The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, 146:7.1 (1646.2)Endowment(s)the crowning, of human nature, 101:3.18 (1109.1)of institutions, by rich men, 69:5.13 (777.1)Jesus’ human, of natural acquirement, 136:8.7 (1521.2)universe, Jesus’ refusal to use his, for self-aggrandizement, 136:9.6 (1522.5)Endurancepatient, Jesus’ ideal of strength of character, 140:8.20 (1582.1)Enduring peacea fruit of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)Enemy(ies)fear of Jesus by his, 157:3.5 (1746.2)Ganid’s promise to learn to love his, 131:10.8 (1454.5)of Jesus, Judas’s appointment with, 177:4.1 (1924.5)plan of, to discredit him, 174:4.1 (1901.1)Jesus’, identity of, 147:0.2 (1647.2), 182:2.6 (1967.1)presence of, at Golgotha, 187:0.4 (2004.4)reaction of, to his sudden appearance in Jerusalem, 162:1.7 (1789.6)Jesus’ absence of need for defense against his, 182:2.3 (1966.3)awareness of the impending declaration of war by his, 153:1.2 (1708.1)love for his, 161:2.3 (1785.3)refusal to take unfair advantage of his, 149:4.5 (1674.1), 173:2.7 (1892.4)willingness to lay down his life for his, 188:5.7 (2018.6)Jesus not lacking in courage, to confront his, 156:2.5 (1736.2)love your, 140:3.15 (1571.2), 140:8.6 (1580.1)slaughter of, 159:4.5 (1768.1)the world not man’s, 140:8.3 (1579.5)Energy(ies)about, 0:6.0 (9.3–10.5)ancestral, sevenfold constitution of, 42:9.3 (480.1)basic, unknown on Urantia, 29:4.14 (325.7)definition, 0:6.2 (9.4), 42:1.2 (467.4)depletion, of stars, reason for, 41:7.14 (464.1)Havona, seven forms of, 14:2.3 (154.5)life not, 36:6.6 (404.4)living, laboratories of, on second Melchizedek world, 35:3.4 (387.5)-mobilization, Andronover, attainment of the height of, 57:2.4 (652.7)not infinitely manifest, 42:1.7 (468.4)potential, of the cosmos-infinite, 104:4.26 (1149.11)powerlessness of scientists to originate, 42:1.4 (468.1)rarest form of, 15:8.6 (176.1), 41:7.15 (464.2)reality, all latent, the triodity of potentiality’s integration of, 104:5.11 (1151.11)responsiveness of, to mind, 9:4.2 (102.2)rest, cold an indication of, 42:4.5 (473.3)schools of, location, 35:3.20 (388.7)space not, 11:5.9 (123.2)superuniverse, difference between Havona energy and, 29:2.14 (321.6)three forms of, 36:6.6 (404.4), 42:12.9 (483.9)units, comparable to planets, performance of, 42:7.1 (477.3)unity, scientific, man’s attempt to identify, 102:2.5 (1120.2)Universal Absolute’s presence proved by, 42:0.1 (467.1)universe, see also Universe(s)—;Energy and GravityEnergy(ies)-The Conjoint Actor and Deitycombined physical and spiritual, Third Source and Center’s function in maintenance of, 12:6.3 (136.1)concealed, the Father, in the Unqualified Absolute, 104:3.13 (1147.5)control of Conjoint Actor in a limitless universe, 8:2.5 (92.6)the Father the source of, 11:1.4 (119.1)God is, 3:2.3 (47.1), 131:4.2 (1448.1)influence of Conjoint Actor over, 9:1.4 (99.3)the inherent control of, a Deity prerogative, 111:6.4 (1222.3)neutralization of, by Conjoint Actor, 9:3.4 (101.4)purposive, a characteristic of God, 4:4.1 (58.6)relation of, to God, 9:0.2 (98.2)relation of Conjoint Creator to, 9:3.5 (101.5)revealed, the Father, in Paradise-Havona, 104:3.13 (1147.5)universe, Conjoint Actor’s capacity to co-ordinate, 9:0.2 (98.2)Energy(ies)-Control and Circuitsbalanced, a factor in stability, 12:6.1 (135.11)channels of universe, establishment of, 15:4.2 (169.2)circuiting of, in Paradise cycle, 11:5.8 (123.1), 29:2.14 (321.6)circuitizing and channelizing of, supervisors of, 41:2.4 (457.3), 42:1.5 (468.2)circuits, establishment of, 34:1.1 (374.4)interplanetary, equalization of pressures of, 29:4.20 (326.2)of living matter, Life Carriers the instigators of, 49:1.2 (560.1)midwayers’ ability to traverse the, 77:9.4 (866.3)of morontia spheres, 48:2.13 (543.7)in Nebadon administration, 41:1.1 (455.5)ordained by God, 3:2.4 (47.2)of power centers and physical controllers, 15:9.10 (177.9)of space, supervision of, before personalization of power directors, 29:0.10 (319.10)control and regulation of, 15:8.0 (175.4–176.5), 29:4.16 (325.9)currents, basic superuniverse, number of, 44:5.2 (504.6)directionization of, superuniverse headquarters focal points for, 15:8.1 (175.4), 41:1.3 (456.2)eternal cycle of, 42:10.1 (480.4)Jerusem, control of, 46:1.3 (519.4)lanes of, 29:2.16 (321.8)laying lines of, 29:4.14 (325.7)movements, of outer space, and inhabited creations’ power circuits, 12:2.4 (131.1)physical and spiritual, circuit regulators’ function with, 48:2.13 (543.7)reactions, of superuniverses, 15:8.8 (176.3)segregation of, between the superuniverses, 29:4.3 (324.5)space direction of, 39:3.8–9 (433.2–3), 41:5.6 (461.2)swing of, around God’s majestic