The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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channel from humanity to divinity, 117:3.4 (1281.6)plan of, for man, 4:3.1 (57.6)pledge of, to retrieve his creation, 7:4.5 (85.6), 21:3.14 (238.8)prayers belong to realm of the, 5:3.2 (65.4)promise of, to return to Urantia, 93:10.8 (1025.4)Creator Son(s)-Bestowalsattitude of, toward bestowal, 7:5.10 (87.4)bestowal(s), and appearance on seven creature levels, 21:4.0 (239.7–240.2)relations between man and God not dependent on, 186:5.5 (2002.6)and revelation of will and nature of Deity, 21:4.2 (239.8)seven groups of, 21:4.1 (239.7)bestowal experience value to the, 119:0.6 (1308.6)Son, Jesus of Nazareth the Urantia, 20:6.6 (229.5)Son’s return to the, 52:5.6 (596.4)changes in, effected by bestowal experiences, 21:4.6 (240.2)creature understanding demanded of, 120:0.4 (1324.1)of God, becoming one with man, 40:6.5 (448.4)Michael’s incarnation status as a, 120:2.9 (1329.1)of Nebadon, the morontia experiences of and the termination of his final bestowal, 191:3.4 (2041.3)as a teaching counselor on fourth bestowal, 39:1.15 (429.1)terminal bestowal of, on Urantia, 20:4.4 (227.2)one mortal bestowal of, in each local universe, 20:5.4 (228.1)purpose of bestowal of, on Urantia, 120:0.3 (1323.3)suffering of the, 3:6.6 (53.4)support of Avonals on planetary missions by, 20:2.9 (225.8)unaccompanied, on evolutionary world bestowal, 35:2.6 (386.4)as Urantia’s bestowal Son, 4:5.6 (60.5), 7:4.5 (85.6), 52:5.2 (595.7)Creator Son(s)-Early Creative Activitiesaccompaniment of, on universe adventure, by tertiaphim, 28:1.3 (306.9)activities of, in universe organization, 32:2.0 (358.3–360.2)arrival of, on local universe scene, 29:5.6 (329.6), 32:1.5 (358.2)creation of universe of Nebadon by a Creative Spirit and a, 8:3.4 (93.6)and work of, as related to Creative Spirits, 9:8.4 (106.2), 17:6.1 (203.4), 34:0.2 (374.2)dependence of, in universe making, on Third Source and Center, 21:2.2 (235.5)on power centers and physical controllers, 29:3.0 (322.4–324.2), 116:6.5 (1275.5)energy-matter transformations by, 33:2.2 (367.4)and establishment of gross equilibrium of the local universe, 21:2.9 (236.7), 116:5.13 (1274.3)Havona a pattern for all, 14:6.27 (162.2)local universes created by, 14:2.2 (154.4), 21:2.0 (235.4–237.2)Master Architects’ approval of space-site assignments of, 31:9.14 (352.7)Master Spirits’ assistance to, 16:4.3 (189.4)provision of original life designs by, 36:2.12 (397.12)really transformative creators in the cosmic sense, 118:4.7 (1298.7)relation of, to power charge of a local universe, 31:1.3 (357.7)space limitations of, 34:3.5 (377.1)universes of time and space created by, 1:2.9 (24.7)Creator Son(s)-Future Destinyaccompaniment of, by Divine Ministers on possible outer universe missions, 55:10.11 (635.2)and Creative Spirits, conjectures regarding their future in outer space, 118:9.8 (1304.1)destiny of, the study of the second age of light and life, 55:3.12 (626.1)and Divine Ministers, possible future relations of, 56:7.7 (643.1)of God, aspiration of, as to duplicating the pattern universe, 14:0.2 (152.2)preparation of, and their mortal children, for unknown universe service, 26:11.5 (297.2)of settled universes, activities of, 55:10.8 (634.8)the supreme goal of, the sevenfold bestowal, 20:5.2 (227.5)Creator Son(s)-Local Universe Functionscertain functions of, 0:8.11 (12.2), 21:1.3 (235.2), 56:9.12 (645.7)counseling of college of associate Sons by, 20:5.6 (228.3)evolution of the, in the local universe, 116:4.8 (1272.7)limitations of, 7:6.4 (88.2), 21:3.1 (237.3)of Nebadon, modification of God’s laws by plans of, 4:2.2 (56.6)task of, in winning universe sovereignty, 134:8.9 (1494.2)time not a handicap to, 34:3.5 (377.1)versatility of, 33:1.2 (366.3)Creator Son(s)-Local Universe Governmentabsence of, from his headquarters, direction and guidance during, 18:6.7 (213.2), 21:2.11 (237.1)administrative relation of, to a local universe, 33:0.0 (366.1–373.9)assistance to, by Most High Assistants, 37:4.5 (410.3)basis of local universe authority of a, 21:3.4–11 (237.6–238.5)Bright and Morning Star the chief executive of the, 21:2.11 (237.1), 33:4.4 (370.1), 39:1.2 (427.2)character of rule of the, 2:3.6 (37.4)and correction of Melchizedek errors in judgment, 35:2.8 (386.6)courts of, and decrees of cessation of existence, 2:3.3 (37.1)Divine Minister’s personal co-operation with, 33:3.1 (368.1), 34:2.1 (375.4)function of, as planetary judges, 20:3.4 (226.4)joint local universe administration of Creative Spirit and, 14:6.19 (161.6)limitation of personal administration of Urantia by the, 114:1.1 (1250.12)Melchizedeks’ function in threatened failure of some plan of a, 35:4.3 (389.2)intelligence reports to, 35:2.3 (386.1)rule of a, no direct co-ordination of Thought Adjusters with, 32:4.6 (363.4)selection of Most High rulers by the, 35:6.1 (390.5)supreme advisory cabinet of, 35:6.2 (390.6)tertiaphim liaison ministers between Ancients of Days and, 26:1.13 (286.1), 28:1.3 (306.9)Universe Aids under direction of the, 30:2.148 (338.9)universe organization of, a requisite for, 32:0.1 (357.1)Creator Son(s)-Origin and Naturedifferences in attributes of, 21:1.3 (235.2)divine person of Mother Spirit recognized by the, 34:1.4 (375.3)dual Deity origin of, 21:0.1 (234.1), 21:1.0 (234.6–235.3)the first Paradise order of sonship, 35:0.1 (384.1)Michael the first-born, Havona bestowal of, 7:5.8 (87.2)of Nebadon, as the Father-Son of all native creatures, 37:0.1 (406.1)our Creator Son, revealer of the Father’s traits, 3:6.7 (53.5)the Michaels, 20:1.2 (223.7), 56:7.7 (643.1)nature of, 7:6.3 (88.1), 21:1.0 (234.6–235.3)of Nebadon, origin of, 33:1.1 (366.2)number of, 21:1.4 (235.3)origin of, 7:6.3 (88.1), 20:1.11 (224.1), 21:1.0 (234.6–235.3), 50:1.1 (572.3)of Paradise, Michael of Nebadon a, 57:3.8 (654.1)of the Paradise Father, Jesus an actual, 128:1.10 (1408.7)personalization of, by Universal Father and Eternal Son, 34:0.1 (374.1)spiritual endowment of, 20:1.13 (224.3)training of, 21:2.1 (235.4)uniqueness of each, 21:1.1 (234.6)Creator Son(s)-Personalities Createdchildren of time created by, 2:2.7 (36.5)cocreator of archangels, 37:3.1 (408.4)of Bright and Morning Star, 33:4.1 (369.4)of Brilliant Evening Stars, 37:2.1 (407.1)of Lanonandeks, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:0.2–6 (384.2–384.6), 35:8.1 (392.1), 50:1.1 (572.3)of Life Carriers, 20:1.10 (223.15), 36:1.0 (396.2–5)of Melchizedeks, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:1.1 (384.8)of susatia, 37:9.7 (414.12)of univitatia, 43:7.1 (493.2)of Vorondadeks, 20:1.10 (223.15), 35:0.4 (384.4), 35:5.1 (389.5)coresponsibility of, in creation of living creatures, 33:3.7 (369.2), 34:2.4 (376.1), 38:1.2 (418.5)creation of mortal man by the, 32:2.8 (359.5)and creation of new types of beings, 21:2.5 (236.3)and Divine Ministers, relation of, in creating will creatures, 14:6.35 (162.10)endorsement of new life plans by the, 36:2.12 (397.12)initiation of new creature designs by the, 33:2.2 (367.4)life bestowed through the, 3:0.1 (44.1)life-creation plan of the, 32:2.6 (359.3)local universe activities of Magisterial and Teacher Sons under direction of, 20:1.12 (224.2)Material Sons and Daughters created by, 37:9.9 (415.1), 51:1.1 (580.4)and origin of local universe Sons, 35:0.1 (384.1)Creator Son(s)-Revelation of Deityblending of love of Universal Father and mercy of Eternal Son in, 20:10.3 (232.6)Eternal Son personally represented by the, 7:3.1 (84.1)Father worshiped through the, 5:3.1 (65.3)function of First Source and Center through the, 10:3.10 (111.8)of infinite Son in the, 7:2.4 (83.7)gift of Deities to ascension creatures, 20:10.2 (232.5)of Nebadon, resemblance of, to Eternal Mother Son, 21:1.3 (235.2)personal expression of Universal Father, 3:0.1 (44.1)representation of Universal Father by the, 32:3.5 (360.7)personalization of inseparability of Father and Son in a, 6:8.3 (79.6)portrayal of Universal Father’s character by, 20:10.4 (233.1)relation of Universal Father to the, in local universe administration, 32:4.3 (363.1)resemblance of some, to God the Father, and others to God the Son, 21:1.3 (235.2)revelation of God to men by the, 194:3.1 (2062.10)rule of, in God’s stead, 32:4.10 (363.8)the Son of Man and the Son of God, 4:5.7 (60.6), 7:7.6 (89.5)subordination of, to the will of the Paradise Deities, 120:0.8 (1325.1)Universal Father seen in the, 1:5.5 (28.2), 107:0.4 (1176.4)Universal Father’s rule over local universes through the, 33:0.1 (366.1)the universe Father, 30:4.28 (343.3), 33:5.1 (370.6), 51:6.11 (587.9)universe-Father function of, 20:1.14 (224.4)on Urantia, revelation of Eternal Son by the, 7:7.6 (89.5)Urantia mortal’s comprehension of personality of, vs. that of the Eternal Son, 6:8.6 (80.3)Creator Son(s)-Spirit of Truthbestowal spirit of, the Spirit of Truth, 34:4.2 (377.6)capitals of the, headquarters of Holy Spirit and Spirit of Truth, 56:3.3 (639.3)conjoint Spirit of Truth of Avonal and, 20:6.8 (230.1)mortal mind pervaded by Truth Spirit of the, 2:0.3 (33.3)the Spirit of Truth’s revelation of the, to men, 194:3.1 (2062.10)Truth Spirit of, focalization of, in Divine Minister, 40:10.2 (452.2)see also Spirit(s)—;Spirit of TruthCreator
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