The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1601.5)from Jerusalem, unplanned for by Jesus, 172:3.11 (1882.4)Jerusalem-bound, enthusiasm of the, 172:3.9 (1882.2)Crownof Egypt, seizure of, by priests, 95:5.10 (1048.4)of eternal life, believer’s confidence in sometime receiving of, 131:10.6 (1454.3)of thorns, placing of, on Jesus’ head, 185:6.2 (1995.1)Crucial yearsthe two, of Jesus, 126:0.0 (1386.1–1394.1)Crucified personburial of a, not permitted in a Jewish cemetery, 188:1.2 (2013.1)Crucifixionabout the, 187:0.0 (2004.1–2011.7)Alexandrian Greeks’ and Jews’ receipt of the news of, 191:6.1 (2044.2)apostles’ eventual realization of Jesus’ plain speaking about his, 171:4.3 (1871.5)demand of the crowd for, 185:5.9 (1994.3)a demoralizing experience for the apostles, 194:4.1 (2066.1)effect of, on Pilate, 185:1.6 (1988.5)father of sin’s turning away from the horror of, 183:1.2 (1972.1)the greatest proof of Jesus’ mortal nature, 182:3.5 (1968.6)individual Jew not guilty of, 175:2.3 (1909.3)Jerusalem attitude toward, 187:2.3 (2007.2)Jesus’ sufferings not confined to the, 188:5.4 (2018.3)John’s close proximity to Jesus until the end of the, 183:4.5 (1976.3)just before the, 186:0.0 (1997.1–2003.3)Lazarus’s sojourn in Bethany until, 168:5.1 (1849.5)number of persons viewing the, 187:3.1 (2008.2)origin of, 187:1.5 (2005.3)of Peter, 139:2.15 (1552.4)placards, carried by the centurion, 187:1.2 (2004.6)preparation for the, 186:4.0 (2001.4–2002.1)reason for the employment of, 187:2.3 (2007.2)Rebecca’s presence at, 127:5.6 (1403.4)reports of impending, brought to Jesus’ family, 186:3.3 (2001.1)vs. resurrection, 194:3.2 (2062.11)ridicule and sympathy in relation to, 187:1.7 (2005.5)Salome’s presence at Jesus’, 171:0.7 (1868.2)site of Jerusalem, Golgotha the, 187:1.4 (2005.2)Thomas’s temporary reaction to Jesus’, 139:8.13 (1563.1)those who saw the, 187:3.0 (2008.2–7)time of starting for the place of, 186:4.2 (2001.5)urging of the crowd by Jewish rulers to demand the, 185:5.8 (1994.2)women bewailed and lamented as Jesus was led forth to, 187:1.6 (2005.4)Crueltyassociated with Jesus’ death, the work of wicked mortals, 183:1.2 (1972.1)Jesus’ denunciation of, 140:8.21 (1582.2)of a perverse fate, may in reality be a tempering fire, 118:10.9 (1305.4)Crusader(s)spirit of the, danger of the, 100:6.5 (1100.7)triumphant, vs. disillusioned preachers, 150:9.5 (1687.2)for Yahweh, the boy king Joash a, 97:9.21 (1074.3)Crustthe earth’s, factors involved in cooling, 57:8.2 (660.4)folding of, during land elevation, 59:6.5 (683.2)temporary stabilization of, in early trilobite age, 59:1.5 (673.5)formation during volcanic age, 57:7.5 (659.4)Crustaceansancestors of first vertebrates, 59:4.10 (679.3)evolution of early, 65:2.5 (732.3)modern, trilobites the predecessors of, 59:2.10 (676.1)modern types of, 60:2.9 (688.1)Crustaladjustment, a factor in land sinking, 59:1.7 (673.7)contraction, and internal-heat pressure, equalization of, 57:8.2 (660.4)deformations, and the continental drift, 60:3.6 (689.5)movements, rhythmical, future continuance of, 60:4.1 (691.4)stabilization, 57:8.0 (660.3–663.4)uneasiness of Carboniferous period, 59:5.14 (681.6)Cry(ies)of the afflicted, God’s hearing of the, 3:3.2 (49.1)battle, of ascendant pilgrims, 26:5.3 (291.3)of citizens of the heavenly kingdom, 140:1.3 (1568.6)of the Lucifer rebellion, 53:4.2 (604.4)of despair by a struggling soul, false vision of destiny but the, 102:0.2 (1118.2)an early stage of the growth of language, 81:6.17 (908.6)of the needy, the Lord’s hearing of, 146:2.9 (1639.4), 190:5.4 (2035.1)of prophets and priests during the captivity of the Jews, 97:8.3 (1071.1)of the righteous to the Lord, his response to, 147:8.4 (1656.5)in prayer, function of, 146:2.8 (1639.3)of triumph uttered by the enlightened sufferer, 148:6.9 (1664.1)Crystal(s)on architectural worlds, 46:5.31 (526.6)field(s), functions of the, 43:1.10 (487.1)seraphic transport landing field, the so-called sea of glass, 46:2.9 (521.6)gems, in construction of courtesy colony buildings, 46:5.31 (526.6)promenade walls of the Sons constructed of, 46:5.11 (524.2)monolithic cast, Galantia headquarters a, 46:5.25 (525.7)morontia and material beings’ appreciation of, 46:5.25 (525.7)Cult(s)about him, Jesus’ admonition against building up a, 138:6.3 (1543.1)ceremonies of primitive man, 90:3.2 (989.4)division of Jesus’ teachings into, 170:5.20 (1866.3)of eternal life, changing of the kingdom concept into the, 170:2.25 (1861.7)ghost, 87:0.0 (958.1–966.6)a meaningless, vs. a genuine, 87:7.5 (965.9)of Mithras, 98:5.0 (1082.2–1082.6)of mutual support, modern man’s need of a, 87:7.3 (965.7)mystery, 98:4.0 (1081.4–1082.1)the new, necessary functions of, 87:7.7 (966.2)relation of a new revelation of truth to, 87:7.6 (966.1)nonfunctioning of an overly complex, 87:7.10 (966.5)organized, advice to Michael as to, 120:3.6 (1330.1)Paul’s Christian, 89:9.3 (984.2)personal, outgrowth of mystery religions, 121:5.7 (1337.3)and personal religious experience, 87:7.10 (966.5)purpose of formation of, 92:3.1 (1005.3)religious, growth necessary to a, 87:7.3 (965.7)resistance of the, to revision, 92:3.4 (1006.1)of the sacrament, vs. cult of the sacrifice, 89:9.4 (984.3)surviving, characteristics necessary to a, 87:7.8 (966.3)and true religion, 87:7.10 (966.5)Cultismnature of, 87:7.0 (965.5–966.5)Culturalachievement(s), early Dravidians’ capacity for, 79:3.1 (881.1)means of preservation of, 68:0.2 (763.2)advancement, means of the acceleration of, 81:6.9 (907.6)bankruptcy of modern war, 70:2.9 (785.14)centers, Gardens of Eden as, 51:6.1 (586.5)civilization, dependence of, on a background of racial progression, 81:5.1 (905.6)and material prosperity, 81:6.6 (907.3)nonnecessity of correlation between biologic evolution and, 81:5.1 (905.6)religionists’ indirect influence on, 99:3.3 (1088.4)the sum of man’s adustment to life demands, 68:5.1 (768.1)disaster, prerequisites to the avoidance of, 99:1.1 (1086.4)ethics, religion’s maintenance of, 92:3.7 (1006.4)expansion, determination of, 66:6.1 (749.3)familiarity with life, vs. livelihood vocation, 149:4.6 (1674.2)immaturity, a peril of industry, 70:2.14 (786.5)progress, contribution of the level of intelligence to, 68:2.2 (764.5)on Urantia, Andites’ influence on, 78:0.1 (868.1)society, 81:5.0 (905.6–906.5)solidarity, necessity of, to a nation, 81:6.35 (910.8)stability, of Jews and Chinese, 79:8.9 (888.2), 84:7.1 (939.4)status, of Andonic clans, retrogression of, 63:6.1 (715.8)of Dalamatia sojourners following rebellion, 67:5.1 (758.6)torch, passing of, from one generation to another, 81:6.23 (909.4)union, of the Yangtze and Yellow River centers, 79:8.5 (887.5)velocity and spiritual momentum, 81:6.26 (909.7)Culture(s)Adamic families’ contribution to racial, 51:6.1 (586.5)Andite, reason for long predominance of, 81:2.12 (902.2)attainment of evolutionary mortals, influence of planetary mission of divine Sons on, 50:6.4 (578.4)child, modern problems of, 84:7.21 (941.2)Chinese, stability of, 79:8.9 (888.2), 84:7.1 (939.4)cross-fertilization of, through commerce, 69:4.8 (775.8), 81:3.6 (904.2)of Dalamatia, influence of, 66:5.30 (749.1)dependence of, on the tools of civilization, 81:2.1 (901.4)early Indian cosmopolitan, 79:3.8 (881.8)Edenic, in second garden, 76:3.6 (850.2)elevation of mind essential to enhancement of, 50:6.4 (578.4)enduring state founded on, 71:7.1 (806.1)an essential of temporal life, 160:4.8 (1778.11)evolution of, 68:6.0 (769.6–770.8)factors in the evolution of, 81:6.3 (906.8)Flavius, and Greek, 142:4.0 (1600.2–5)foundation for the development of, 50:5.7 (577.2)genuine, Jesus’ attitude toward, 140:8.30 (1583.4)human, birthplace of the earliest, 68:5.2 (768.2)constitution of, 160:2.3 (1775.4)improvement of, by experience, and civilization, 50:5.7 (577.2)India’s superior, Sethite priests’ influence on, 79:3.3 (881.3)influence of trade on, 81:3.2 (903.4)intellectual and spiritual, decline of, among American red men, 64:6.6 (723.5)Jewish, source of, 80:8.2 (896.7)John the Baptist’s lack of, 135:4.5 (1499.5)and learning, unity of Greek, 195:3.1 (2073.5)materialistic, danger in unlimited advancement of, 132:1.3 (1457.2)midwayer, an evolutionary attainment, 77:9.7 (866.6)mixing of, influence of, on religion, 99:4.7 (1090.3)no new sources of, 81:6.1 (906.6)and optimum stabilization of population, 81:6.12 (908.1)and the pastoral stage of civilization, 68:5.7 (768.7)present-day, the result of evolution, 81:6.44 (912.1)priesthood’s influence on, 90:5.7 (993.1)relation of religion to, 79:4.9 (883.1), 79:7.4 (886.5)religion not a child of, 102:2.1 (1119.6)social, flowering of successive ages of, in era of light and life, 50:5.10 (577.5)spirit
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