The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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favorable spot for Michael’s appearance, 93:5.2 (1018.7)Turkestan, a gateway for Mesopotamian Andites into Asia, 79:1.1 (878.2)United States, coal beds of, thickness, 59:5.15 (681.7)version of the message of Jesus, eventual fate of, 195:1.11 (2072.4)Easternmostoutpost of true Andite culture, Tarim valley the, 79:1.2 (878.3)Vanite settlement, visit of Adamson to the, 77:4.13 (860.8)Eastwardinto Asia, penetration of a minority of Adamites, 78:3.2 (870.5)deflection of the Gulf Stream, effect of, on Greenland, 59:1.17 (674.3)into Elam, migration of one faction of Nodites, 77:4.4 (859.7)emptying of the Great Lakes into the Hudson Valley, 61:7.10 (701.9)extension of the ancient California sea, connection of, with midwestern sea basin, 60:1.8 (686.4)of the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, 64:1.1 (718.3)of the Pacific to the Black Hills region, 60:2.4 (687.5)infiltration of some Andites in Eurasia, 79:1.1 (878.2)journeys of Adamites and Nodites toward Mesopotamia, 76:0.1 (847.1)movement of some Andite blood from Sinkiang and Tibet, 79:6.5 (885.2)Mesopotamian Andites to the Iranian plateau and Turkestan, 78:6.3 (873.7)nonmigration, of the first Andonites, reason for, 64:1.1 (718.3)penetration of Andites to Honan, 79:7.1 (886.2)later Andonites, as far as Java, 64:1.6 (719.1)spread of the Salem religion, influence by Vedic teachers in the, 94:5.5 (1032.7)swing of the course of the superuniverses around Paradise, 15:1.4 (165.3)turn of some Mesopotamian Andites toward Sinkiang, 78:6.4 (874.1)walls, in Eden, inspection tour of Adam and Eve along the, 74:3.7 (831.4)East-westcleavage of continental land mass, location of one marine-life implantation in, 58:4.4 (668.2)diameter of Paradise, north-south diameter one-sixth longer than, 11:2.2 (119.3)mountain systems, locations and ages of, 60:4.3 (692.1)pressures of Paradise force-energy circulation system, 11:5.5 (122.5)pulsations of nether-Paradise mid-zone, 11:5.6 (122.6)ridge of fossil-bearing rock in North America, 58:7.4 (670.6)sheltered seas, ancient, western implantation of life in, 65:2.13 (733.3)Eatingthroughout mansion worlds, 47:4.6 (535.2)with unwashed hands, Jews’ attitude toward, 153:3.6 (1713.1)EbalJesus’ view of, from the hill of Simeon, 126:1.2 (1387.2)Eberanswer of, to Jewish leaders’ taunting, 162:2.9 (1792.3)contact of, with Jesus, 162:2.6 (1791.4)dispatch of, to apprehend Jesus, 162:2.6 (1791.4)presence of, at meeting in home of Nicodemus, 164:2.1 (1810.3)refusal of, to arrest Jesus, 162:2.9 (1792.3)EccentricJesus not, 100:7.3 (1101.7)Eccentricityvs. originality, 149:4.4 (1673.4)Ecclesiastesthe pessimism of, a reaction to the overoptimistic beliefs in Providence, 97:8.2 (1070.5)Ecclesiasticalauthority see Authority, ecclesiasticalsanction, the remembrance supper without, 179:5.8 (1943.1)slavery, secularism’s freeing of man from, 195:8.4 (2081.4)totalitarianism, gains of secular revolt from, 195:8.6 (2081.6)Ecclesiasticismincompatibility of, with living faith, 195:10.8 (2084.8)Echinodermsguide fossils of the age of frogs, 59:5.8 (680.10)increase of, time of, 59:3.11 (677.8)Eclipse(s)Nordic belief concerning, 85:3.4 (946.6)prediction of the 1808, by the prophet Tenskwatawa, 90:2.9 (988.5)Economicabuse(s), correction of, in the continental nation, 72:5.3 (813.4)Jesus’ condemnation of, 163:2.11 (1803.2)activities in the central universe, 14:5.2 (158.5)attitude of Jesus, 140:8.15 (1581.2)complexity, and unemployment, 81:6.31 (910.4)conditions, influence of, on man’s philosophy of religion, 101:7.1 (1113.7)development, Adam’s and Eve’s influence on, 51:6.4 (587.2), 81:5.1 (905.6)factors, in modern marriage institution, 84:7.27 (941.8)freedom, society as a scheme for securing, 81:5.5 (906.3)groups, freedom of kingdom of heaven from, 134:4.7 (1487.4)liabilities, modern children as, 84:7.27 (941.8)liberation, racial, 52:4.5 (594.8)liberty, woman’s increased, and divorce, 83:7.7 (929.1)life, of world in light and life, 55:5.3 (629.12)lost motion of competition, need for care in elimination of, 71:5.4 (805.4)maladjustment, selfish, Christians’ possible fear of exposure of their, 196:1.2 (2090.3)necessities’ tying man up with reality, 99:7.5 (1093.3)and political entanglements, advice to Michael regarding, 120:3.4 (1329.5)systems, religion of the past’s concern with, 99:0.1 (1086.1)practices of the northern Chinese, Andite influence on, 79:7.4 (886.5)problems, industrial legislature’s control of, in the continental nation, 72:5.3 (813.4)Jesus’ unwillingness to pronounce upon, 167:5.6 (1839.3)use of spiritual energy in dealing with, 156:5.10 (1739.5)realms, Jesus’ ignoring of, in his teachings, 140:8.9 (1580.4)reasons for social classes, 70:8.6 (792.10)reformer, Jesus not an, 140:8.15 (1581.2)reorganization, religion’s proper relationship to, 99:1.6 (1087.3)restrictions, effect of, on practice of polyandry, 83:5.3 (926.1)rewards, guidance in the just distribution of, 132:5.20 (1464.4)slavery, secularism’s selling of man into, 195:8.4 (2081.4)status of advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.3 (629.12)of their world, Adam and Eve’s attitude toward, 51:7.4 (588.3)system, planetary, transformation of, during post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.3 (598.6)theories, Jesus’ nonintention of formulating, 140:8.17 (1581.4)transformations of Christian civilization, possibility of, 196:1.2 (2090.3)upheavals, of the twentieth century, 99:4.6 (1090.2)Economicseducation as affected by the passing of profit-motivated, 71:7.3 (806.3)evolution of, necessity for, 71:4.1 (804.1)man’s present insurance in the domain of, 86:7.2 (956.5)political science’s need to reconstruct, 99:7.2 (1092.6)profit-motivated, need for augmentation by service motives, 71:6.1 (805.5)religion’s beginning separation from, 97:9.28 (1075.4)Economyof transition worlds, 44:3.3 (502.2), 46:2.7 (521.4)the universal, basis of, 28:6.18 (316.5)Ecstasygenuine spiritual, and emotional control, 91:7.3 (1000.4)mystic experience of, true religion not an, 101:1.1 (1104.4)mysticism, and inspiration, 91:7.0 (1000.2–1001.4)religious, not divine inspiration, 91:7.4 (1000.5)Edena basic factor in the civilization of the violet race, 78:3.1 (870.4)basis for the "golden-age" legend, 68:1.7 (764.3)Chinese traditions as influenced by Andite traditions of, 79:7.4 (886.5)a fact, 74:8.14 (838.6)fate of, 73:7.0 (826.6–827.3)first, disruption of, effect on Adamic revelation, 92:4.6 (1007.6)now submerged under eastern Mediterranean, 73:7.1 (826.6), 78:7.7 (875.4)Garden of, see Garden(s)glory of, forgotten by followers of Adam, 76:3.2 (849.5)improvement of, under Adam’s direction, 73:5.8 (825.5)regime of, complications in human evolution arising from the, 81:2.20 (903.2)salvage of the ideas and ideals of, 78:1.12 (869.8)the second, as the cradle of civilization, 78:0.1 (868.1)see also Garden(s), the secondthe seven commandments of, 89:1.4 (975.1)submergence of, a natural occurrence, 73:7.2 (827.1)tongue of, an Andonic dialect, 74:2.2 (829.4)Edenicbestowal, failure of, to fully Adamize the Urantia races, 34:7.5 (382.5)commission on tribal relations, Serapatatia a chairman of, 75:3.4 (841.4)culture, stability of, 51:6.5 (587.3)ideal, a new idea on Urantia, 84:7.8 (940.4)league, Adam’s system of group control, 74:5.5 (833.5)peninsula, sinking of, 73:7.1 (826.6)regime, about, 51:6.0 (586.5–587.11)influence of Caligastia’s staff in the overthrow of, 75:2.5 (840.7)teachings, one of the Urantia revelations, 92:4.6 (1007.6)as to woman’s status in society, 84:5.5 (937.2)Edenitesenter Mesopotamia, 76:1.0 (847.3–6)later journey to second garden by, 76:0.1 (847.1)EdentiaAdam’s inability to counsel with his superiors on, 75:1.1 (839.2)age of mortal ascension, 43:8.2 (494.1)animal and plant life of, 43:6.4 (492.4)an architectural sphere, 41:1.3 (456.2)area devoted to gardens of the Most Highs in, 43:6.2 (492.2)ascenders’ status on, 43:9.2 (495.4)assemblies, poetic broadcasts of, 44:4.11 (504.3)assignments of ascending mortals, 43:9.4 (495.6)atmospheric transportation on, 43:1.2 (486.1)beauty of, 43:6.0 (492.1–493.1)brotherhood schools of, 39:3.7 (433.1)circumnavigation of, 43:1.2 (486.1)citizenship on, 43:9.0 (495.3–7)conclaves, System Sovereigns’ periodic attendance at, 43:4.7 (490.2)constellation capital, 15:7.6 (174.6), 43:1.0 (485.5–487.2), 51:3.2 (583.1), 73:4.1 (823.7)cultural acquirement, seven phases of, 43:8.4 (494.3)experience, ascending mortals’ reaction toward, 43:8.13 (495.2)Faithful of Days’ field of activity, 43:4.1 (489.4)Fathers since the Lucifer rebellion, 43:5.0 (490.6–491.13)Gabriel’s visit to, regarding Lucifer rebellion, 53:2.4 (602.7), 53:5.4 (605.8)Gardens of Eden named for, 43:6.2 (492.2), 51:3.2 (583.1), 73:4.1 (823.7)headquarters amphitheater and the sea of glass, 43:1.7 (486.6)identification, 15:7.6 (174.6), 15:14.6 (182.5), 43:0.2 (485.2), 43:1.0
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