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by material means in curing, 164:3.15 (1813.2)prayer not a technique of curing organic, 91:6.2 (999.5)prevention, primitive religion largely a technique for, 90:4.1 (990.6)prevention of, a factor in an expanding civilization, 71:4.6 (804.6)-producing organisms, and the body cells of evolutionary races, 76:4.7 (851.5)shamans’ consent to treat, 90:4.3 (991.2)method of diagnosing, 90:4.3 (991.2)supposed curing of, by porous rocks, 85:1.4 (945.2)a Urantia handicap in attaining the destiny of light and life, 55:3.21 (626.10)Disembodied spiritsbelief in the existence of, 86:4.4 (953.3)Disenfranchisementreasons for, in the continental nation, 72:9.8 (818.3)Disgraceancient peoples’ regard of nonmarriage as a, 82:3.8 (916.4)Disgustmid-mammals’ display of, 62:3.6 (705.5)social, on the continental nation, 72:5.12 (814.2)Disharmonyapparent universe, 56:0.2 (637.2)eradication of, in Satania, 46:0.1 (519.1)inherence of, in evolutionary growth, 105:6.4 (1159.4)reason for possibility of, among ministers of the Infinite Spirit, 32:3.7 (361.2)among Sons of God, 32:3.7 (361.2)Dishonestachievement vs. honest endeavor, 160:4.11 (1779.3)riches, need to cleanse one’s fortune of, 132:5.22 (1465.1)Dishonestynecessity for avoidance of, in preaching truth, 156:5.19 (1740.6)seeming prevalence of, 194:3.2 (2062.11)Disillusionmentof boy Jesus, as to omniscience of his parents, 123:3.2 (1359.3)over the temple services, 125:0.3 (1377.3)of Judas, after his betrayal of Jesus, 186:1.6 (1998.4)Lucifer’s pride and, 53:2.5 (603.1)of the multitudes as to character of Jesus’ kingdom, 172:3.15 (1883.1)ultimate cause of, 160:4.13 (1779.5)DisloyaltyChrist Michael’s present power in dealing with outbreaks of, 53:5.3 (605.7)creature, management of problems pertaining to, 43:5.13 (491.9)to Deity, degrees of, 89:10.2 (984.5)destructive of personality status, 67:1.3 (754.4)Lucifer’s first outspoken, 53:2.4 (602.7)of superiors, Mighty Messengers’ reaction to, 22:2.1 (245.1)Disobedienceconsequences of, among children of ancient savages, 84:7.20 (941.1)Disorganizationof that which cannot be spiritualized, 21:5.7 (241.1)Dispatching fieldson peripheral Paradise, 11:4.1 (121.2)Dispensation(s)Adamic, 52:3.7 (593.6), 74:2.8 (830.3), 189:3.1 (2024.3)of bestowal Son, 52:6.1 (597.2)the current planetary, sleeping survivors’ repersonalization at end of, 112:5.10 (1233.6)divine, circumstances of life a, 140:8.3 (1579.5)end of one and beginning of another, as perceived by Jesus, 174:5.6 (1903.3)inauguration of new, by bestowal Sons, 20:6.6 (229.5)by planetary advent of divine Sons, 49:6.3 (568.6)of Magisterial Sons, 52:4.2 (594.5)new, a definition, 179:5.2 (1942.1)Jesus the inaugurator of a, 136:1.3 (1509.5)judgment day of a, surviving souls’ unconscious sleep until the, 30:4.11 (341.1)the remembrance supper a symbol of the, 179:5.2 (1942.1)planetary, and decrees of cessation of existence, 2:3.3 (37.1)of Planetary Prince, 51:0.1 (580.1), 52:2.1 (591.1), 74:2.8 (830.3)relation of Avonals to, 20:2.5 (225.4)roll call of a, archangel promulgation of, 37:3.6 (409.3)of Spirit of Truth, Immanuel’s instruction to Michael concerning the, 120:2.4 (1328.1)successive, in era of light and life, 50:5.11 (577.6), 55:0.2 (621.2)termination of, 20:3.3 (226.3), 20:9.2 (231.6)of Trinity Teacher Sons, 52:7.4 (598.7)Dispensationaladjudication(s) at Adam’s Urantia arrival, 76:6.2 (853.3)of evolutionary worlds, function of Universal Censors in, 19:4.3 (218.1)many, on an inhabited planet, 20:5.4 (228.1)adjudicators, invisibility of Avonals as, 20:3.3 (226.3)Magisterial Sons as, 20:3.3 (226.3), 52:4.3 (594.6), 55:10.5 (634.5)age, advancing spirits’ return to earth and the completion of a, 146:7.2 (1646.3)enlargement of truth and ethics, 52:2.3 (591.3)judgment, Immanuel’s instructions to Michael concerning, 120:2.4 (1328.1)order of survival, mortals of the, 49:6.4 (568.7)resurrections, 47:3.5 (533.3), 76:5.3 (852.2), 189:3.0 (2024.3–2025.1)roll calls, guardians’ response to, for nonsurviving personalities, 113:6.8 (1247.6)repersonalization of sleeping survivors in, 49:6.7 (569.2)Dispersion(s)of the Andonites, 63:6.1 (715.8)of the colored races, 64:7.0 (726.8–729.1)impending, Jesus’ preparation of his followers for the, 154:0.3 (1717.3)the last Andite, 78:6.0 (873.5–874.5)DispleasureGod’s, Jews’ belief in adversity as the proof of, 166:4.3 (1830.3)Dispositionquarrelsome, results of Thomas’s, 139:8.3 (1561.3)DisputesAndonic, methods of settling, 