The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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in the Trinity by, 56:6.1 (641.2)total, and absolute attitude of Paradise Trinity, 10:5.6 (113.7)constituent personalities of, 10:8.3 (116.4)dynamic infinity of, 0:3.21 (6.1)Father not discernibly absolute as, except in the Trinity, 10:3.8 (111.6)transcendence of finite and absonite by, 10:8.3 (116.4)Trinity union of, 10:4.0 (112.4–113.1)undivided in the Paradise Trinity, 10:4.2 (112.5), 56:6.1 (641.2), 104:3.15 (1147.7)unity, a fact of existence, on Paradise, 56:5.4 (641.1)the Paradise Trinity, 10:0.2 (108.2), 10:2.8 (110.6), 10:4.2 (112.5), 117:3.9 (1282.4)Delays of timeinevitability of, 65:8.1 (739.4)Deliberative assembly(ies)about, 15:11.0 (179.11–180.1)superuniverse, as related to Universal Father, 15:11.3 (180.1)Delimited universecircular movement of the, 32:5.5 (365.1)Delinquencyof children, contribution of parents to the, 147:5.9 (1653.3)rarity of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.2 (629.11)solution of problems of, during postbestowal Son era, 52:5.9 (596.7)Delinquentssocial, onetime involuntary labor by, 51:4.7 (585.3)Deliverancefrom Egypt, the onetime reason for Sabbath keeping, 142:3.21 (1599.13)from the past, Jesus’ portrayal of a, 188:5.3 (2018.2)Deliverer(s)apostles’ intermittent belief in Jesus as the, 137:2.6 (1526.6), 157:4.1 (1746.5), 158:2.1 (1754.1)clinging of the Jews to material mission of the, 176:1.2 (1913.1)of Israel, Judas’s denial of Jesus’ being the, 177:4.2 (1924.6)Mary’s encouragement of belief in Jesus as the, 137:3.3 (1527.6)Jesus’ acceptance of the apostles’ confession of him as the, 158:4.4 (1756.1)proposed attack on the Jewish concept of the, 153:1.2 (1708.1)questioning the Pharisees concerning the, 174:4.6 (1901.6)study of the Scripture statements concerning the, 126:3.8 (1390.3)warning against coming so-called, 176:1.1 (1912.3)Jesus declared by Simon and Judas to be the, 158:4.6 (1756.3)Jewish concepts of the expected, 121:2.7 (1334.1), 122:3.2 (1346.5), 136:1.0 (1509.3–1510.3), 136:9.2 (1522.1), 152:3.1 (1702.2), 158:2.3 (1754.3), 167:4.2 (1837.1), 190:5.4 (2035.1)of the Jews, result of Mary’s belief in Jesus as the, 127:1.4 (1396.1)Jews’ prayers for a, 122:2.3 (1345.5)John the Baptist’s pronouncement that Jesus was the, 135:8.7 (1504.5), 137:2.2 (1526.2)Josiah’s ignorance of Jesus’ being the so-called, 164:4.2 (1813.5)Martha’s confession of belief in Jesus as the, 168:0.7 (1843.1)Nalda’s reference to the coming of the, 143:5.7 (1614.1)national, all Palestine parties’ and sects’ anticipation of a, 137:7.12 (1535.4)Peter’s declaring Jesus to be the, 157:3.5 (1746.2)Philip’s assurance of having found the, 137:2.5 (1526.5)remaining on earth forever, a concept of some believers, 174:5.13 (1904.4)temporal, Jesus not to function as a, 122:4.2 (1347.4), 176:4.2 (1918.5)of the worlds, a title of Jesus, 128:1.10 (1408.7)Delusiona factor in choosing between good and evil, 16:7.7 (193.6)Demands of earthly existenceJesus’ adjustment to, 127:6.12 (1405.4)Dematerializationof Adams and Eves on system capital, 51:2.2 (582.2)effect of, on midsoniters, 36:4.3 (400.7)headquarters on Jerusem, 74:1.5 (829.1)technique, emergency installation of, 51:2.3 (582.3)Dematerializingsector on Jerusem, activities of the, 46:5.26 (526.1)worlds, ascenders’ enjoyment of progress through the, 47:9.5 (539.2)Demeanorthe Master’s cheerful, at the Last Supper, 179:4.1 (1940.3)Demigod(s)attempted techniques to force action by, 87:6.14 (965.1)of Hinduism, 94:4.7 (1031.8)Machiventa Melchizedek regarded by some as a, 93:8.1 (1022.3)Democracydangers of, 71:2.1 (801.13)of evolution meeting autocracy of perfection, 15:11.1 (179.11)genuine, national groups’ sometime enjoyment of, under global government, 134:6.11 (1491.5)not a substitute for spiritual progress, 195:6.10 (2077.6)prerequisites to survival of, 71:2.19 (802.13)a product of civilization, 71:2.1 (801.13)sometime fetish of, 88:3.4 (970.5)Democratic governmenta blessing of the modern secular revolt, 195:8.8 (2081.8)Demon(s)identity of, 77:7.4 (863.5)Norana’s belief in her child’s possession by a, 156:1.2 (1734.4)people’s belief in Jesus’ having cast out a, 145:2.13 (1631.1)possession of James of Safed’s son, 158:4.2 (1755.8)nonoccurence of, after Pentecost, 77:7.7 (863.8), 145:2.13 (1631.1)weak and dissolute mortals not influenced by, 53:8.9 (610.5)Zoroaster’s belief regarding, 95:6.2 (1049.5)Demoniacal possessiona genuine case of, 