The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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teachings, 93:9.5 (1023.2), 95:3.5 (1046.1)Judah under tribute to, after defeat of Josiah, 97:9.24 (1074.6)Melchizedek teachings in, 93:7.1 (1021.5), 95:2.1 (1043.7), 96:2.5 (1055.3), 98:0.1 (1077.1)Mesopotamian influence on, 95:3.1 (1045.4)migration to, 80:1.3 (889.5)and the monotheism of Ikhnaton, 95:5.0 (1047.1–1049.3)moral and intellectual, rather than spiritual, 95:3.5 (1046.1)one reason for the child Jesus’ being taken to, 95:5.2 (1047.2)onetime most thoroughly blended religious philosophy in, 95:2.1 (1043.7)occupancy of, by a blended colored race, 78:3.6 (871.2)persistence of the Sethite Trinity concept in, 104:1.2 (1143.5)the Pharaoh’s fear of the Bedouins’ organization against, 96:3.4 (1056.1)place of final struggle of orange and green races, 64:6.13 (724.3)readiness of, for Salem teachings, 95:2.2 (1044.1), 95:3.5 (1046.1)seven distinct types of human beings in, 80:6.2 (894.3)sojourn of Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus in, 122:10.4 (1354.3), 123:0.3 (1355.3)successive domination of, by various colored races, 64:7.15 (728.4)successor to Mesopotamia as the world’s cultural center, 80:6.1 (894.2)the transmitting agent of culture and religion to the Occident, 95:5.14 (1049.2)Egyptian(s)art, effect of making burial statues on, 95:2.4 (1044.3)belief of, regarding the soul and the spirit, 86:4.8 (953.7), 111:0.4 (1215.4)bondage, Judah’s period of real, 97:9.24 (1074.6)calendar, reform of, accuracy of, 77:2.12 (858.1)comparison of, with the Amerinds, in religious practice, 95:2.3 (1044.2)concept of God of heaven, 142:3.5 (1598.6)cult of Osiris and Isis, popularity of, in the Greco-Roman world, 98:4.4 (1081.7)ritual, origin of, 98:4.0 (1081.4–1082.1)early religion, 95:2.0 (1043.7–1045.3)embalming of the dead, 95:2.4 (1044.3)influence on the Hebrew religion, 95:2.1 (1043.7), 95:5.15 (1049.3), 96:0.3 (1052.3), 96:3.1 (1055.4), 96:5.3 (1058.1), 96:7.1 (1060.1)preservation of many Mesopotamian teachings by the, 95:1.11 (1043.6)Ptolemaic and Palestinian independence, 121:2.8 (1334.2)pyramid, first, built by the Andite, Imhotep, 80:6.4 (894.5)religious philosophy, Moses’ comprehension of, 96:4.1 (1056.3)royal family, Moses a descendant of, significance, 95:5.3 (1047.3)ruler(s), Moses’ influence with the, 96:3.3 (1055.6)one, testimony of, regarding his ka, 111:0.6 (1215.6)Salemite physician, influence of, on Ikhnaton’s philosophy, 95:5.1 (1047.1)slavery, teachings regarding Joseph’s being sold into, 126:1.2 (1387.2)source of the medical knowledge of the, 90:4.9 (992.1)superstitions of, regarding a celestial stairway, 95:2.8 (1045.1)and their national system of gods, 80:6.4 (894.5)triad, onetime, Truth-Justice-Righteousness a, 95:3.3 (1045.6)triad gods, 104:0.3 (1143.3)Eighthrace of Urantia, 73:1.3 (821.6), 77:2.8 (857.5)Elidentity of, 96:1.7 (1053.5)El Elyonconcept, persistence of, in Egypt, 96:2.5 (1055.3)identity of, 93:3.2 (1016.4), 96:1.4 (1053.2)Machiventa’s revelation of the identity of, to Amdon, 93:2.1 (1015.1)Melchizedek church members’ belief in, 93:4.1 (1017.3)known as priest of, 93:2.4 (1015.4)Moses’ father-in-law a