circuit, 3:2.4 (47.2)systems, number of, in gravita domain, 15:8.2 (175.5)universal, nonspiritual, 42:2.0 (469.1–471.7), 42:10.0 (480.4–481.4)Energy(ies)-Force Organizers and Power Entities-attraction attributes of energy transmitters, 29:4.28 (327.4)balance, universal, function of energy transformers in maintaining, 29:4.24 (326.6)catalyzers, power directors as, 42:2.22 (471.6)charge of organized space, 29:3.10 (323.8)conservators and custodians, 29:4.32 (328.1)control, by associate power directors, 29:4.20 (326.2), 29:4.36 (328.5)controllers, antigravity influence of, 15:8.5 (175.8)later function of, in liaison with Creator Sons, 32:2.2 (358.4)cyclones of space and Force Organizers, 29:5.5 (329.5), 42:2.12 (470.3)electronic stage of, control of, by power centers and physical controllers, 42:4.3 (473.1)emerging, two phases of transmutation of, 42:2.10 (470.1)force organizers’ function in eventuation of, 42:1.5 (468.2)forms of, controlled by power centers, 29:3.0 (322.4–324.2)function of secondary dissociators in evolving, 29:4.35 (328.4)of individual worlds, dispatchers of, 29:4.27 (327.3)manifestation, a function of Morontia Power Supervisors, 48:2.11 (543.5)manipulators, functions of, 41:2.4 (457.3), 44:5.10 (506.1)material, circuit regulators’ modification of, 48:2.14 (543.8)physical, mechanical controllers’ control of, 29:3.5 (323.3), 29:4.20 (326.2)regulation, perfect, the goal of power centers and physical controllers, 29:2.12 (321.4)release and absorption of, 42:4.13 (474.3)of space, basic, supervising power centers’ means of control of, 41:2.4 (457.3)storage of, by primary associators, 29:4.32 (328.1)transformers, see Transformers, energytransmitters, see Transmitters, energyUniverse Power Directors’ power over, 15:8.4 (175.7)upheavals, transient and local, power centers not concerned with, 41:1.2 (456.1)to which combined controllers are sensitive, 48:2.19 (544.2)whirl, Andronover, factors necessary to inauguration of, 57:1.6 (652.2)Energy(ies)-Manifestations and Systemscenter(s) of Salvington, 41:1.3 (456.2)charge of a superuniverse, creative principles governing segmentation of, 14:2.2 (154.4), 15:4.6 (169.6), 41:0.2 (455.2)gamut, scope of, 38:9.8 (424.8)habitual behavior of, 12:1.1 (128.4)Havona, difference between superuniverse energies and, 29:2.14 (321.6)manifestations, life not, 36:6.1 (403.6)of Master Spirits, direction of, 16:4.4 (189.5)star students’ study of, 30:3.4 (339.1)Unqualified Absolute’s domination of, 29:3.11 (324.1)wavelike, classification of, 42:5.0 (464.5–476.2)manipulation, Conjoint Actor’s unique prerogatives of, 9:0.1 (98.1)influence of dark islands of space in, 15:6.11 (173.1)modes of, employed by celestial musicians, 44:1.10 (500.1)manipulators, 44:0.10 (498.1), 44:5.0 (504.5–506.1)morontia, separate order of, for each morontia world, 48:2.13 (543.7)nonspiritual, a form unrecognized on Urantia, 3:2.3 (47.1)other than Paradise, the eternal motion of all, 105:3.4 (1156.1)path, definition, 29:2.16 (321.8)potential, of local universes, 32:1.3 (357.7)potential scientific measurement of phenomena of, vs. philosophical understanding, 133:5.4 (1476.6)pressure, ultimatonic condensation of, 41:7.15 (464.2)second form of, 8:1.5 (91.2)secondary and undiscovered, effect of, on solar light, 41:5.8 (461.4)segmentation, unsolved by Nebadon physicists, 15:4.3 (169.3)semiphysical, a definition, 29:3.6 (323.4)of the spheres, differential, 49:2.22 (562.6)system of the seven superuniverses, number of phases of, 42:2.14 (470.5)systems of orbital electrons, behavior of, 42:7.9 (478.3)threefold possibility of manifestation of, 42:7.1 (477.3)undiscovered on Urantia, action of, in solar-light emanations, 41:5.8 (461.4)and scientists’ future understanding of the mystery of matter, 42:1.3 (467.5)use of, by physical controllers, for transport and communication, 29:4.14 (325.7)of X-ray-stimulated electrons, 41:5.5 (461.1)Energy(ies)-Paradise Source and Gravityactivities of space zone between circuits of dark gravity bodies, 14:1.17 (154.1)basic, obedience of, to Paradise-gravity pull, 12:1.1 (128.4)control, perfection of, in Havona, 29:2.12 (321.4)currents, gravity-responding, in organized space, 42:4.6 (473.4)effect on, of antigravity and heat, 15:8.10 (176.5)electronic and postelectronic stages of, and linear-gravity pull, 42:2.12 (470.3)force, and power, oneness in origin of, 56:1.1 (637.3)gravity laws of, creation and universe organization effected by, 12:1.1 (128.4), 15:4.1 (169.1)impingements, definition, 44:1.5 (499.7)influence of Paradise on beings concerned with, 0:4.13 (7.11)initial response of, to absolute-gravity grasp of
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