153:4.1 (1713.3)impossibility of, since Pentecost, 77:7.8 (864.1)and insanity, Jesus’ differentiation between, 77:7.6 (863.7)reality of, in former ages, 77:7.7 (863.8)DenariusJesus’ query as to the image on the, 174:2.2 (1899.2)the wage in the parable of the householder, 163:3.6 (1804.3)Denial(s)of Jesus by Peter, 139:2.5 (1551.1), 184:2.0 (1980.2–1982.1), 191:1.1 (2039.1)of the Master, Jesus’ prediction of Peter’s, 181:2.29 (1962.3)Denmarkappearance of, from the sea, 80:2.4 (890.8)military headquarters of northern Andites, 80:5.2 (893.4)Densityof dark islands of space, 15:6.11 (173.1)of a neighboring sun, 41:4.5 (460.2)a relationship of space and mass, 41:4.2 (459.6)sun, 41:4.0 (459.5–460.4)DenunciationJesus’ final, Pharisees’ anger at, 175:4.12 (1911.9)negative, avoidance of, by Jesus, 147:6.6 (1655.2)Denunciatorfiery, John the Baptist a, 135:4.5 (1499.5)Departed spiritsabode of, Jewish belief regarding, 168:1.14 (1845.5)Departureafter Melchizedek’s, 93:9.0 (1022.4–1024.2)of a Creator Son for the adventure of space, 17:6.5 (204.1)flares of Adjuster fusion, frequency of, on a large world settled in light and life, 55:1.5 (622.5)for Jerusem from the sea of glass, your, 47:9.4 (539.1)of Joseph and Mary, 125:3.0 (1381.1–2)of Judas from the Last Supper, 179:4.6 (1941.3)of Melchizedek, 93:8.0 (1022.3)of the Melchizedek receivers, early, 75:1.4 (839.5)of a Michael Son, 21:2.3 (236.1)most favorable time for, of transporters from planetary headquarters, 39:5.15 (439.1)Mount Seraph, the point of, for all transport seraphim, 46:2.8 (521.5)from Pella encampment, apostolic, 171:1.0 (1868.3–1869.2)of the Semites from Egypt under Moses, 96:3.1 (1055.4)of seraphic transports, 29:4.19 (326.1)seraphim is made ready for, 39:5.14 (438.7)of Trinity Teacher Sons inaugurating the era of light and life, 52:7.16 (600.5)from Urantia, your, 28:7.2 (317.5)DependabilityJohn Zebedee’s characteristic of, 139:4.5 (1554.3), 139:4.10 (1555.3)of mind-gravity circuit, 9:6.8 (104.6)Dependenceeternal, of Michael on Creative Mother Spirit, 33:3.6 (369.1)upon God the Son, Third Person of Deity’s acknowledgment of, 8:1.2 (90.6)Depleted energieshelpful attitudes in recuperation of, 48:4.9 (548.4)Depositsof Atlantic and Pacific coastal region, during Carboniferous period, 59:5.18 (682.1)of continental land stage, 61:1.1 (693.4)of early reptilian age, thickness of, 60:1.3 (685.5)North American, of Pliocene period, 61:4.2 (698.4)Depravity of mantotal, doctrine of the, influence of the, 99:5.5 (1091.4)Depression(s)of fear, healing the woman with the, 167:3.1 (1835.5)humans’ need to cease being the bond servant of, 130:6.3 (1437.3)of mind, Jesus’ delivery of victims of fear from, 167:3.5 (1836.4)Simon Zelotes’, 172:5.10 (1886.2), 181:2.11 (1957.1)spiritual, of Adam in the second garden, 76:2.3 (848.3)Thomas’s antidote for, 139:8.13 (1563.1)Deprivationa ritual of religious sacrifice, 89:4.1 (977.3)Derangementmental, onetime popular belief as to the possible cause of, 148:2.3 (1658.6)Derelictswandering, pervasion of space by, 41:6.1 (461.5)Derisionand ridicule, of Jesus on the cross, 187:2.6 (2007.5)Derived Deitiesdefinition of, 0:12.3 (15.9)Descendant beingsand the facts of origin, 28:6.3 (314.2)Descenders and ascendersan achievement of mutuality of understanding by, in the evolution of the Supreme, 117:1.2 (1278.6)Descendingorders of dual-origin beings, twelve classes, 30:1.30 (331.19)Paradise personalities, grand universe experiences of, 117:3.4 (1281.6)pilgrims, achievement of, on fourth Havona circuit, 26:8.1 (293.5)ascenders’ relation to, on circuits of Havona, 26:3.1 (288.1)comprehension of the Supreme, by Havona natives, through contact with, 117:6.14 (1289.7)fraternization of, with ascending pilgrims, 26:11.3 (296.6)Sons, mercy and service attributes, 7:6.2 (87.7)planetary Adams as, 37:9.10 (415.2)Sons of God, function of, 20:1.0 (223.6)Life Carriers as, 35:0.7 (384.7)seven orders of, 20:1.0 (223.6–224.5), 30:2.38 (335.29)Sonarington the Paradise headquarters of, 13:1.7 (145.2)Descentancient reckoning of, in the female line, 84:2.1 (932.7)and inheritance, as affected by marital infidelity, 82:4.4 (917.7)marriage as a regulator of, 83:1.3 (922.6)DesertArabian, failure of Melchizedek teachings in, 95:7.1 (1050.6)flight of Bedouin Semites from Egypt to the, under Moses’ leadership, 96:3.1 (1055.4)Hebrews’ plan to leave the Nile valley for the, 96:3.4 (1056.1)areas of Africa, Arabia, and Asia,
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