Kenite worshiper of, 96:4.2 (1056.4)futile attempts to adapt concept of, to the illiterate Hebrews, 96:5.5 (1058.3)the Most High God, 142:3.4 (1598.5)the one God, Ikhnaton’s keeping alive the doctrine in Egypt, 95:5.2 (1047.2)El ShaddaiEgyptian concept of God, 96:1.5 (1053.3), 142:3.5 (1598.6)material prosperity a reward for serving, 96:1.6 (1053.4)Moses’ parents worshipers of, 96:4.2 (1056.4)Elameastern Nodites’ headquarters, 73:1.5 (822.2), 77:4.4 (859.7)Elamitescivilization of, 77:4.4 (859.7)peace between Adamites and, 76:2.9 (849.3)Elder(s)brethren of Urantia mortals, midwayers as, 77:9.10 (867.1)brother, of each believer, Christ intended to be, 170:5.17 (1865.7)Immanuel as Michael’s, 119:1.1 (1309.2), 120:0.6 (1324.3), 127:2.12 (1398.4), 128:1.11 (1409.1), 136:3.3 (1512.7)Jesus as man’s, 40:6.5 (448.4), 169:4.1 (1855.2), 169:4.13 (1857.4)Zebedee daughters looked on Jesus as their, 129:1.5 (1420.2)council of, the first governmental body, 70:5.2 (788.14), 70:5.3 (789.1)transition from, to other forms of government, 70:12.2 (798.1)of Ephraim, anointing of David by, 97:9.11 (1073.1)four and twenty, see Four and twenty, counselorsfunctions of, in primitive society, 70:5.3 (789.1), 70:11.12 (797.10), 80:5.6 (893.8), 82:4.2 (917.5), 83:3.2 (924.1)Hebrew, loss of judicial role by, 97:9.15 (1073.5)of Israel, amazement of, that Jesus did not return to address the multitudes, 177:3.7 (1924.3)coming rejection of Jesus by, 158:7.3 (1759.5)interruption of Jesus’ sermon by, 173:2.2 (1891.3)Jesus’ plea for co-operation with, 175:1.8 (1906.5)warning to the, 173:4.4 (1894.2)the law of the, Jesus’ attitude toward, 153:3.3 (1712.3), 153:3.6 (1713.1)relief of, at not having to arrest Jesus in public, 177:4.12 (1927.1)request by, for Jesus to save the centurion’s servant, 147:1.1 (1647.3)of Nazareth, and the episode of Jesus’ drawing in school, 124:1.4 (1366.5)plans of, to send Jesus to school at Jerusalem, 124:5.5 (1373.5)requirements for Sanhedrin to ordain an, 173:2.3 (1891.4)respect for, a Salem commandment, 93:4.13 (1018.2)subject of Dalamatia prayer, 66:5.15 (747.5)saliva of an, valued by primitives, 88:1.8 (968.3)the seventy ruling, of Alexandria, 130:3.8 (1433.3)statesmen, house of, of the continental nation, 72:2.7 (809.8), 72:2.17 (810.10)Elealahlabors of the seventy in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Electionspopular, function of, 71:2.8 (802.2)Elective bodies on Jerusemby whom selected, 45:7.5 (518.1)Electricair-ceiling of Jerusem, and lighting, 46:1.4 (519.5)disturbances, decrease of, on Urantia, 57:8.18 (662.5)fields, tense, a source of short space rays, 58:3.2 (667.1)force, inability of, to hold together atomic nuclei, 42:8.4 (479.2)types, planetary mortal, 49:2.22 (562.6)Electricalactivities, effect of, on atoms, 42:3.8 (472.6)installations on worlds of nonbreathers, function of, 49:3.3 (563.6)reactions, and the Unqualified Absolute, 65:6.8 (738.1)Electricityeffect of, on man’s labor, 81:2.14 (902.4)fire’s relation to discovery of, 69:6.8 (778.3)generation, vs. transformation of space energies into morontia material, 48:2.14 (543.8)man’s tardiness in the use of, 81:6.8 (907.5)not a basic energy of space, 41:1.2 (456.1)relation of, to