dwelling place of the, 0:0.5 (1.5)prerogative of personality bestowal reserved to himself by the, 5:0.2 (62.2)rediscovery of the, on new experiential levels through various adventures, 56:9.10 (645.5)sonship with the, grasped by faith through the touch of sons of God, 40:5.1 (445.2)Jesus’ exhortation to accept without hesitation the good news of, 165:3.8 (1820.7)stars, suns, and spheres the universal physical adornment of the, 11:8.1 (125.4)the Universal Mind of the, finite creation as a time-space repercussion of, 130:4.2 (1434.1)values resident in the spiritual fact of an, the only ideals susceptible of human attainment, 160:5.5 (1781.1)God the, 1:3.8 (26.2)harvest of the seed sowing of time, 182:1.6 (1964.3)home, of Deity and the divine family, 14:6.11 (160.12)infinity, 56:9.9 (645.4)Isle, see Paradise, Eternal Islejoy, Jesus’ showing man the way to, 181:1.6 (1954.3)kingdom, Jesus’ promises to Andrew, and to David, of ministry in the, 181:2.18 (1959.2), 182:2.10 (1967.5)life, acquirement of, by soul of fused mortal, 40:7.1 (448.8)the Apostle John’s use of the term, 170:2.24 (1861.6)certainty of, 2:3.4 (37.2), 133:4.11 (1475.4)a definition, 182:1.3 (1963.5)an early concept of, 70:3.6 (787.6)the endless quest for infinite values, 100:2.5 (1096.2)faith, the prerequisite to, 139:12.7 (1566.6)gospel-believers’ assurance of, 176:3.2 (1916.2)the gospel’s inspiring man to hope for, 170:2.2 (1859.12)Greeks’ contribution to the new teaching regarding, 121:7.7 (1340.5)he who believes in the Son has, 135:11.2 (1507.1), 153:2.9 (1711.1), 166:3.3 (1828.7), 190:5.4 (2035.1)in the teaching of sonship with God has, 147:3.3 (1649.3)Jesus’ gift to kingdom believers, 164:5.2 (1815.3), 181:2.11 (1957.1), 182:1.3 (1963.5), 190:0.2 (2029.2)laying down one’s life for the kingdom, and attainment of, 174:5.8 (1903.5)lights of, on the faraway shores of another world, 34:6.13 (381.7)man may not meddle with divine decrees concerning, 159:1.3 (1762.5)Matadormus’s query concerning, 163:2.4 (1801.7)possession of the gift of, by faith, 193:1.2 (2053.4)the reward of those who enter the kingdom, 137:8.14 (1537.1), 141:7.3 (1593.4)man’s identification with the purpose of the, 101:10.7 (1117.1)oblivion, death, according to the materialist, 102:0.1 (1118.1)past and future, 0:9.4 (13.2)perfection, Havona the ideal of, 14:0.2 (152.2)plan, intervention of Universal Father in matters pertaining to his, 32:4.4 (363.2)project, of the Gods, 32:5.1 (364.3)purpose of the Deities, 2:2.1 (35.5), 3:2.2 (46.6), 4:0.1 (54.1), 7:0.1 (81.1), 8:3.5 (93.7), 12:0.3 (128.3), 32:4.1 (362.5), 32:5.0 (364.3–365.4)quest, for divine coherence, 2:7.7 (42.8)reality(ies), see Reality(ies), eternalsalvation, see Salvation, eternalspirit, an appellation of the First Source and Center, 105:3.2 (1155.6)importance of being born of the, 193:1.2 (2053.4)spiritual progression, faith-liberated sons’ sureties of, 101:10.9 (1117.3)supremacy, the Father’s, a source of Jesus’ authority, 173:2.6 (1892.3)supreme qualities of the, unification of, 2:7.10 (43.3)survival, see Survival, eternaltime shadow of the, the temporal the, 170:5.2 (1864.2)truth, discerned in the intellectual world, 2:6.1 (40.5)Jesus’ purpose to teach, 153:2.6 (1710.4)a true spirit value, 180:5.9 (1950.4)universe, Paradise at the heart of the, 14:0.1 (152.1)values, religion deals with, 133:5.4 (1476.6)venture, Rodan’s wholehearted entrance upon the, 160:1.15 (1775.1)Word of the eternal God, a title of Jesus, 128:1.10 (1408.7)of God, the bread of life, 153:3.2 (1712.2)the Eternal Son the, 20:5.1 (227.4)Eternal Sonabout, 6:0.0 (73.1–80.6)the Absolute Person, 56:9.5 (644.7)the absolute personality, 0:5.5 (8.5), 6:7.1 (79.1), 7:7.2 (89.1), 10:2.5 (110.3), 104:5.6 (1151.6)an absolute spiritual actuality, 0:4.7 (7.5)administration of, 7:2.4 (83.7)all spirit circuited in the, 5:6.11 (71.6)approach to the, 6:8.4 (80.1), 14:5.4 (158.7)attainment of, by ascenders, 14:5.4 (158.7), 26:8.1 (293.5)attainment of Universal Father through the, 8:3.7 (93.9), 26:1.15 (286.3), 105:3.3 (1155.7)attitude of, toward universes, 15:0.1 (164.1)attributes of the, 6:4.0 (76.1–77.3)bestowal of the, upon the local universes, through the bestowal Sons, 7:5.1 (86.2), 116:3.3 (1271.1), 119:0.2 (1308.2)bestowal plan of the, 7:4.5 (85.6)bestowals of, in Havona, 7:5.7 (87.1), 119:0.2 (1308.2)characteristics of the, 0:5.5 (8.5), 6:0.0 (73.1–80.6), 9:0.2 (98.2), 10:2.7 (110.5)cocreator of Avonals, 20:2.1 (224.6)of Creator Sons, 7:6.3 (88.1), 17:6.3 (203.6), 20:1.11 (224.1), 21:1.0 (234.6–235.3), 33:1.0 (366.2–367.2), 34:0.1 (374.1), 50:1.1 (572.3)of Magisterial Sons, 7:6.5 (88.3), 20:2.1 (224.6)of personal universe Creators, 1:2.9 (24.7)of personalities, 6:5.3 (77.6)of Trinity Teacher Sons, 7:6.6 (88.4), 20:1.11 (224.1)coeternal with I AM, 0:3.23 (6.3)comparison of, with local universe Paradise Sons, 6:4.9 (77.2), 7:7.3 (89.2), 10:1.2 (108.5), 33:1.3 (366.4), 104:1.13 (1145.1)a complement of the Universal Father, 9:2.2 (100.4)correlation of spiritual expressions of, with the material creation, 56:2.1 (638.5)counterpoise of the Isle of Paradise, 7:0.3 (81.3)Creator Son the divinity co-ordinate of the, 7:7.1 (88.7), 33:1.4 (367.1)Son’s resemblance to, 21:1.3 (235.2)revelation of, 7:7.3 (89.2)creatorship charge to Michael Son administered by, 17:6.5 (204.1)creature designs and types controlled by, 21:2.5
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