The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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47:2.7 (532.5)seraphim’s importance to mortal creatures’ survival of, 27:1.3 (299.3)soul survives, 0:5.10 (8.10)survival of, by mortals as morontia creatures, 5:6.5 (70.6)in relation to the indwelling spark of divinity, 132:3.6 (1459.6)-survival concept, 86:4.0 (952.7–953.7)survival of spiritual values of experience of nonsurviving mortal at, 16:9.3 (195.9)termination of probationary children’s careers by, 47:2.7 (532.5)there shall be no more, 27:1.5 (299.5)transcendence of, by the selfhood of survival value, 112:2.20 (1229.7)Deathless stateblessedness of those having insight into the, 131:3.7 (1447.4)Deathwatchsoldiers’ preparation for the, at Golgotha, 187:3.4 (2008.5)Debateof apostles and associates, over interpretation of parable of the sower, 151:2.4 (1690.2)cleverness of Jesus in, 149:4.5 (1674.1)DebaterSimon Zelotes a great, 139:11.6 (1565.3)Debating societyinefficiency of, in peace and war, 70:5.5 (789.3)Deborahand Barak, Jesus’ recall of the defeat of Sisera by, 126:1.2 (1387.2)Joanna’s reference in Sabbath service to, 150:3.1 (1680.3)military cruelty of, 70:1.17 (784.13)Debt(s)collectors, secret clubs as, 70:7.18 (792.3)to God, the Master’s death not to pay mankind’s supposed, 188:4.3 (2016.8)public, in the continental nation, 72:7.7 (815.7)sacrifice, identification of, 89:4.2 (977.4)slavery to, modern man’s, 69:8.10 (780.1)Decadencespiritual, Christianity’s experience with, 195:4.4 (2075.2)Decapoliscities of, Amos’s spread of news of his healing to all the, 151:6.8 (1697.1)as seen by Jesus from the Nazareth hill, 123:5.12 (1363.5)work of Jesus and the twenty-four in, 144:6.13 (1626.1)coming of throngs from, to hear John the Baptist, 135:7.3 (1503.3)Jesus’ and the apostles’ retirement to the, reason, 142:8.5 (1606.2)tour, 159:0.0 (1762.1–1771.6)absence of miracles on, 167:0.2 (1833.2)Decaylife in Havona not subject to, 14:4.9 (157.1)mortal, of Jesus’ body, avoidance of, 189:2.7 (2023.6)Deccanthe Aryan influence on, 79:4.3 (882.3)Dravidian culture centers along the rivers of the, 79:3.6 (881.6)early population pressure into the, 79:2.5 (880.3)inferior religions of the, pagan momentum of, 79:4.7 (882.7)influx of Andites into the, 79:2.5 (880.3)inroads from the, into cult of the Aryans, 94:2.2 (1028.5)modern survival of Dravidian civilization in the, 79:3.8 (881.8)penetration of Salem missionaries into the, 94:2.1 (1028.4)religions of the, penetration of the north by, results, 94:2.5 (1029.3)secondary Sangik substratum present among peoples of the, 80:2.3 (890.7)source of doctrine of reincarnation of souls, 94:2.3 (1029.1)Deceitone of man’s greatest passions, 131:6.2 (1450.6)Deception(s)of evil, vs. the power of truth, 179:4.5 (1941.2)need for avoidance of, with children, 140:5.14 (1574.7)shamans and the practice of, 90:1.3 (987.1)Decimalconstitution of energy, universal manifestation of, 42:9.1 (479.6)construction of local universes, 42:7.4 (477.6)planet(s), Caligastia’s interest in serving on a, 66:1.3 (741.5)every tenth world a, 40:5.18 (447.3), 58:0.1 (664.1)Life Carriers’ experimentation in life designs for, 36:2.15 (398.2)work on, 49:5.11 (565.12)life-experiment planets, 36:2.15 (398.2), 38:9.2 (424.2)midway creatures’ universal appearance on, 38:9.2 (424.2)modification of life designs for, 36:2.15 (398.2)Urantia a, 36:2.15 (398.2), 38:9.2 (424.2), 57:8.8 (661.2)system, in build-up of the Jerusem weight "gradant," 46:1.2 (519.3)inherent in physical universes, 36:2.11 (397.11)relation of, to energy, matter, and the material creation, 42:9.2 (479.7)Decision(s)-actions, mortal, the Supreme Being’s dependence on, 112:5.5 (1233.1)and Adjuster function, 110:6.6 (1210.1)of Andon and Fonta, and their Thought Adjuster indwelling, 65:4.9 (735.8)Andrew’s ability to make prompt, 139:1.5 (1549.3)circle-making influence of, 110:6.6 (1210.1)-conduct, relation of will to, 130:2.7 (1431.2)courageous, man’s lack of, 110:4.5 (1207.5)creature, experiential Deity presence as influenced by, 13:4.4 (150.3)and eternal life, 2:3.4 (37.2)final, limitations in the soul’s ability to make, 111:3.2 (1219.1)reservation of, by Universal Father, 3:6.1 (52.4)First and Third Source personalities’ endowment with power of, 9:8.12 (106.10)God-seeking, humans’ steadfast making of, 112:2.20 (1229.7)human, changing man’s will and, 170:4.7 (1863.5)effect of, on Adjuster function, 110:6.5 (1209.5)survival dependence upon, 110:3.2 (1205.6)idea, vs., 101:7.1 (1113.7)impartial, moral, parables, and the making of, 151:3.8 (1692.7)importance of, to the molding of a spiritual character, 117:5.13 (1287.4)of Jesus, as to use of the celestial hosts, 136:5.0 (1516.1–1517.2)Jesus’ making of, all through his human life, 196:0.14 (2090.1)organization of his intellect by, 127:2.12 (1398.4)six great, during his forty days’ isolation, 136:5.0 (1516.1–1523.6)man’s growth as a result of his, 117:3.6 (1282.1)moral, Adjuster’s inability to invade the mind prior to its making a, 108:2.4 (1187.3)a characteristic power of a being with will, 36:3.8 (400.3)Jesus’ first, 123:2.1 (1357.5)necessity of, for eternal survival, 130:2.9 (1431.4)more decisions, and more decisions, spiritual advancement by, 39:4.14 (435.7)a positive, a validated plan of action, 101:7.1 (1113.7)prompt, and spirit of understanding, 36:5.7 (402.4)and psychic circle attainment, 110:6.6 (1210.1)quick, Peter’s habit of, 139:2.4 (1550.7)the relation between man’s experiences and, 117:5.13 (1287.4)seraphim’s promotion of, in the human mind, 113:4.1 (1245.1)and spirit advancement, 39:4.14 (435.7)stimulus, potential evil as a, 132:2.10 (1458.7)survival, stages of making, by the self, 112:7.6 (1238.1)twenty-four apostles’ united, Jesus’ acceptance of, 144:6.12 (1625.9)of Universal Censors, unpredictability of, 19:4.7 (218.5)vital, of evolutionary moral creatures, factors in, 67:3.7 (756.8)willful, of God’s creatures, 5:1.10 (64.1)Declaration(s)of Liberty, Caligastia’s introduction to Lucifer’s, 67:1.2 (754.3)Lucifer’s infamous, 53:6.5 (606.8)of war, significance of, 70:1.21 (785.4)Decree-disseminating mechanism of all creationabout, 17:3.7 (201.5)Dedicationto doing the will of the Father, and Van’s loyalty, 67:3.6 (756.7)to duty, Jesus’ adjustment of, to family and social obligations, 125:6.12 (1384.8)to the Father’s will, Jesus’ 129:3.5 (1423.7), 138:1.4 (1539.2)as a prerequisite to effective prayer, 91:9.6 (1002.11)feast of, established after Moses’ time, 125:1.5 (1379.1)Jesus’ attendance at the, 164:0.0 (1809.1–1816.3)wholehearted, to a special cause, a qualification for a reservist, 114:7.5 (1257.5)Deedsevil, God’s ability to see, 131:5.2 (1450.1)of the flesh, self-righteous, not a means of salvation, 143:2.6 (1610.1)good, Ganid’s promise regarding his, 131:10.8 (1454.5)man’s judgment of another by his, 140:6.4 (1576.4)Deerfirst appearance of, in North America, 61:3.5 (696.9)Default(s)of Adam and Eve, 75:0.0 (839.1–846.7)not the fall of man, 75:8.1 (845.8)realization of, 75:4.0 (842.3–843.2)repercussions of, 75:5.0 (843.3–844.2)Adamic, increasingly apparent consequences of the, 76:3.1 (849.4)Cain a symbol of the, 76:2.8 (849.2)of divine trust, Father’s action in, 3:5.1 (50.6)of Eve, Adam’s reaction to, 75:5.1 (843.3)intellectual, of Adam and Eve, 75:7.5 (845.5)of Material Sons, results, 31:5.2 (349.2)of Trinity-origin beings, no danger of, 18:0.11 (207.11)Defeatability to withstand, an essential of temporal life, 160:4.7 (1778.10)apparent, enthusiasm over, of ascendant children of time, 26:5.3 (291.3)Jesus’ faith in the face of, 196:0.5 (2087.5)of both victor and vanquished in battle for right, 160:3.4 (1778.2)of his purposes, Jesus’ reaction to, 127:6.12 (1405.4)humans’ need to cease being the bond servant of, 130:6.3 (1437.3)influence of religion in adjusting to, 160:4.15 (1780.1)Jesus’ explanation of the apostles’ healing, 158:6.2 (1758.3)wresting of victory from the jaws of, 127:6.12 (1405.4)Judas’s aversion to, 177:4.3 (1924.7)a mirror in which to view the real self, 156:5.17 (1740.4)painfulness of, when borne alone, 160:2.9 (1776.3)serious, the sole possibility of, 12:9.6 (142.1)Defect-interruptions of perfection-continuityadvantage of, 4:2.7 (57.4)Defective(s)Adam’s problem of eliminating, 75:1.1 (839.2)mental, onetime involuntary labor by, 51:4.7 (585.3)in present-day Urantia races, 52:2.9 (592.2)stocks, dangers of reproduction of, 71:3.8 (803.8)strains, Urantia’s perpetuation of, 52:2.11 (592.4)survival of, cause of, 70:9.14 (794.9)Defender(s)God a blessed, 131:4.3 (1448.2)of individuals and planets, Mighty Messengers as, 22:2.8 (245.8)merciful, God as man’s, 149:6.8 (1676.2)Defenseargumentative, in relation to truth, 48:7.30 (557.14)of children of time and evolutionary planets in Uversa courts, 15:12.1 (180.2)enhanced, against all evil, an essential factor in the art of living, 160:2.9 (1776.3)of Jesus, unnecessary, 178:3.3 (1934.5), 182:2.3 (1966.3)lack of witnesses for the, in Jesus’ trial, 184:5.6 (1985.7)mechanisms, peacetime employment of, by the continental nation, 72:11.5 (819.4)of the Son of Man, Jesus’
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