70:1.3 (783.6)Disruptionof the smaller of two space bodies, occasion for, 57:6.4 (658.1)Dissolutiondecree of, execution of, 2:3.6 (37.4)immediate, archangels’ desire to arrange for Jesus’ body’s, 189:2.1 (2022.5)of wedlock, 83:7.0 (928.2–929.3)Distancein energy and matter transmutation, 42:4.10 (473.8)measurement on Edentia, 43:0.3 (485.3)and relative locations on Paradise, 11:2.11 (120.3)Distributorsof the Infinite Spirit to the universes, the Seven Master Spirits, 9:8.2 (105.7)Distrust of womanonetime universal, 84:4.4 (935.4)Diumlabors of Jesus’ followers in, 159:0.2 (1762.2)Diversionangels of, 114:6.15 (1256.5)favorite, of Jerusem, 46:3.2 (522.2)leadership of, by reversion directors, 48:4.8 (548.3)and relaxation of the apostles, 143:3.0 (1610.4–1611.6)Simon Zelotes’ supervision of, 139:11.2 (1564.7)wholesome, soundness of, 84:8.5 (942.6)Diversityinfinity as both unity and, 115:3.4 (1262.1)Dives and LazarusJesus’ refusal to comment on the parable of, 169:3.3 (1855.1)Divided personalityheavenly Father not a, 2:6.6 (41.4)Dividing the inheritanceJesus’ talk on, 165:4.0 (1821.1–1822.9)Divinationinterpretation of spirit messages by, 87:5.9 (963.4)a superstition, 150:3.8 (1681.3)Divineapproaching concept of the, a requisite for, 3:5.11 (51.10)destiny, of spirit-indwelt man, 149:6.9 (1676.3)three levels of, 42:12.8 (483.8)dignity of God-knowing disciples, 181:2.15 (1958.2)the gospel’s endowment of human life with, 170:2.6 (1860.1)family, kingdom of heaven a, 149:6.8 (1676.2)of individuals, the universal brotherhood, 12:7.10 (138.5)favor, Jews’ belief as to relation of material prosperity to, 148:6.2 (1662.4), 166:4.3 (1830.3)fellowship, finite intellect’s assurance of, 5:0.1 (62.1)gifts, Solitary Messengers’ term for Adjusters, 107:7.6 (1184.1)guidance, importance of prayer for, 146:2.14 (1640.3)spiritual faith’s steadfast belief in, 101:3.15 (1108.14)inspiration, of the mystic, the sometime true identity of the, 91:7.1 (1000.2)invasion of the soul, and a moral choice, 196:3.20 (2095.4)leading, the human’s choosing to respond to, 110:3.7 (1206.5)nature, faith, and man’s partaking of the, 143:2.4 (1609.5), 150:5.3 (1682.5)potential evil not a part of the, 2:2.7 (36.5)satisfaction of the, Havona creation as a, 4:0.2 (54.2)panorama, of eternal ages, 8:1.1 (90.5)perfection plans, 7:4.0 (85.2–86.1)plans of the Universal Father, 2:1.4 (34.3), 2:1.10 (35.3), 7:4.0 (85.2–86.1)power, never a cross working of, and purpose, 32:4.3 (363.1)reach, extent of the, 4:1.6 (55.4)rest, association of, with spiritual-energy intake, 44:5.8 (505.5)essential to enjoyment of Paradise, 27:1.1 (299.1)terminal rest of time, 26:7.4 (293.2)right, fetish kings’ ruling by, 88:3.4 (970.5)Son(s), see Son(s), divinesonship, see Sonship, divinespirits, see Spirit(s)-Deity, divinethings must be loved in order to be known, 102:1.1 (1118.4)voice, indwelling, possibility of a mortal’s hearing the, 109:5.2 (1199.3)will, exchange of the human will for the, 144:4.9 (1621.8)man’s conformity to, 1:7.2 (31.2), 102:1.1 (1118.4)wrath, death of bestowal Sons not to satisfy, 20:6.7 (229.6)present-day belief that disease is a consequence of, 90:3.8 (990.3)Divine-Deitythe certitude of the, 102:7.0 (1126.1–1127.4)Deity, the source of all that which is, 0:1.15 (3.2)human father’s love a reflection of the, 125:0.6 (1378.1)mind’s grasp of the, 3:5.16 (52.2)nature, characteristics of, constituting the character of Deity, 2:0.1 (33.1)some characteristics of the, 0:1.18 (3.5)Divine-Jesusbeing, perfectly endowed, Jesus a, 196:0.7 (2088.2)endowments, Jesus’ possession of, 141:7.14 (1594.8)glory, Jesus’ promise to return to Urantia in, 142:7.3 (1603.4)human, the adolescent Jesus an increasingly self-conscious, 124:6.18 (1376.4)-human life, Jesus’, two potential concepts in, 196:2.6 (2092.4)will, the Adjuster’s promise to Jesus regarding matters pertaining to his, 136:5.4 (1516.4)and human Jesus, 124:6.16 (1376.2), 128:1.8 (1408.5), 136:5.4 (1516.4), 136:9.5 (1522.4), 137:4.2 (1528.5), 142:7.15 (1604.10), 157:6.3 (1749.2), 161:2.0 (1785.1–1787.2), 168:1.2 (1844.1), 182:3.5 (1968.6), 194:3.19 (2065.7), 196:2.2 (2091.11)or human role, Jesus’ facility in the enactment of the, 137:4.2 (1528.5)humanity, Jesus as the demonstration of, 101:6.17 (1113.6)Jesus’ technique of ascent from the human to the, 196:1.6 (2091.2)mind, Jesus’, possible foreknowledge of, as to resurrection of Lazarus, 168:1.7 (1844.6)Jesus’ human mind’s
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