heat, etc., 42:4.1 (472.12)scientists’ inability to explain, 133:5.4 (1476.6)possible measurement of the energy of, 133:5.4 (1476.6)Electrochemicaldomains of response to stimuli, 65:7.8 (739.4)mechanism, relation to the spirit-morontia energy system, 111:1.5 (1216.6)order of life activation, 16:8.15 (195.2)ElectrochemistryLife Carriers’ function on levels of, 65:1.3 (730.10)Electrochemistsuniverse, function of, 36:2.14 (398.1)Electron(s)activity, dependence of chemical behavior on, 42:7.6 (477.8)advantage to, of nonexistence of ether, 42:5.16 (476.2)annihilation of, a source of solar energy, 41:7.4 (463.4)breaking up of, at electronic boiling point, 41:7.12 (463.12)collision, and loss of light-energy, 42:5.6 (475.2)comparative room for, in atoms, 42:7.2 (477.4)direct-line motion through space of, 42:5.14 (475.10)escape of, conditions favoring, 42:7.9 (478.3)gravity control of large suns over, 41:9.1 (465.1)influence of cold in organization of, 42:4.5 (473.3)journey of, through space, 41:5.4 (460.8)mass and volume of, comparative, 42:6.8 (477.2)number of, in calcium, 41:6.4 (462.2)of modified forms of, 42:6.5 (476.7)of ultimatons in typical, 42:6.5 (476.7)orbital shifting of, results of, 42:5.6 (475.2), 42:7.7 (478.1)primary associators’ manipulation of, 29:4.33 (328.2)relation of ultimatonic matter to, 42:3.3 (472.1)speeding up of, by solar temperatures, 41:7.13 (463.13)spin, influence of, on origin of space rays, 58:3.3 (667.2)subjection of, to gravity, 41:9.2 (465.2)in supergases, number of, 41:4.3 (459.7)transmutation of ultimatons into circuits of, 42:4.3 (473.1)ultimaton content of an, 42:4.3 (473.1), 42:6.5 (476.7)ultimatons, atoms, and, 42:6.0 (476.3–477.2)variable behavior of, 42:7.10 (478.4)wavelike energy extension of, 42:7.8 (478.2)weight of an, 42:6.7 (477.1)Electronicactivity, heat the measurement of, 42:4.5 (473.3)association(s), formation of, in open space, 42:4.9 (473.7)of ultimatons, 41:9.1 (465.1)axial and orbital revolutions, velocities of, 42:7.3 (477.5)behavior, relation of, to nuclear proximity, 42:7.8 (478.2)boiling point, 41:7.12 (463.12)circuit, inner, relative distance from atomic nucleus to, 42:7.2 (477.4)condensation, cause of, 41:3.6 (458.6)construction, and atomic breakup, temperature’s effect on, 42:4.7 (473.5)dimensions, differential, determination of, 42:6.6 (476.8)energies, organizing, in organized space, 42:4.6 (473.4)-energy particles, immunity of uncharged, to linear gravity, 42:6.2 (476.4)level of energy-matter, universe power the, 0:6.2 (9.4)matter, definition, 42:3.5 (472.3)function of ultimatonic interassociation in, 42:6.6 (476.8)organization of universe power, seven phases of, 29:2.13 (321.5)stage of energy, basis of materialization, 42:5.6 (475.2)units, determination of negative and positive reactions of, 42:6.6 (476.8)unpredictability, 42:7.10 (478.4)Elementaltypes, planetary mortal, 49:2.15–18 (561.14–562.2)Elementschemical, number of basic Havona, 14:2.3 (154.5)of Urantia, 42:9.3 (480.1)fear of the, by Andonites, 63:6.3 (716.2)heaviest, and behavior of electrons of, 42:7.9 (478.3)heavy, settling of, toward Urantia’s center, 57:7.3 (659.2)worship of
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