The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, 11:9.7 (127.5)-material response to gravity, vs. cosmic-mind response to reality, 16:6.4 (191.7), 41:2.5 (457.4)from nether Paradise, the grand universe’s dependence upon, 116:7.2 (1276.3)organized, linear gravity’s grasp of, 42:11.5 (482.3)Paradise, 9:3.5 (101.5), 11:9.7 (127.5), 42:1.0 (467.3–468.6)Paradise the source of all, 104:4.26 (1149.11)pre-emergent stages of, 42:3.13 (472.11)primary, definition, 29:5.5 (329.5)three currents of, and superuniverse power centers, 29:2.13 (321.5)primordial, preuniverse manipulation of, 32:1.3 (357.5)puissant, see Puissant, energyrelation of Paradise to, 0:4.13 (7.11)is pattern to, 0:6.10 (10.2)response of, to grasp of Infinity, 42:1.8 (468.5)source of, 42:1.0 (467.3–468.6)the three, response of, to gravity, 112:0.8 (1225.8)Energy(ies)-Physical Matterthe basis of all existence, 42:0.1 (467.1)-carrier particle, mesotron as an, 42:8.4 (479.2)decimal constitution of, 42:9.1 (479.6)evolving, substance and weight of, 15:8.3 (175.6)first measurable form, 42:1.2 (467.4)material, a definition, 29:3.6 (323.4), 133:5.10 (1477.5)materialization, of ultimatons, 41:9.1 (465.1), 42:4.3 (473.1)and matter, prerequisites for maintaining equilibrium between, 15:8.4 (175.7)units of, 15:6.9 (172.11)-matter, dominance of, in the cosmos, 12:8.14 (140.10), 116:6.1 (1275.1)electric differentiation, function of ultimatons in, 42:6.6 (476.8)electronic level of, 0:6.7 (9.9)manifestations of, decreed by God, 3:2.4 (47.2)mass materialization of, 32:1.5 (358.2)metamorphic states of, and material-gravity circuit, 0:6.1 (9.3)Paradise the source and focal point of, 11:8.9 (126.5)personality’s influence on the spirit’s mastery of, 112:0.6 (1225.6)pre-electronic level of, 0:6.6 (9.8)responsiveness of, to linear gravity, 11:8.7 (126.3)seeming source of, 106:2.3 (1164.6)subjection of, to overcontrol of spirit, 42:10.1 (480.4)subjugation of, by mind, the goal of the evolutionary universes, 116:6.1 (1275.1)transformations of, by Creator Sons, 33:2.2 (367.4)the world of, science man’s study of, 103:6.9 (1136.4)nonspirit, measurement of, quantitative, 12:8.5 (140.1), 42:11.5 (482.3)organization, of Havona, 14:2.2 (154.4)organized, relation of, to matter, 12:8.10 (140.6)physical, see Physical, energy(ies)relation of, to matter and other material realities, 42:4.0 (472.12–474.4)retardation of velocity in, by mass in matter, 15:8.3 (175.6)wavelike behavior of units of, 42:5.2 (474.6)zones of electrons, 42:7.9 (478.3)Energy(ies)-Pure Energy and Spiritappropriation of, for solution of spiritual problems, 160:1.10 (1774.2)cosmic, and maintenance of Material Sons’ immortal existence, 51:1.4 (581.1)divine, creation pervaded by, 42:1.5 (468.2)demonstration of, at the sundown healing, 145:3.14 (1633.5)Material Sons surcharged with, 51:1.3 (580.6)three original phases of, 44:5.5 (505.2)which will remake the world, as taught by Lao-tse, 94:6.8 (1034.3)of divinity, living, spiritual-gravity action the qualitative measure of, 12:8.5 (140.1)of infinity, 8:1.5 (91.2)infinity of First Great Source and Center, incomprehensibility of, 42:2.21 (471.5)pure, a definition, 42:1.6 (468.3), 42:11.1 (481.5), 56:1.3 (638.1)evidence of, in Adjusters, 107:6.4 (1182.6)primordial force as, 42:2.9 (469.9)and pure spirit, unification of, 56:1.3 (638.1)time-space revelation of Universal Father in, 42:0.1 (467.1), 56:3.1 (639.1)reality, all, eternalization of, 104:4.22 (1149.7)for the soul, unfailing, the outpoured spirit as an, 194:3.19 (2065.7)and spirit, bifurcation of, origin of the, 116:5.10 (1273.14)essential oneness of, on Paradise, 9:6.7 (104.5)mutual kinship of, 9:4.5 (102.5), 9:6.5 (104.3), 116:6.7 (1275.7)spirit, undifferentiated, controlled by the Son, 6:4.1 (76.1)of spirit luminosity, impersonal, place of origin of, 13:0.4 (143.4)spiritual, see Spiritual—;Energy and Powersystems, basic, pure spirit’s relation to, 56:1.4 (638.2)unlimited, God the possessor of, 131:4.4 (1448.3)Energy(ies)-Relation to Personalitiesadjustment of, for transport, 39:5.14 (438.7)arrangement of, and the personality form, 42:12.9 (483.9)associated in the protoplasmic cell, 49:1.2 (560.1)creative, Jesus’ possession of, 152:1.4 (1699.4)and excitement, 160:3.1 (1777.2)final response of all, to mind, 116:5.14 (1274.4)insulators, of transport seraphim, 39:5.12 (438.5)living, of divinity, the qualitative measure of, 12:8.5 (140.1)Jesus’ consciousness of the loss of, 152:0.2 (1698.2)midwayers’ utilization of, 38:9.8 (424.8)mind, and spirit, relationships of, 16:4.1 (189.2)nonspiritual, portrayal of relationships of mind to, 42:10.7 (481.4)and personality, 0:5.4 (8.4)physical, intellectual, and spiritual, 12:6.4 (136.2)for life maintenance, 29:2.17 (322.1)range of seraphim, 39:2.9 (430.5)reaction of, to mind, 9:4.2 (102.2), 116:3.4 (1271.2)-realm beings, varying techniques of, 41:2.7 (457.6)seraphim transporters’ utilization of, 39:3.9 (433.3)spiritual or physical, a requisite of personality, 30:1.113 (334.7)superphysical, a factor in Adam’s nutrition, 76:4.3 (851.1)system, vs. man, 112:5.3 (1232.4)with mind or spirit, personality’s bestowal upon, 112:0.4 (1225.4)of personality, true spirit’s relation to, 12:8.12 (140.8)-things, influence of consciousness on, 103:6.6 (1136.1)utilization of all, by Gravity Messenger, 31:2.2 (347.1)Energy(ies)-Transformationscharacteristics of, 42:1.7 (468.4)destination of, 42:1.8 (468.5)inherence of, in Universal Father, 42:1.2 (467.4)inherent qualities of, and evolution of new physical systems, 57:1.6 (652.2)intake, the rest of, 27:1.2 (299.2)intensified lanes of, in interplanetary communication, 29:2.16 (321.8)latent, in one drop of water, 41:7.13 (463.13)losses, early, of suns, 41:9.1 (465.1)and matter transmutations, 42:4.0 (472.12–474.4)metamorphosis, in the local universe, 105:7.15 (1160.13)radioactive, transmutation of, a source of solar energy, 41:7.5 (463.5)relation of temperature and gravity in evolution of, 42:3.11 (472.9)solar, earth’s reception of, 58:2.1 (665.4)see also Solar, energyof space, manipulation of, 29:4.25 (327.1), 48:2.14 (543.8), 56:9.12 (645.7)of a sunbeam, 41:6.4 (462.2)times of minus, behavioral tendencies of matter in, 15:8.7 (176.2)of plus, power disturbances and heat fluctuations of, 15:8.7 (176.2)-transformation technique, 43:1.11 (487.2)transmutation of, to light, 15:6.9 (172.11)into matter, 