The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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68:5.1 (768.1)true religion’s carrying of, from one generation to another, 99:2.6 (1088.1)wisdom as related to, 81:6.13 (908.2), 160:4.16 (1780.2)a world’s, measurement of, 66:6.1 (749.3)Cup(s)apostles’ willingness to drink the, 139:3.8 (1553.4), 140:6.10 (1577.4), 171:0.5 (1867.5), 171:2.5 (1870.2), 181:2.15 (1958.2)experiential, draining of, by those disappointed in first effort to attain Deity, 26:10.2 (295.4)of human experience, Jesus’ decision to drink the remainder of the, 136:9.4 (1522.3)sorrow, Jesus’ drinking deeply of, 100:7.12 (1102.9)of incarnation, drinking of, by bestowal Sons, 20:6.7 (229.6)Jesus’ willingness to drink the last, 181:2.3 (1955.4), 182:3.2 (1968.3), 182:3.4 (1968.5), 182:3.9 (1969.4), 183:3.7 (1974.5)of mortal experience, the Father’s will for his Son to drink the full, 183:1.1 (1971.6)Pharisees’ cleansing of the outside of the, vs. the inside, 175:1.18 (1908.2)of remembrance, Jesus’ designation of the, 179:5.1 (1941.6)of sacrifice, graces and faith to sustain the apostles when they drink the, 192:2.8 (2048.4)touching of wine, in adoption ceremony, 70:3.8 (787.8)of water, Mary’s bringing of, to Joseph, result, 122:5.8 (1349.4)Cupbearerat the Last Supper, Thaddeus the, 179:2.2 (1938.1)Cuppingpractice of, in primitive medicine, 90:4.5 (991.4)Cure(s)apparently miraculous, of Jesus, an example of, 152:0.3 (1698.3)real nature of many, 148:2.2 (1658.5)for the ills of nations, sometime discovery of better methods than war as, 70:2.10 (786.1)miraculous, cases of mental healing regarded as, by the ignorant, 146:6.1 (1645.2)physical, appeal of, to the common people, 149:2.6 (1671.1)of the plague of evil and sin, full disclosure the quickest technique to achieve the, 54:5.11 (617.11)some ancient beliefs regarding, 70:2.10 (786.1), 88:5.5 (971.7), 90:4.5 (991.4)of some types of ailments by prayer, 91:6.2 (999.5)the touch of kings as a, recent belief in, 70:6.4 (790.1)wrought by the seventy, in cases of nervous disorders, 163:6.2 (1807.1)Curiosityabout people, Jesus’ seeming absence of, 171:7.6 (1875.1)devotees, in the Bethsaida camp, 148:0.1 (1657.1)eventual satisfaction of, 14:5.11 (160.1)exercise of, necessity of the, for religious growth, 100:1.5 (1094.7)of first two humans, 62:5.6 (708.4)man’s far-reaching, the only way of satisfying, 102:1.6 (1119.5)mortals’, reason for, 14:5.10 (159.6)-mother, spirit of knowledge the, 36:5.9 (402.6)Philip’s nickname signifying, 139:5.2 (1556.2)of post-Andite races, danger in, 84:8.4 (942.5)relation of, to attainment of cosmologic levels of thought, 56:10.6 (646.7)scientific, an inalienable of human nature, 16:7.1 (192.8)seekers, gathering of, at Zebedee’s home, 145:5.5 (1635.4)stimulus of, persistence of, through Havona, 14:5.7 (159.3)Curious idlerspresence of, at Golgotha, 187:0.4 (2004.4)Currents of spacemodification of, crystal fields a factor in, 43:1.11 (487.2)Curriculumeducational, apostles not trained in the same rigid, 139:0.4 (1548.4)Curseon the human race, Adam not the cause of a, 75:8.3 (846.2)moral, riches as a sometime, 132:5.18 (1464.2)wealth in itself, not a, 165:4.1 (1821.1)Cursingprimitive, purpose of, 87:6.13 (964.12)and swearing, Peter’s denial of Jesus with, 184:2.6 (1980.7)Custodial dutiesrehabilitated defaulting sons assigned to, 35:9.10 (394.2)Custodian(s)of knowledge, living books of Paradise, 27:5.1 (301.6)of primary supernaphim, 26:3.5 (288.5)functions of, 27:5.1 (301.6)seraphic recorders’ communication with, 39:2.16 (431.5)of law enforcement, System Sovereigns as, 35:9.5 (393.5)of providence, olden shamans as, 90:2.10 (988.6)of Records, function of, 25:5.1 (281.2)on Paradise, an attainment level of the angelic orders, 25:0.5 (273.5)permanence of service of, 25:6.5 (282.3)tertiary supernaphim as, 25:5.1 (281.2)of the system, name and number of, 45:3.5 (512.5)tertiary Lanonandeks as, 35:8.6 (392.6)Trinitized, 22:5.0 (247.7–248.5)Custom(s)ancient man’s slavery to, 68:4.5 (767.5)collector, Matthew a, 139:7.1 (1559.5)danger of revolutionary modification of, 68:4.6 (767.6)and evolution of the mores, 68:4.0 (767.1–7)influence of, in spreading the ideals of Eden, 51:6.3 (587.1)the thread of continuity of civilization, 68:4.6 (767.6)Cuthiteshistoric significance of the descendants of the, 143:4.1 (1612.1)Cutitesonetime occupants of Garden of Eden, 73:7.1 (826.6)Cuttlefishcephalopods the early predecessors of, 59:2.11 (676.2)copper’s function in the, 65:6.4 (737.4)evolution of, in later reptilian age, 60:2.8 (687.9)Cybele and AttisPhrygian cult of, 98:4.3 (1081.6), 98:5.5 (1082.6)Cycle of eternityestablishment of, 8:1.3 (90.7)synchronization of, with cycles of time, 32:5.4 (364.6)Cyclone of spaceAndronover nebula a, 57:1.6 (652.2)Cymboytonconsequences of death of, 134:6.14 (1491.8)identification of, 134:3.2 (1485.4)unchallengeable social authority of, 134:4.10 (1487.7)Cynic(s)belief of, in one God, 131:1.2 (1442.4)friends of Jesus, meetings of, in Rome, after Jesus’ departure, 133:0.1 (1468.1)the golden rule of the, 131:1.7 (1443.3)identity of, 98:0.2 (1077.2)the irate husband’s conclusion that Jesus was a priest of the, 133:2.1 (1470.2)philosophy, doctrines of, 121:4.4 (1336.2)preservation of Melchizedek teachings in the doctrines of the, 131:1.1 (1442.3)Roman leaders of, Jesus’ influence on, 132:0.4 (1455.4)the Romans’ rejection of the, 98:3.9 (1081.3)CynicalJesus’ admonition to avoid being, 159:3.4 (1765.6)Cynicismabout, 131:1.0 (1442.3–1443.5)Cyprusdestruction of civilization of, by northern barbarians, 80:7.10 (896.2)Mesopotamians’ settlement on, 80:7.10 (896.2)purpose of Jesus’ and Ganid’s visit to, 133:7.2 (1479.2)Thomas’s journeys to, 139:8.13 (1563.1)CyreneJesus’ visit to, 130:6.6 (1438.3)Simon of, identity of, 130:6.6 (1438.3), 187:1.9 (2006.2)

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