42:1.5 (468.2)second stage of, 29:5.5 (329.5)transmuting, and dark-island formation, 15:5.10 (171.5)universal, mobilization and transmutation of, 15:4.2 (169.2), 41:2.5 (457.4)universe, manipulation of, 42:1.5 (468.2)method of acquiring mass by the, 133:5.10 (1477.5)vegetative, conversion of, into animal activities, 41:2.5 (457.4)En-GannimJesus’ visit to, 134:7.5 (1492.5)Engedibrotherhood, John the Baptist’s influence on, 135:2.4 (1497.6)colony, composition of the, 135:2.3 (1497.5)Jesus’ and Abner’s visit to the Nazarite colony at, 142:8.1 (1605.3)John the Baptist’s periodic journeys to, 135:2.4 (1497.6)sojourn in, 135:4.3 (1499.3)Nazarite school at, Abner’s connection with, 165:0.1 (1817.1)southern headquarters of the Nazarite brotherhood, 135:1.1 (1496.6)EnglandAndonites in, 64:1.6 (719.1), 64:2.6 (719.9), 64:7.17 (728.6)connection of, with France, during third ice age, 64:1.5 (718.7)in times of Foxhall peoples, 64:2.6 (719.9)first human beings to inhabit, 64:2.6 (719.9)land path from, to Java, time of, 64:1.5 (718.7)and the Neanderthalers, 64:7.11 (727.8)separation of, from the continent, 80:2.4 (890.8)EnglishChannel, presence of early Andonic settlements under the, 64:2.6 (719.9)language, limitations of, for conveying advanced concepts, 0:0.2 (1.2), 42:2.1 (469.1)materialization of these revelations into the, 114:7.9 (1258.1)translation of first thirty-one papers into, 31:10.22 (354.8)of sixty-three papers of Part III into the, 119:8.9 (1319.2)twenty-five papers of Part II into the, 56:10.23 (648.6)of Urantia Papers into the, 0:0.1 (1.1)-speaking peoples, nationalistic secular religion found among modern, 92:6.20 (1012.1)words, the Foreword an outline of meanings to be attached to, 0:0.3 (1.3)Enlightenedhonesty, a fruit of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)worlds, attitude of, toward Universal Father, 1:0.3 (21.3)Enlightenmentangels of, a corps of master seraphim, 114:6.11 (1256.1)now serving on Urantia, 114:6.11 (1256.1)and experience in augmentation of character, 37:6.3 (412.3)millennium of cosmic, the spiritual age, 20:9.1 (231.5)Enmityof Annas, for Jesus, 184:1.3 (1979.1)displacement of, by amity, 70:1.22 (785.5)of the world, Jesus’ admonition regarding the, 180:3.0 (1946.6–1948.1)Enmothering of bestowal Sonsa mystery, 20:6.1 (228.5)Enoch, book ofconcept of Messiah in, 136:1.6 (1510.3)influence of, on Jesus, 126:3.6 (1390.1), 126:3.8 (1390.3)Enoch, son of Caincareer of, 76:2.9 (849.3)Enoch, on Urantia advisory councilidentity of, 45:4.13 (514.3)Ensaadministrative schools of, 35:10.2 (394.4)the minor sector, 15:7.8 (174.8), 15:14.6 (182.5), 18:5.5 (212.2), 29:4.18 (325.11)number of, in major sector Splandon, 15:14.7 (182.6)number of mechanical controllers commissioned in, 29:4.18 (325.11)Enseraphimedascenders, experience of, 39:2.12 (431.1)being, velocity of, 23:2.22 (260.2)Enseraphimingof Adams and Eves, preparation for, 51:2.1 (582.1)vs. death of sleep, 39:2.11 (430.7)transformers and, 39:5.14 (438.7)Enslavementof captives, and national life, 71:1.10 (800.12)the third great advance in civilization, 81:2.6 (901.9)of male captives, as agriculturists,
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